The new BM talents really seem to complicate the rotation

There’s no starter build. Has anyone got a sample tree to post here? That said, it looks pertty darn good.

My thoughts on Beta BM changes.


I feel like the BM tree is so bloated. Even on the build you made for AOE. Feels like theres talents that are misisng. Also picking killer cobra for an aoe spec feels super weird. Also if you are running pack leader. Brutal companion will be a must have. I am really not a fan of this new BM tree.

The spec side of the tree is very bloated and expensive. It is going to have the issue MM had in DF where ST & AOE are too divided.

That’s sadly true for TWW Beta MM and SV as well even now, if to a bit less an extent:

You’ve got a clear-cut ST only side (Bloodshed, Wailing Arrow, Spearhead) and a clear-cut AoE only capstone or side (Blood Frenzy, Small Game Hunter and Salvo, Bombardier).

I’d have much preferred to see…

  • Bloodshed simply Kill Cleave naturally (or do so baseline), even if at reduced effect to each additional enemy (e.g., per 20% multiplicative loss per additional enemy, a la 15|12|9|8|6|5% to the 1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th+ target);
  • Small Game Hunter also affect Arcane Shot and Kill Shot to some extent (e.g., increase all instant shot damage by an unscaled 50% AP, which is roughly multi-shot’s original damage), and
  • Salvo combine with Explosive Shot, though giving the option to use either (e.g., having 2 charges without Explosive Shot learned or 3 shared charges with Explosive Shot learned, and consuming only as many charges on AoE or Explosive Shot press as there are enemies to spread Explosive Shot to);
  • Spearhead allow single-target melee skills to apply the same bleed for the remaining duration (i.e., if you bleed someone with 3s left on the original, they’re only bled for 3s) so there’s at least some modest retargetability and cleave application there.
    • And ideally for Fury of the Eagle to have bonus crit against enemies below 35%, baseline, with Ruthless Marauder solely causing this effect against enemies also at 65% or more HP, and for current RM’s CDR to be via a separate talent, while Spearhead in turn gets a talent point allowing it to either increase its duration or, ideally, gain Haste per nearby bleed while active.

On a separate note, I’d also have preferred to see…

  • Murder of Crows node be instead house a choice between manual but oGCD Murder of Crows and automatically activated Lord of the Crows, with the latter causing Kill Command to generate up to 5 stacks of Lord of the Crows that are consumed once using Kill Command against an enemy with less than (20% HP time number of stacks) for 4 seconds’ duration per stack.
  • Explosive Venom cause Multi-shot to apply Serpent Sting to up to 5 enemies, with an ICD of 5 seconds per enemy thus affected but reduced by 5 seconds per Cobra Shot cast.