As discussed in my last post, progress is good. The permissions are the real issue.
Right, and this isn't progress. We've stepped way back by removing all these guild features. Now its just become very primitive. If I were still leading a guild, I would be going nuts from this right now, so I can't even imagine how crazy this is driving you and every other guild leader.
Though this change is really only being seen from a guild management level, I feel it impacts the entire player base just as much as the flight fiasco (perhaps more so). This has the potential of completely breaking guilds. With guilds gone, group finder and the Communities feature will be the only way to access grouped content. Very, very bad idea in an MMO, Blizz.
As I mentioned in a previous post, but am putting here because this seems to be the major thread for the issue, the biggest problem with this is that it stripped permissions people already had.
I have zero desire to be our guild leader (ours is awesome) but I do sub for her during summer vacations. Consequently, pre-patch, I had permissions comparable to the gl. Now, I can’t even access officer chat, change the MoD, create guild events, or a host of other things that I did all the time before. And our gl is on vacation and may not be back until launch.
There had to be a better way to implement it so that guilds weren’t SOL during prime vacation time...
Horrible change, needs to be reversed. Blizz is full steam ahead on pruning options, removing choice and "streamlining" the game. Are they trying to get on consoles or something?
This was an absolutely horrendous change that takes away power from guild members, officers, and GM's for no real reason
Why was this done? I don't get the point of this change at all because I don't think anyone was asking for to take away the ability to fine-tune guild permissions in the name of "streamlining."
My daily - still baffled, sad, and confused post. The more I experience these changes as time goes on the more painful it becomes. Please understand this is not just a knee-jerk reaction to change that you typically see on the forums. This is some seriously backwards thinking in terms of Guilds:
My daily - still baffled, sad, and confused post. The more I experience these changes as time goes on the more painful it becomes. Please understand this is not just a knee-jerk reaction to change that you typically see on the forums. This is some seriously backwards thinking in terms of Guilds:
100% Couldn't Agree More, This Has Halted & Prevented Creative Guild Design. As Well As Basic Guild Policing Functions.
One size does not fit all situations. Please Blizzard, make a check box or something to allow guilds to go to advanced ranking if you thought it was too complicated.
I despise the guild changes, the "community" feature ( which I will never, ever use) and the general changes that make us unable to permanently disable Blizz voice ( again, which I will never, ever use) .
We couldn't test it in beta it was so broken and the nasty result of why showed up at pre-patch launch.
There are just so many things that no one ever wanted and were terrible ideas to sink so much effort into development. smh
Everyone remember a couple months ago when master looter was taken away from guilds and everyone responded with 'haha stupid elitists'. Well, now they are coming for your options on how you want your group to function and it is suddenly a big deal around here.
One of the more famous guilds on my server is a Mythic Raiding guild who, surprisingly, hasn't pitched too much a fit over the Master Loot situation, and they have resolved to work around it as best as they can because that is what they do. They adapt.
This, however, has functionally destroyed any socialization inside of the guild itself. You see, this guild is also a social guild, and they have a plethora of non-raiders that are there to chat, pvp, roleplay, and have fun, and the Mythic raiders prefer it this way as it livens up guild chat without stirring up drama from having more than thirty people on their roster.
So, with these changes, you'd be surprised to know that everyone save the Co-creator was demoted immediately, and any sort of interaction between the guild and their guild chat is simply gone.
There is no real customization on how people can do what. They still keep their ranks, which are a lot, believe me, but this change has made every single player cautious as to how guilds will be treated in the future, and because of it they no longer communicate in World of Warcraft period. They use Discord for everything now.
Between the customization of ranks, the superior voice chat, and the fact it is not governed by Blizzard, who has unfortunately had the bad case to screw them over twice in a single week, they can't do it anymore.
I only speak of them because I have been in their guild, and I have raided with them, and I have roleplayed with them, and most of them are amazing people, some of whom I speak to at least once a week.
I believe a role system like Discord should be used with communities. This would give us the old functionality of the old system while maintaining an updated rank and permission system for new permissions. The entire guild system need an overhaul without removing key decision checkboxes. Blizzard dropped the ball on this one.
I figured I would add my post here as a fellow guild master. I wanted to express my disdain for the changes made to guild master controls with patch 8.0. For reference, I've been the GM of our guild since TBC. Two major complaints:
(1) I can't sort the guild roster by when someone was last online. Current sort options in the new "Guild & Communities" tab are: level, class, name, zone, rank, note, and achievement points. Prior to patch 8.0, I could sort the roster by "last online," and it was incredibly useful when doing various administrative tasks, such as pruning the roster. Please add this back in.
(2) Under "Guild Settings" and then "Rank Permissions" I can no longer individually check eight different permissions. Rather, all eight of them have been clumped together into one checkbox called "Is Officer." This is problematic as there are some permissions I want to assign and others I don't, such as editing guild info, editing the guild message, removing people from voice chat, deleting other people's chat messages, and deleting other people's guild events. Right now nobody in my guild can use certain permissions they used to be able to prior to patch 8.0 because in order for me to grant them those permissions, I have to grant them additional ones that I don't want them to have because of this "all-in-one" checkbox. I as the guild master will determine what it means to be an "officer" in our guild, not Blizzard. That's the key point here. Please change this administrative interface back to the way it was prior to patch 8.0 so that we can manage our guilds more effectively.
I've said for many years that guild master controls in WoW were bad since they didn't give us many tools. I didn't think Blizzard could actually make it worse, but I was proven wrong with patch 8.0.
Here are some things that would actually be really helpful for guild masters relating to the guild bank. All three relate to records/logs, specifically how they should go back further in time, allow for sorting features, etc.
(1) The ability to view a complete record/log of all guild bank gold donations by character - the the total amount of gold each person has contributed. (2) The ability to view a complete record/log of all guild bank gold repairs by character - the total amount of gold each person has used in repairs (assuming you have repairs turned on). (3) The ability to view a complete record/log of all guild bank gold withdrawn by character (I'm the only person in our guild who can do this, but I would still like to see this data). (4) The ability to view a complete record/log of all items both donated to the guild bank and taken from the guild bank, as sorted by character.
An additional sorting feature for the guild roster that would be nice would be to see the total length of time a character has been in the guild.
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, or if anyone else is having this issue... So the way I have it set up in our guild is everyone is able to invite to guild. Whether it's their friends, cool people they meet along their adventures, whatever. Also it helps when people need to bring in alts to guild, if I am offline and someone else is on they can get them in asap. But currently the invite to guild seems to be bugged for some. I have guildies sending me screenshots and their invite member button is grayed out, even though I have it checked off in the guild control window for all ranks to be able to invite. So is there a fix to this or is it bugged?