Guilds and Communities need a Member Limit Increase + Other Fixes

So, I asked the people in that thread to summarize the thoughts, and I’d post them here, as even though Guild/Community control is important for me, I don’t know much about it, as I try my best to stay out of leadership roles. If you check the later replies in that thread, they have a more robust explanation than I’m going to post. I’m hoping to consolidate so as to not overwhelm the devs who read this with feedback. I will be quoting parts of it so I don’t feel like I’m stealing their feedback.

When the Guild UI was updated, it essentially turned permissions into one of two things: Guild Officer and Not Guild Officer. There is no longer a way to fine tune permissions to create unique roles in the guild. Pictures were provided in the thread to give you an idea of exactly how much was consolidated and agency taken away:

As you can see, if you want to let people edit public notes, you must also give them every other officer permission. If you want to retain officer chat to only the main officers? You can’t. Etc.

Walkerbo detailed how he was able to fine tune the guild roles to how he needed them to be before the update:

I highly recommend the devs take a look through the thread if they have time, but if you don’t have the spare time, these seem to be the main take-aways. If there’s more the people in that thread wish for you to know, I’ll gladly post it here. I think a big part of the Community Council is making sure the community is also heard, as a lot of the time, I can’t put into words the things that I want to say, but other people can.