The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

ugh :roll_eyes:


Whenever the devs are presented with our questions/concerns:


@Venjin I am still an MVP, just not on this forum anymore. I am technically an MVP for the “MVP - BattleNet APIs”.

The old forum system had a design limitation where if you were flagged as an MVP for one game/service you got flagged on all of them as MVP.

When the forum was migrated a lot of my fellow MVPs participating on other platforms were not migrated when we moved to this new forum system. I challenged it as I thought it would make sense from an analytical point of view that if I could provide insight, support, and knowledge in one area I could adapt that skill-set elsewhere. I guess Blizzard did not agree, so I never got my “Green” text back.


Wow, did they seriously not touch on it at all?

That just makes it look like “we aren’t changing it but don’t want to say that because we’re afraid people will leave”…


“The cruelest lies are often told in silence.” - Robert Louis Stevenson

I used to have a lot of fan-style loyalty to Blizzard as a game developer. This whole debacle has really killed that.


I feel like the spouse who’s trying to save the marriage for the sake of the kids but the other party has just chosen to stonewall me out of spite.

I really don’t want a messy divorce, but this is getting ridiculous.







All the promises of better communication were also lies. See how engaged they’ve been with the guild community in this thread? Yeah me either.

It’s pretty clear they don’t care about guilds, players, or customers. They’ll just throw something shiny in the store and hope enough suckers buy it to keep the game afloat.


Well folks, we have our answers. This bunch of incompetents has wrecked the game and haven’t a clue how to fix it.

I wouldn’t want to be responsible for pumping pre-sales on 9.0.



I’ve already posted how my particular guild’s plan is to (basically) move ourselves to a Classic server once it goes live.

We planned for it in case Blizzard really dropped the ball on this.

I think maybe it’s been officially dropped.

I just wasn’t honestly expecting to actually have to go through with said plan.

Note to Blizzard: (Acti-Blizzard)

I stated at length in previous posts what I have briefly restated above.

Basic plan for me an my guild:

1} Shut down most if not all of my active accounts. I have 4 active ones as of this writing, and until this month I have always paid cash as I am a horribly lazy farmer / gold maker-of-er. However, I refuse to pay real money for Wow any longer and have delved into my meager gold resources, and I have taken up farming mats and mogs for the AH despite my lazy nature. (Fortunately, I’m a bit of an in-game hoarder. With all those accounts, having played for so many years, and having a load of storage guilds, I wont have to farm much really for quite a while)

My point oh cruel and silent corporate entity is this:

Until this game is fixed, or until WE get an answer one way or the other, no more monies for you!

Sooner or later I’ll run out of pixels to sell, and my relatively small gold reserve will dry up and I’ll be forced to shut down my accounts.

2} As stated, accounts shut down, (excepting for one perhaps) and a new guild created on a Classic server.

At this point I am almost the only regular playing in my guild. Almost all of my regulars have un-subbed. That have never happened.


Despite this, we have managed (somehow) to get some new folks in. Most are (seemingly) not actually interested in what guilds are all about. If I had to guess, I’d say they are new to Wow and perhaps Mmo’s in general, and have zero idea of what a guild is actually supposed to be like.

3} If our whole plan with Classic fails, (or of Classic itself is a failure) I’ll (very sadly) be leaving Wow for good.

I’ll be honest Blizz. You were great once. Warcraft was an amazing game, and an amazing decade and half long experience. In that time I went from divorced single parent, to married with grandchildren. (I’m really not that old, I just stared my family really really early lol)

You were great, however I now feel like I am watching an old and dear friend do something incredibly stupid and dangerous thinking they’re being smart and incredibly clever. (Like go skydiving with no parachute while intoxicated, and you’ve just said "Druu, hold my beer and leaped for the open door)

Once upon a time, customer service was important to Blizzard.

Open a ticket and you always got a response. Usually a live one. I have spoken to several game masters over the years, and only have one really “bad” experience.

I say “bad” because things did not go my way, not because customer service was lacking. Never mix frustration and Brewfest is all I can say…

I may not have always agreed with Blizzard. I wasn’t a huge fan of several xpacs. In fact excepting for Legion, I have not loved an xpac since Wrath.

I dealt with them though.

We survived Cataclysm, grinned and “bear-ed” it through Panda-land, made our peace with Warlords and loved the Legion.


An incredibly “broken” game (at least for me)

No communication with Blizzard (That also constitutes lying in my book since you’ve promised us better communication)

My guild (community) was tampered with and wrecked without my consent, and with no warning.

Total lack of regard for customer service (ie, that total lack of communication thing I mentioned)

Everything said and done, it’s my personal opinion that Blizzard used to care about it’s customers and it’s products.

No longer.

Whatever the reason(s) may be, Activision takeovers. the times they are a changing, murloc attack, mad programmer leper gnomes, etc…that has now changed and Blizz just doesn’t seem to give a da*n anymore.

What more can I say?

I’m deeply saddened, frustrated, angered and hurt by all this.


As long as you keep posting here; I don’t believe a word.

And, damn bro…how did you lose all your guildies? Sheesh…I feels bad for ya for sure but maybe less time on the thread, more time recruiting, and more attention to details like, people actually enjoy playing this game.

I mean so many things going so wrong for ya…well sorry if I have caused any additional stress here.

Who said anything about having “lost” guildies?

The only thing you cause here my friend is utter hysterical amusement at your behavior.


Those are some of your “better” jokes going all the way back to Nov 18th.

You never quit, I’ll give you that.

You of course never actually give any real answers either.

You rant, you rave, you make foolish statements like “The majority of guilds don’t care” etc…

With no more than your word as proof.

Indeed. You provide zero proof, and when asked many multiple times over and over and over again how you made your guild work since you keep saying you have no issues with guild permissions.

Total silence from the land of Che.

That very silence alone when asked a direct question tells me you may be what some here suspect.

A Blizzard plant. (Silence when asked direct questions is definitely their thing these days)

Or are you merely a simple forum troll.

That’s my vote


Really? How long does it take you to type? I mean seriously, Druunah’s posts probably don’t take more than 15 minutes, max (and I’m talking about the longer ones). Do you honestly think the problems people have with their guilds are because they’re taking time to voice their complaints here?

I mean, it’s nice of you to bump the thread and all, but you really don’t have to sound like you’re suffering a head injury when you do so. 'K?


Totally ignored in the Q&A, unsurprisingly… still no response in this thread… unsurprisingly… boy… Blizzard is really knocking it out of the park with all this ‘improved communication’ they keep talking about…


they love taking options away in the name of simplification and balancing… just look at all of our classes/specs…
there was no need to get rid of first aid, but they did it anyways
there was no reason to gut the classes as far as they did, but they did it anyways
I could go on… but the point is, blizzard is trying to fashion the game to be accessible to the lowest common denominator, or in this case… IQ


At this point, Blizzard’s lack of response is beyond frustrating and slipping into infuriating (for me anyway). I know there are a lot of things going on at HQ right now (such as a class action lawsuit on behalf of shareholders who feel defrauded because of the split from Bungie) but that doesn’t excuse the brushoff we’re getting.

I still believe the lack of communication is coming from someone at the top, and the Blues would be telling us everything they could IF they could. That still doesn’t explain or excuse having our questions repeatedly ignored in the Q&A’s.

If I could think of some other way to get a response, I’d try it. If they aren’t going to change the permissions, they should at least have the spine to tell us.


I could not agree more.

If Blizzard has no intention of changing the useless “is officer” checkbox, why not just say: “Sorry folks, that’s just the way it is now.” and get it over with?


Someone there must be just covered in old bandaids….

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Wait. So I like the game, you lost your guild, hopefully you’re unsubbed, and I’m the troll…nah


Blanket ignore, Do Not Feed, imo.