The negative effects of making raids harder

Answer the question.

I’m a player of World of Warcraft SOD and as such I hereby BAN you from doing BFD for the remainder of phase 1.

That being said do you think when you try to enter BFD that you will be able to enter or that BFD will lock you out because I just banned you??

You just simply refuse to listen :man_facepalming:t4:, mentioning such a ridiculous question isn’t proving your point, if anything it’s just sort of making others argument on you have no clue what actual Gatekeeping is.

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I will take your refusal to answer the question as you conceding.

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You’re describing individual difficulty, which is mostly absent from Classic raids.

Classic raiding is about organizational/group difficulty. Which is completely lacking in BFD.

There isn’t THAT much organizational/group difficulty that can come out of a 10 man raid… it’s never going to be pre-nerf C’thun with only 10 players… but that’s what classic players mean when they say they want more difficulty.

Take it however you want, but it doesn’t change the fact of what Gatekeeping is.

Like I said, I agree with you in when you mention they should make their own group, I’ve never argued that.

I just think you have the definition of what Gatekeeping is mixed up, it doesn’t mean you’re banned from content at all. Which I find your question meaningless as once again it has nothing to do with the actual term and definition of Gatekeeping.

But take that as you want, you seem so set in stone to be right, but when told your wrong instead of trying to comprehend the others point of view and side of a discussion you fall back to ridiculous questions?.

I think the only person here that’s conceded is you when you reply literal nonsense on a discussion.

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Refusal to answer a loaded disingenuous question is not a concession.


I have never raided in any iteration of Vanilla (unless you count UBRS lol) and probably never will, but I think that’s fine. Raiding isn’t supposed to be for everyone. There should be easy content and difficult content, and the difficult content should be accessible only to dedicated players. An MMO with zero prestige or power level diversity is super boring.

Personal opinion, I wish that paradigm would end. It’d be nice if skill and general play meant more than time commitment and exclusivity of content.

That being said, my favorite MMO was Wildstar, which was SUPER exclusive, but only by the best players because it would make Mythic raiders and 20+ key players cry.

1: This was fixed with the spell resistance nerf. There are only a handful of specs that are complete garbage, and I have seen them in raids.
2: I can count on one hand the number of GDKPs I have seen advertised, and I’m fairly confident at least half of them were trolls.
3: Tanking isn’t that hard in BFD. I just ran a raid on my alliance alt that only had one tank, and I have also seen DPS on bosses and not be immediately murdered.
4: Healing is very easy, especially for priests. I think our priests spend more time DPSing than actually healing. I’ve healed it on a resto shaman a few times now and found it to be pretty easy.
5: This has always been the case in WoW. The great thing about SoD is that it caps us so that we take breaks and experience parts of the game we normally ignore on the way to 60. Nobody wants boosts either, leveling to 25 is fast, and the xp boost in later phases just makes leveling alts easier. This is just a silly statement all around.
6: Why? runes are more impactful at this point anyways and can be changed out on the fly. They’ve also made it cheaper to respec…

All in all, 0/10 post, complete nonsense across the board.

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You literally have zero understanding of the word and the actual meaning. Whatever “text book” you got that from should be burned.

I’ll remember to tell Webster that they need to burn their online server then.

Argue all you want, but you are 100% WRONG both of you. Only blizzard can gatekeep you. Players cannot gatekeep you because you can create your own group in any manner you see fit and clear the raid. ← That statement right there invalidates your entire argument.

Your bad skills, lack of understanding of how to raid, or your inability to kill a pixel on a computer has nothing to do with gatekeeping.

And those are the facts, plain and simple.

So referring to my earlier analogy, it’s the public library’s fault that an unaffiliated protest group is demanding to see a driver’s license prior to allowing you past them and entry into the library.

Got ya.

You can still go to another library to obtain your book.
You can order the book online.
You can borrow the book from a friend.

So I can still play a Blizzard version of SoD without gatekeeping players?

Just following your logic, because we can’t.

Just like most people who go to a library have one library in a town available to them.

You’re stretching now.

Yes. You are doing that now. No single or group of players is preventing you from doing anything in the game.

Not getting into a raid - make your own group.
Not getting into a guild - make your own guild
Not getting into a dungeon - make your own group.

See no one is stopping you but you.

Correct, no single. However a server and community paradigm does.

Not always something everyone can do or is comfortable with, but fair. If you care that much you can.

Takes 10 people, and is significantly more complicated and a larger amount of effort than people tend to believe or sluff off. Been there done that with lots of experience.

Easy peasy, no argument here. Dungeon content is definitely the slam dunk on this. Wrath was a bit more iffy with the Heroic++++++++++++++++++++++++++ garbage Blizzard did, because there was some gatekeeping there, but you could circumvent it by making your own group.

Me no, I’m a decent player. I’m defending the little guy here, because this stuff does happen in game, even if you believe it doesn’t. You can believe that birds don’t exist or that the Earth is flat, still makes it false.

Maybe getting rejected from this many raids should tell you something.

I don’t get rejected from any raids, but keep making things up and attacking me on a personal level. It’s only securing my point about the gatekeeping phenomena in WoW.

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The ablity to make your own groups -invalidates this argument. You choose not to, which is where you are gatekeeping yourself.

Comfort level with a task has nothing to do with anything… If your are uncomfortable, then that is another example of you “gatekeeping” yourself but that is not anyone else’s problem.

Takes 10 people and it is not even significantly more complicated. Nothing hard or difficult about it. 10 peeps click a box, added to guild and when all 10 are added, poof, guild is created. If you think that is hard or complicated, then this is not the game for you.

You maybe a decent player and defending a little guy is ok but he is not being gatekept. He wants someone to carry him is what all that boils down to.

Birds do fly and anyone with common sense knows the earth is not flat. These two facts have nothing to do with parroting a word that some folks don’t understand.

Now I am going to go celebrate New Years w/friends – enjoy your bad use of a word, I will no longer respond to this thread.

:thread::no_bell: :mute: