The negative effects of making raids harder

I’m convinced at this point you don’t know what the actual definition of gatekeeping is, so here ya go.




noun: gatekeeping; plural noun: gatekeepings; noun: gate-keeping; plural noun: gate-keepings

the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something.

The playerbase actively does this to other players frequently.

Then keep looking. There are zero problems pugging in lava lash.

I don’t have issues either, I’m trying to express the experiences that I’ve talked with others about. Just because you’re not seeing it or haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

I never said it wasnt did I? I said you can make your own groups. I have no sympathy for anyone who hasnt yet learned mega servers are a hive mind.

WoW is a hive mind. Controlled by streamers, bought by RMT, and sold by GDKPs.

Blizzard has made it clear that they’re only here for the residual profits they can gleem off it’s rotting corpse.

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Not in lava lash. And theyre banning bots and gold buyers.

They can’t control your access to BFD my guy.

They can reject you from a group but they have 0 control of you entering BFD.

You have done BFD 3 times, but how?

You aren’t being kept from doing the content, not every group is required to bring you.

You don’t have limited access to BFD you have FULL access to BFD.

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Oh, I’ve done it a few more than 3.

WCLs is a terribad site.

And you using it and seeing “oh, he’s only done it 3 times” is part of the gatekeeping tactics that get used on players. So gratz to that, you just did part of the toxic gatekeeping culture!!

No it isn’t it’s just because it’s only been logged three times.

I’m glad that’s what you focused on though maybe because I proved you wrong?

Proved me 100% right, because that’s part of the gatekeeping.

You are right OP, it’s too hard for Classic players.

The tryhards in this thread from retail are going to ruin the game again just like they ruined retail.

No one wants hard content in classic. The vast majority of players want easy content they can smash with friends for good loot.

I’m going to watch noobs like Drinknblink destroy the game again like he did in SoM with bad feedback and wrong forum posts.

I hope Blizzard keeps going down this road so I can point and laugh a 2nd time as it dies while I’m ganking lowbies in leveling zones. This is why SoM failed (hard raids) and why SoD is going to fail. Blizzard can’t help but repeat mistakes because they don’t have a clue what makes Classic Vanilla successful.

They can’t fathom why people would actually want to play Classic Vanilla and the clip from the Blizzcon where they told off the questioner proves they have a negative view of Classic Vanilla and haven’t changed their stance one bit.

They think they can make it better but they have no clue how so they are trying a bunch of random stuff proposed by the very retail developers who ruined retail.

It’s a circus.

No, your own definition contradicts you.

You clearly have full access to BFD and not limited or no access to it.

You have done like you said way more than 3 BFD runs.

Yep youre being gated from the content.


I think Molten Core is the best raid and is what future raids should use as a model. It is easy enough that you can drink and just have fun but challenging enough to be engaging and rewarding. It achieves the perfect balance of sweat and casual. Though getting 40 people together can be challenging, the higher number of max players help prevent gatekeeping (or whatever the right term is). Raids need to fill slots so they take casuals and non optimal specs. Everyone wins and has fun.

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You are being gated from smart posts by your ability to reason.

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You can’t reason with some of these posters once they’re proven wrong and tip their hand.

Notice how they keep going back to WCLs for their defense, the biggest cause for gatekeeping, and not realizing what they’re doing is… gatekeeping.

There’s a point when you’re so deep in a narrative that breaking out of it is impossible. This forum has LOTS of examples of that.

Next post will boil down to “I know you are, but I’m not”

We’ve also exposed that the “access” to content in their mind equates to a solo game, completely discounting and ignoring that WoW is multiplayer. That’s also a defense mechanism to justify gatekeeping.

A buddy of mine is working on his PHD and his dissertation in toxicity in on-line gaming community and the psychological effects on teens. His work in studying gatekeeping culture is eye opening. He’s not done with his book yet though, so I don’t have a link. The biggest thing he’s found is that the worst gatekeepers don’t even realize or mentally deny that they’re doing it. They have to do all sorts of mental gymnastics to “prove” that they’re not and keep their “moral” standing.

Yes but you forgot to ask yourself 1 important question.

Who asked?

I went to logs to prove you did the raid and you weren’t actually kept from doing it.

You have had full access to BFD which contradicts you being kept from the content by the playerbase.

You lost.

See what I mean. ^^^

That’s not even remotely close to what my last reply was

Its hard to debate these things because there are degrees of magnitude in everything, such as difficulty.

BFD is in a good place overall, and the only eye sore was the resistances on kelris.

Getting too far beyond the difficulty of bfd (which could use some tweaks on some bosses to not allow mechanics to be ignored) would land the game back in retail.

Blizzard has already acknowledged that retail design is a folly, so I’d be surprised if they’d go down that path again.