hey guys ive made a post about this very issue and provided a link to this discussion demanding we get a blue post on the matter. So if you wanna grab their attention head over and drop a like on it and keep this thing rolling until its reverted. I for one will not be letting blizzard rest until it is fixed
We need as many voices on this issue as we can get if we want to be heard, alone we are weak but together we are strong!
Link for post: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20766176582#1
07/20/2018 09:59 AMPosted by Silme07/20/2018 07:37 AMPosted by EnaraI was just reading that you can bring back the old guild UI with a simple /guildroster command.
Unfortunately, your source is incorrect. You can bring back the parts that display and can sort members by, say, time since online, but the guild control interface has been changed to eliminate control over specific permissions, just like in the new interface.
Edit: This is the longest thread I've ever seen without a single post defending what Blizzard did.
I suspect what happened was that they decided to reuse the guild code infrastructure for communities. Since communities could be simpler, they probably tore out a lot of code - and database tables, and the data in the database tables - that supported guilds. That was a stupid decision, but it's probably quite difficult to undo, so they're stuck.
Most guildmasters would be happy to get the detailed features back, even if they have to manually reset all the data, though, which would simplify the fix.
The transmog 7.3.5 PL change thread was longer and lasted longer without a response. This one is getting close. But not there yet.
The good thing about that example though is they did quite the good job of fixing legacy loot. It took a long time for a response very likely because they wanted to only respond when they had an answer. Same thing here probably. They donât want to speculate until they know the solution they want to go with.
I wouldnt be surprised if thats the case but i hope they realise this isnt an issue they will be able to hide from. I personally plan to bump this thread every single day until it does lol. I'll also be doing ingame ones every single day. So they wont be able to say it wasnt something they were aware of haha
I wouldnt be surprised if thats the case but i hope they realise this isnt an issue they will be able to hide from. I personally plan to bump this thread every single day until it does lol. I'll also be doing ingame ones every single day. So they wont be able to say it wasnt something they were aware of haha
If everyone makes seperate posts about this make sure to leave a link in yours leading back here. Need as many people in the one place as possible before blizz will even notice us lol
13 Pages Later & We Get Nothing.....
gotta keep trying fam! i know it sucks but like i said above if we all make topics that link back to this one or just keep bumpin and making noise we will force their hand eventually :)
07/20/2018 05:53 PMPosted by Mcgrammargotta keep trying fam! i know it sucks but like i said above if we all make topics that link back to this one or just keep bumpin and making noise we will force their hand eventually :)
Like you, I'm going to keep at this.
ive already sent in a bug and suggestion report on every toon i have and will continue to do so atleast once a day untill its changed, also bumping the !@#$ out of this thread aswell haha
The only way to get blizz to notice is if we annoy them enough to care lol
The only way to get blizz to notice is if we annoy them enough to care lol
Not sure if this is a glitch, but on the chat page of the new guild UI, it now shows how many guildies are online/how many members you have. On the guild roster tab, the column marked "zone" now shows when they were last online.
it make me legit angry that a discussion post about a race that we cant even play (vulpera) thread has more press then this :(
Still waiting for that blue post blizzard. Would be lovely to see one *hint* *hint*
07/20/2018 07:06 PMPosted by ElypsisNot sure if this is a glitch, but on the chat page of the new guild UI, it now shows how many guildies are online/how many members you have. On the guild roster tab, the column marked "zone" now shows when they were last online.
Its doing that for me too, although not for all characters and not all the time. Also, at one point there were like 12 people on and it was only showing 5.
I've ben guild leader and officer for a number of guilds during my years in WoW, and I can also attest to the importance of letting a guild manage itself.
I used different tiers of officers, I've seen RP guilds who use their O chat for purposes other than officer. I've seen officer tiers and even some member tiers that can view but not speak in O chat.
There is no reason to simplify what doesn't need simplifying. Let guild masters manage their own guild themselves.
Make a toggle for the simplified guild management or Advanced guild management, that way those who don't care can have their all or nothing toggle and those that like to micromanage can do so.
More options never hurt anyone.
I used different tiers of officers, I've seen RP guilds who use their O chat for purposes other than officer. I've seen officer tiers and even some member tiers that can view but not speak in O chat.
There is no reason to simplify what doesn't need simplifying. Let guild masters manage their own guild themselves.
Make a toggle for the simplified guild management or Advanced guild management, that way those who don't care can have their all or nothing toggle and those that like to micromanage can do so.
More options never hurt anyone.
I am not a fan of these new social changes.... To make the communities feature and not lift restrictions on guilds to be competitive is a slap in the face to those of us who have spent years running our guilds. Some servers it is easy to run guilds on and other servers its hard to find a good player base. Why are guilds even server exclusive anymore.
I can understand communities for focused interest to a degree but with all of the features that have been introduced to basically circumvent guilds it's getting a bit old. You deleted like 90% of our perks, made lockout shopping a thing with group finder, haven't revamped recruitment functions in ages, and now we have even less control of the functions of our ranks.
I'm tired of changes being made under the false guise of "This is what people want", Or "For the better" as you strip away the core of WoW piece by piece. I can understand needing to evolve from guild being "the only option" but making them less and less competitive is just garbage.
I am also tired of major game design decisions being based around balancing the ah market. Just make them game wide yes it will make items more commonly available but it will also make more of a customer base available. For item x to be worth 10k on one server and 50K or 100k on another server is unstable.
I can understand communities for focused interest to a degree but with all of the features that have been introduced to basically circumvent guilds it's getting a bit old. You deleted like 90% of our perks, made lockout shopping a thing with group finder, haven't revamped recruitment functions in ages, and now we have even less control of the functions of our ranks.
I'm tired of changes being made under the false guise of "This is what people want", Or "For the better" as you strip away the core of WoW piece by piece. I can understand needing to evolve from guild being "the only option" but making them less and less competitive is just garbage.
I am also tired of major game design decisions being based around balancing the ah market. Just make them game wide yes it will make items more commonly available but it will also make more of a customer base available. For item x to be worth 10k on one server and 50K or 100k on another server is unstable.
07/17/2018 12:08 PMPosted by RaicoletteI extremely hate this change. Man, I tell y'all what though, from 7.3.5, broken transmog farming, guild permissions, class pruning, and the theme of BfA is making this difficult to consider staying subbed.
Sadly this ^ because of the theme Blizzard is taking on with BFA.
This! This is the most important thing being said right now imo.07/18/2018 08:07 AMPosted by MezilrinThey can't have asked any of us about this. I don't know a single guild leader that wished for LESS options for their guild management.
in case no one here has posted it yet:
The new Community UI release, so far, has divided people on whether they like it or not. Although the Community part of the UI has received overall praise among the community, people are noticing that, for the Guild UI, several features are either really buggy or just flat out missing from the UI.
Luckily, you can still see the old Guild! The command /guildroster can be used to bring up the old Guild interface.
07/20/2018 08:47 PMPosted by Moghroithin case no one here has posted it yet:
[quote]The new Community UI release, so far, has divided people on whether they like it or not. Although the Community part of the UI has received overall praise among the community, people are noticing that, for the Guild UI, several features are either really buggy or just flat out missing from the UI.
Luckily, you can still see the old Guild! The command /guildroster can be used to bring up the old Guild interface.
It's true that we can bring up the old UI, but adjusting rank permissions is still really messed up and consolidated under a single checkbox rather than singular adjustable permissions we've always had prior to 8.0.
Personally, I want to see some improvements that I've listed in another thread:
Hey Blizzard, what's happening?
So, ah, did you get the memo about the new rank permissions? Ah, yeah, I am going to have to ask you to revert the changes back to the old system.
The team over here at Initech isn't happy about it.
So, if you could do that, that would be great. M'kay?
Oh and don't forget to put a cover sheet on your TPS reports.
So, ah, did you get the memo about the new rank permissions? Ah, yeah, I am going to have to ask you to revert the changes back to the old system.
The team over here at Initech isn't happy about it.
So, if you could do that, that would be great. M'kay?
Oh and don't forget to put a cover sheet on your TPS reports.