The new Delve Difficulty Is AWESOME!

Blizzard has proven historically that they cannot tune around solo content without turning it into a strict ilvl check and nothing more.

I suppose everyone should have seen it coming.

Are you really surprised brand new content needs adjustments?

Give them time to cook you don’t want to just make a ton of knee jerk reactions.

I’m sure it’ll be fine in a few months.

After it is extremely overgeared I’m sure it will be just fine. Most things are.

That last bit makes this feel like sarcasm but in case it’s not… Have you considered doing higher tier delves?

The ironic thing is that some of these hotfixes feel exactly like kneejerk reactions. Why was a second boss added to T8+ with no explanation? What’s going on with tanks being the least tanky role in delves? How much more can they nerf Brann before all he does is block your cursor when you’re trying to click on something (the latest Brann nerf and his level being capped below 60 have also gone undocumented)? A lot of these changes don’t seem very thoughtful.


Pray tell which MMOs do you think do.

Sure the largest are probably guild wars 2 and ESO.

There is no traditional ilvl system in GW2, which can be both good and bad. In WoW, you always know when your gear has gotten better—higher ilvl, more damage, easier content. In GW2, the horizontal progression means you hit a power cap early on, and solo content doesn’t feel as rewarding because you’re not constantly chasing higher ilvl gear to help smooth out encounters. So, the dopamine hit of seeing your character improve in power, a core of WoW’s design, is largely missing.

Now with ESO

ESO uses a Champion Point system after you hit max level, but it doesn’t have a traditional ilvl system either. Content scales with your character’s level and CP, so you don’t get that feeling of blowing past old content with better gear. In WoW, the ilvl system creates a clear distinction where you can start soloing tougher content as your power grows. ESO’s scaling means the challenge of solo content stays pretty consistent regardless of gear, which can feel frustrating because it reduces the value of upgrading your gear. This does create some problems though because a new player no CP will definitely have a worse experience.

But hey I mean I like ESO personally and yet I’m still playing wow. In fact if ESO had a better combat system I’d probably play it today still. However the lack of ilvl checks means you have to try and find you’re own fun meme builds ect.

World of Warcraft’s decision to design around item level (ilvl) is a deliberate and, for many reasons, the correct approach for long-term player engagement, even though they could easily have gone with a more horizontal system like Guild Wars 2 or The Elder Scrolls Online.

It’s not that they can’t they just don’t want to but if you want those experiences they exist go play.

Then they should change their “item level recommendations” to “item level requirements” instead of pretending they are capable of anything else. Thanks though.

Wow, you guys didn’t agree with the OP, so you reported them for trolling? Just wow. And people were just telling me yesterday how the forum systems aren’t exploitable.

They arnt hard requirements though as people complete content regularly well below the recommended.

Many people are clearing heroic raid fights well below what would in theory be recommended 600 for example, but maybe you’re right maybe all content should have a hard number so people don’t complain.

Like oh you can’t do a tier 8 delve til exactly 595 although I can’t imagine that would go over very well.

Doubt that’s the reason it’s pretty obvious trolling and low effort trolling at that.

To a certain extent I do agree they should contain a challenge.

Obviously wow shouldn’t be Elden Ring. That game is available to them should they wish to replay it.

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I just tried a tier 8 delve solo as a 602ilvl tank

lololololllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll no.


I just did a tier 8 delve (the one with the summoned adds that berserk the boss) on a ~570 ret paladin so it’s definitely recommended and not required.

I mean I doubt it but assuming you did this conversation is about the changes to group delves.

People know that solo and group play wildly differently now. That’s kind of the point here.

You definitely have to plan pulls and use line of sight, but when a mob is spam casting through walls despite me breaking line of sight, it’s not fun.

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Yeah it was solo. Group scaling needs work I agree, but given that groups are already easier by nature they have to scale difficulty to match the very high level rewards they throw out. My Mage got a chart that gave him Heroic Raid level gear! That’s insane. Blizzard has never done this before, and it felt earned.

I do think they should not linearly scale unavoidable group-wide AOE damage, though these are manageable if you cycle defensives. I also think they should not introduce the very difficult minibosses on tier 8 delves.

Oh yeah this too. Some LOS is definitely not applied lol

Some mobs also don’t move when interrupted. Kinda troll when you’re trying to pull mobs intelligently to make packs easier.

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I don’t know if this is a troll thread or not, but I genuinely like the difficulty. It’s a nice challenge without having people screaming in my ear the entire time.

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Well that sorta checks out.

I’m not sure they designed it to be fun as you increase the tier / difficulty.

Definitely gets more challenging but challenging doesn’t necessarily equal fun as we all know.

Many people will tell you like Elden ring is a great game they just don’t play the game because it’s far to challenging for them and that’s not fun.

T1-7 are pretty chill fun times.
T8 is like meh
T9+ is like well this isn’t much fun maybe I’ll go do something else.

Although for some people they are probably like yay challenge I love it.

Personally when I play a video game I like to have fun most of if not all the time, some people want pain though that’s fun for them obviously everyone should be included.

A lot of the wow community is getting older now though and like coming to the realization that a lot of MMOs are a time sink not necessarily about fun. They have fun things inside but most of that fun requires some unfun along the way.

Like I dunno about y’all but basically over doing weekly hallow at this screw those lights, but I should still do them it’s not fun though I’m not like okay lemme login and light my lamps do my quests over and over and over yet it needs to be done for other fun activities.

Battered Hilt.

Touche lol