The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

07/22/2018 10:26 AMPosted by Telsey
Everyone is being held up because of an asinine decision to limit options.

Is this working as intended?

Unfortunately, it does seem so which is why so many of us want it to change back.
07/17/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Loendor
Seriously, what in the unholy hell is that?
Who on Earth thought this was a good idea?

Probably the same mongloid that green lit DX12 on a single thread game without adding fullscreen support.
I'm amazed with how garbage this new interface is. It's astonishing.
07/22/2018 10:36 AMPosted by Cassîdia
In all honesty, I think I would prefer the guild/communities change be reverted until they fix it, even though I do like the Communities feature. Would that be possible?

There likely won't be change happening without an actual patch, which is a much bigger undertaking than saying "let's do it". You have devs involved, technical staff from engineering perspective, timing and deployment logistic, considering what it might break going back etc.

I'm only making an educated guess at this due to how the launch of BFA pre-patch unfolded.

    > Game launches --> first person to log into guild triggered a process that converted the guild to the new community infrastructure. This is why the game was so unstable at the launch of 8.0, as this process had many kinks. Confirmed via the dev Q&A on 7/19.

    > They take a few days to figure this out, then shutdown servers and turn off the new community interface to stabilize things.

    > While the new community UI was turned off, the new (bad) permissions were still present in the old Guild UI. To me this indicates that's a bigger issue than a surface level change, there was some core structure change to the game that will require a patch to revert.

TLDR would not expect this to be a magic fast fix, but I hope I am wrong.
TLDR would not expect this to be a magic fast fix, but I hope I am wrong.

You're very likely correct but dang it, they could come discuss this with us!
Not in agreement with these changes. I specifically set it so that the only person able to kick players from my guild IS ME because I HAVE run across situations where I promoted someone who ended up going rogue and kicking my whole guild while I was offline.
07/22/2018 12:08 PMPosted by Veendell
TLDR would not expect this to be a magic fast fix, but I hope I am wrong.

You're very likely correct but dang it, they could come discuss this with us!

Communication would be a worth it thing to have, at the least, and we haven't even been given that. A lot of us understand that there might be some time to be given to revert the change, if anything.

But the lack of public acknowledgement is what is making most of us frustrated at this point.
Part of me wonders if they are trying to phase out guilds and exclusively use communities. I hope not. I like them, but not THAT much or in that capacity. (Sorry if someone already brought this up. It’s a looong thread)
07/22/2018 02:34 PMPosted by Cassîdia
Part of me wonders if they are trying to phase out guilds and exclusively use communities. I hope not. I like them, but not THAT much or in that capacity. (Sorry if someone already brought this up. It’s a looong thread)

You know, thinking about it, I really don't think so. Communities don't have emblems, armory rosters, banks, tabards or vendors just to name a few things off the top of my head that make guilds work the way they do.
Normally I'm in the "Lol get over it and adapt" camp

But this seems like a pretty dumb change tbh
07/22/2018 08:44 AMPosted by Buliss
The sad reminder is that not even newbies can see guild events. Guild events are locked behind the big super permission.
This is what leads me to believe the current permissions interface is not intentional. No way would a feature like seeing/signing up for Guild Events be deliberately locked behind being an officer. The problem must be an issue with the interaction between the Communities feature and the guild interface. As such, the problem may take a while to fix, but I'm sure it'll be done.

I just wish there would be a little communication on Blizzard's part letting us know they're aware of the problem and are working on a fix.
This may actually be a bug. In my guild, non-officers can see and join guild events, once those events are created by the officers.
07/22/2018 03:57 AMPosted by Newoopee
07/21/2018 06:58 PMPosted by Takoda
But now, to give people the ability to mark their own alts, I have to give them permission to do everything else? That's bonkers.

Insanity. Who thought this was a good idea?

Not a single actual guild leader, that's for sure
Bump to get the old permissions options back ^_^ less is definitely not more.
I have been out of town for a few days. I was hoping when I got back this evening that Blizzard would have reverted their horrible change. It seems this is how it's going to be. These new dev's are something else, I honestly have a hard time believing many of them actually play the game they work on.

07/22/2018 06:03 PMPosted by Brewmistress
less is definitely not more.

Less would be more if we were talking about less of these new dev's.
I appreciate all of the people bumping this thread and keeping it in the developers' minds that there are fixes that need to be done.

Before I make my point, I wanted to address one thing:
07/17/2018 02:38 PMPosted by Cashpocket
Removing stats on the character panel was a massive blow.

There is actually an addon for this. Look up DejaCharacterStats - it actually brings back most (if not all) of the old stats that Blizzard figured we'd be better off not knowing. It's amazingly useful, and I love it.

Anyway, reading through the many pages of this thread reminded me of one thing I haven't posted on many of the other threads I've posted on for this topic thus far: I allow every single guild member (alt, social or raider) to speak in officer chat. None but officers can read officer chat, but the ability to speak in officer chat gives raiders an easy way to bring up a point for officer discussion without subjecting it to every single other raider (thus causing confusion mid-raid about an encounter strategy, or perhaps avoiding drama if it's a touchy subject, etc - there are tons of reasons why this is useful!). To put it very simply and in very blunt words: the consolidation of all privileges into a single "officer" checkbox is either a very stupid or lazy move by Blizzard. Please fix this!
A Discord like role based system where multiple roles could be assigned to one character is the way to go. It would overhaul the rank system to allow the old way for how ranks use to function while upgrading to a newer standard.

Look how Discord role permissions are set up and literally introduce a system that operates the same way. It also allows you to maintain a hierarchy system (rank 1 is higher than rank 2 is higher than rank 3 ect). This would integrate the legacy system into the more modern rule-set communities is trying to convey.
07/22/2018 08:08 PMPosted by Jareff
A Discord like role based system where multiple roles could be assigned to one character is the way to go. It would overhaul the rank system to allow the old way for how ranks use to function while upgrading to a newer standard.

Look how Discord role permissions are set up and literally introduce a system that operates the same way. It also allows you to maintain a hierarchy system (rank 1 is higher than rank 2 is higher than rank 3 ect). This would integrate the legacy system into the more modern rule-set communities is trying to convey.

This would be very good, yes!
I'm torn between saying 1) that Blizzard shouldn't just try to make an in-game carbon copy of discord, and 2) that they need to be more like discord

It's confusing when they're trying to basically copy discord but making a worse version of it. Either add the good features of discord or don't try to be like discord. Do one of the two!
07/21/2018 08:45 AMPosted by Brahmina
With guilds gone, group finder and the Communities feature will be the only way to access grouped content. Very, very bad idea in an MMO, Blizz.

I'm really worried this is their endgame. They've been doing the minimum to support/encourage guilds for years, and meanwhile the Adventure Guide shoves the Group Finder in my face every patch. Then they remove loot options so guild runs will be more pugger-friendly. Now, in the new UI window, a guild looks pretty indistinguishable from just another community in the list. In another expansion or two, I can imagine them just being like "well it's redundant to have both guilds and communities."

Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but idk, it feels like they view guilds as a kind of a relic of the past.