The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Well, they DO appear to have broken something in social again - I can’t see half the people online in my guild now! Happy patch?


I’ve in the same boat. I was wondering if it was due to most of my guild being alliance. I know another guildie can see everyone online. :melting_face:

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Oh, dear. With luck they’ll fix it quickly. Since my guild is dead, no one is ever online for me to see, so I wouldn’t have noticed this.


Yeah, we were trying to make some sort of sense of it, but it didn’t appear to track with faction or with connected realm, nor did it seem to have any correlation to guild rank or longevity. Some folks can see everyone, some folks can see some others, but the ones people can see aren’t consistent among the afflicted either.

My rogue friend who’s toon is named invisib*** is much more accurate than usual, I must say.


I didn’t think it was possible for Blizz to screw up guilds more than they already had when they broke permissions years ago…and yet…here we are, only able to see people who log on after you…


If there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that screwing up further is ALWAYS on the table.


Still wondering if they’ll ever fix this.


Someone has looked at this thread 220k times, but it’s only been posted on 5.5k. I’m betting all those lurkers weren’t on the payroll.

Wait, there’s a payroll? How do I get on it?

I mean, if anyone was getting paid for this, it dang sure ought to be me or Fumel. Now I feel cheated. :angry:


Look at the “for hire” stuff for Blizz. 16/hr answers a lot of questions we all have.

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I bet I can not answer questions just as well as they don’t answer them. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’ll take $16 an hour to ignore this thready… is that retroactive for the 5 years Blizz has been ignoring it? or just if I ignore it going forward?


Indeed. Roster broken since reset and almost next reset. Between the permissions, the bank log issues, and now this… starting to think Blizz doesn’t really care about guild issues…

Edit: Roster was still broken after the reset. Sadly not shocked.


It’s getting harder and harder to believe the scheduled “guild updates” aren’t going to break things even more.


I’ve been assuming the guild updates are nothing more than the cross server guilds thing? I’ll believe good changes when I see them :). That said, yes, I’m sure it will either break things terribly no matter what these changes are or be a convoluted mess like inviting cross faction people to your guild.

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I sure hope they have more planned than that. I feel like if cross server guilds was all they were doing, they’d promote it as that instead of “updates.” But I fear you’re not wrong to say it will probably be a mess.

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Since guild things have gotten only worse since this thread started, and we now have other bugs at about 2 years now as well, it’s safe to assume they refuse to fix these. Infact I had a thread in the bug reports forum removed pointing to these long standing bugs. Wasn’t flagged by anyone or given a punishment because a site admin took it upon themselves to remove it instead. Which almost tells me that they know about it and are trying to sweep it all under the rug.


This is disturbing. I mean, I assume the thread was on topic as a bug report, and wasn’t just a rant (like this thread often is). Seems weird that they would remove that and leave this thread alone. Of course, I subscribe to the theory that they don’t even look at this thread anymore, so as far as they’re concerned, it IS deleted.

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I’m going to try to stay optimistic. I’m happier if I’m looking forward to something rather than dreading it. Until we see whatever they have planned for “guild updates,” we don’t know if they’ll be good, bad, or pretty much nothing at all. So, I’m hoping for the best until I know otherwise.


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