The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

08/30/2018 02:19 PMPosted by Snórri
07/24/2018 05:18 PMPosted by Ythisens

This isn't needed as I've extended the thread cap on this one. Thanks guys!

ya thanks for nothing.

This is unhelpful, at best. Be productive and list out what and why you want changed.
08/30/2018 02:29 PMPosted by Hathlo
08/30/2018 02:19 PMPosted by Snórri

ya thanks for nothing.

This is unhelpful, at best. Be productive and list out what and why you want changed.
We're up to 70 pages on this thread. There's nothing more to list. How about they come talk to us instead and exchange ideas presented in this thread?
Feature: Edit Guild Info.

How my wife uses it: It's a summary of when we were founded, our Discord info, our Facebook address, and explanation of ranks (which is now inaccurate due to new changes). Due to abuse by former officers in 2007, this has been exclusively GM controlled since 2008.

Workaround: Nobody else is an officer at the moment. This power is under tight watch until we can get things fixed. A daily conversation, typically 10-15 min. in length, regarding the "complete and total breaking of how I can't control things the way I want" is levied upon me in which I am required to agree with any salient points.

Even when I'm in the middle of building a new Magic: The Gathering EDH deck, which causes an occasional lapse in agreement that extends the lecture by 5-7 minutes and causes "wife aggro".

I'm lookin' at you here.
Feature: Edit Guild Info.

How my wife uses it: It's a summary of when we were founded, our Discord info, our Facebook address, and explanation of ranks (which is now inaccurate due to new changes). Due to abuse by former officers in 2007, this has been exclusively GM controlled since 2008.

Workaround: Nobody else is an officer at the moment. This power is under tight watch until we can get things fixed. A daily conversation, typically 10-15 min. in length, regarding the "complete and total breaking of how I can't control things the way I want" is levied upon me in which I am required to agree with any salient points.

Even when I'm in the middle of building a new Magic: The Gathering EDH deck, which causes an occasional lapse in agreement that extends the lecture by 5-7 minutes and causes "wife aggro".

I'm lookin' at you here.
08/29/2018 01:51 PMPosted by Mathrenas
There is no amount of feedback that I can give that hasn't been stated twelve times over in this thread, and at this point it's looking like an echo chamber of lost hope. Please revert the changes, then look into improving. Improving means giving more options without lumping them all under one category, allowing more player control of what they've created.
This is exactly what I was looking to say.

I don't want Blizz to think I've given up and am okay with these changes, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to keep coming here and posting the same thing over and over.

People have been posting so many amazing ideas for improving guild management that I truly hope someone at Blizz is paying attention. Right now I'd be happy just to have the permissions unbundled, but a lot of these ideas have been making me want more. They make me feel like, if we had those abilities and functions, I could turn my guild into something more than a tiny friends and family outfit. Maybe we could even actually do content together.

But the way things stand now? Nah. I don't need that kind of headache.
The changes to guild management were rebuilt with the new community features and that is the reason why the current guild permissions are not as flexible as they once were.

Here is a comparison of what we have now and what we had before communities were introduced.

For me the changes have clumped together in such a way that ranks are either an "officer" or "not an officer".
In the past I was able to finely tweak each of the ranks based on what sort of guildy they were.
  • Assistant Guild Master - full control of everything as I trusted them totally
  • Guild Officer - could not modifyg guild info and chnange bank permissions
  • Guild Seargent - could not see officer chat, see officer notes, demote and remove guild members
  • Guild Corporal - could not promote guild members and reduced access to remove items on certain bank tabs
  • Guild Private - could not create/edit guild events and edit public notes
  • New Recruit - could not invite members, deposit only access to the guild bank no guild repairs
  • Guild Stockade - (sin bin) could not speak in chat and no bank access

  • Also I note that in communities we have the ability to not only ban players it is an account wide ban, something that has long been desired by guilds and players.

    If this functionality is now possible can we please have the ability to not only ignore a character but also the option to ignore the whole account.
    08/31/2018 05:36 AMPosted by Walkerbo
    Also I note that in communities we have the ability to not only ban players it is an account wide ban, something that has long been desired by guilds and players.

    If this functionality is now possible can we please have the ability to not only ignore a character but also the option to ignore the whole account.
    This would be very useful both for guilds and for teaching players to modify their behavior. If you can just make another character and continue as before, there's little incentive to change. Knowing that your entire account can be flagged by a guild as belonging to someone who didn't fit in would go much further to improve player behavior.

    I feel like most GM's have given up on Blizzard making any substantial changes or improvements and are just using outside sources for their work-arounds. It's a shame, really. There's so much more guilds could do for the game if Blizzard would take heed to some of the many great suggestions in this thread.
    I wonder how many people even use the community thing. We set it up but it ended there. We all use discord, and people seem to like that better.
    Beyond the permissions issue, the other issue is you can't quickly sort to see how long it has been since people have been online, and I've yet to figure out how to view professions. I've had to use the /guildroster to bring up the old roster just so I can get the information I need.

    Not sure why after 70 pages blizzard hasn't responded with what their plan is to fix the issues, but my guess is they are just waiting for people to adapt and move on.
    Ugh, sorry for the double post, Bliz. The 500 error really messed things up for me and now I can't even delete the duplicate.

    Just hoping for some clue or tidbit on if this is on Blizz's radar and if so, where are they on it?
    It'd be nice to have an update. A lot of feedback has been given.

    Basically: Unbundle the "is officer" permissions, and give us optional persistent chat.
    I see we are now on page 70 at this rate it's going to need to be extended a third time.... I wonder if we'll get a response that consists of substance instead of just a thank you we are extending.....
    Bump... Zzzzz....
    I was just thinking about how nice it would be to have granular officer controls again, figured I'd let you guys know.
    70 pages and they still want discussion? lol
    09/02/2018 09:47 AMPosted by Talaen
    70 pages and they still want discussion? lol
    I'm thinking of going through the thread and quoting the ideas I've seen that I really like--bringing them forward, so to speak. I mean, I'd rather repeat other people's great ideas than my own boring "please make the permissions separate again."
    09/02/2018 01:36 PMPosted by Fumel
    09/02/2018 09:47 AMPosted by Talaen
    70 pages and they still want discussion? lol
    I'm thinking of going through the thread and quoting the ideas I've seen that I really like--bringing them forward, so to speak. I mean, I'd rather repeat other people's great ideas than my own boring "please make the permissions separate again."

    I've thought about doing the same honestly, I just really don't have time right now. Between getting two raid teams set and ready to go and doing boss reviews... not to mention normal guild workings my plate has been a little full. But, I'm still checking in.
    09/02/2018 09:47 AMPosted by Talaen
    70 pages and they still want discussion? lol
    Discussion suggests communication rather than devs standing in a circle chanting "we are the best, we are the best, we are the best..."
    Still crap,needs to be fixed or put back. Dont let this die.
    1 Like
    New guild UI is trash, and is a complete turn off.

    Don't even bother with the guild info/roster anymore.

    Why does Bliz keep hiring sub par out of touch designers to screw with WoW????


    Hire some competent staff that actually play the game instead of uppity liberals that have no clue what is going on!
    1 Like