Hunter changes in beta

Thoughts on BM:

  1. I preferred the Hunter starting tree of starting with Kill Command then Trailblazer → Counter shot or Kill Shot → Improved Kill Shot
  2. BM used to start with Kill Command. Now it’s moved to the BM tree and it’s your first buy. BM always took about 10 levels to feel like a more rounded spec. This delays that so this is worse;
  3. Multi-shot and Beast Cleave are gated behind Animal Companion. I don’t understand (nor like) that. The current tree that puts Animal Companion with Aspect of the Beast sorta feels more consistent;
  4. The right side of the BM tree has collected a bunch of Barbed Shot modifiers. That’s the kind of thing I mean with (3) and that feels fine;
  5. I like how Alpha Predator has moved way up the tree;
  6. Hunter’s Prey feels out of place where it is in the tree. Kill Command modifiers are largely on the left. It feels like it was put there because there was a blank space and no other reason;
  7. Stomp feels out of place. It should be nearer Barbed Shot or Kill Cleave talents;
  8. Kindred Spirits has moved down the tree and hasn’t changed. I don’t understand this. It’s a largely worthless talent as is and now it’s harder to get?
  9. Training Expert feels out of place. It should be nearer to Animal Companion, Aspect of the Beast, etc. If anything, the pet talents should feed into the Dire Beast talents later;
  10. Barrage is new. It’s in a really odd place in the tree however (IMHO);
  11. I really don’t like the first 4 rows of the general Hunter tree at all… It doesn’t feel cohesive. It feels like you have to get through some useless talents to get to anything good. This is a general issue with the Hunter tree (IMHO). I struggle to spend points because it’s all useless after a certain point;
  12. Territorial Instincts seems nice;
  13. I don’t like the 3 talents above Death Chakram;
  14. Can we just have the 9.2 legendary power of Death Chakram + Explosive Shot? That was so fun and I still miss it;
  15. Traps and trap talents are all over the place on the Hunter tree. It feels random and not thought out;
  16. Moving Trailblazer (and Pathfinding) WAY down the tree I don’t like at all. I liked Trailblazer being an early talent;
  17. Trailblazer and Pathfinding used to have 2 charges. Now they have 1. Is this intentional? If so, I don’t like it;
  18. Several other talents were reduced from 2 ranks to 1.
  19. Did Sharp Barbs disappear? Why?


I’m struggling to spend points in the Hunter tree.

This build is similar to my current issues with the Hunter tree in that I don’t see a lot of real choice. You’re making a cleave build because there’s nothing else to do. You could do lots of things to Kill Command (higher minimum % of health), Multi-Shot (eg a second wave of shots like the Ret Paladin talents do), etc.