The negative effects of making raids harder

Totally agree, but this is a video game, not real life. All of us are paying for a service and most people don’t pay for services that they want and can’t access to the full extent.

Do you have access to the raid?

Do you have access to all the content in sod?

Because a group didn’t want to bring you doesn’t make it gatekeeping.

This is the stupidest copium I have ever read.

Not always, depends on the players that I"m interacting with and if they’re gatekeeping or not.

Not always, depends on the players that I"m interacting with and if they’re gatekeeping or not.

Yes it does, a properly developed game should not matter who you bring with you to have fun and clear the content as long as you meet the trinity requirements.


I must really be getting lucky. I’ve pugged BFD twice and we cleared it both times in under 40 minutes with 0 deaths lol. Where is the difficulty at all in this place that the forums keep talking about

Reported for what?

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All this stuff happens anyways, the community will always find away to do this.

The devs have decided that raiding is all that matters. If you don’t enjoy raiding, just unsub now.

Yes, but it’s more common the harder the content is. Also tied to rewards. AOTC achievements were a big reason a lot of my friends quit playing Wrath Classic. They didn’t get the Ulduar one and left the game.

One said “Next time they do Wrath, we’ll just have to play sweaty. Since that’s the only way Blizzard knows how to make games.”

So, from an average player perspective, even average difficulty content is considered sweaty to them.

His feelings got hurt

Agree to disagree, classic wow content thrives off of mage boosting, players only doing dungeons if they get paid for tanking or healing, gold buying+gdkps for bis items. I would argue classic wow is worse because the content is so easy, and anyone can just buy Chinese gold to boost themselves through dungeons and gdkp.

That being said the same happens in retail, we’re comparing an apple to an orange. The two are different games in how they function.

Gatekeeping only exists if you let it. No one is stopping you from doing your own raid. Its only 10 people.

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A group rejected him so he can no longer do any of the content.

He literally has no more access to BFD it’s closed permanently for him because a group rejected him.


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I mean its always been like that. My favorite part of classic is Andys living in their delusional world that classic had more content then retail. At least retail had been trying to address this issue over time.

Fair, but that’s an aspect of… (Ugh, I can’t believe I’m going to say this) a player created problem that’s being made worse by Blizzard offering boosts.

Also, there isn’t a lot of reward for being out in the open world. City of Heroes had a system called “Side Kicking” that helped out a ton with that one. I’d encourage looking it up, it might help with a lot of what you’re talking about.

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Dump the lockout and you fix most of those. The only problem then is the sweaty folk get bored and bail. Which doesn’t seem so problematic, really. Should be like UBRS.

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LF 1 healer and 1 tank!

Oh, I’m not joining because;

  1. Too many fill in the blank, class / gear type
  2. Your logs aren’t 99 parses
  3. You used all 3 of your greench charges /kick
  4. Oh your GS is under 300
  5. You’re not rank 3 PVP yet, lolz?

Those are just some of the things that I’ve talked with people about.

AGAIN!!! I’m not having this issue, others are.

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That’s not gatekeeping.

Those players still have access to everything in the game.

What’s gatekeeping then?

The nature of 10-person raids in buff/debuff-dependent vanilla WoW also reinforces a greater degree of class/spec exclusion than you’d see in 20 or 40-person raids. It’s far harder to get all your bases covered with only 10 slots, if you believe the group needs a benefit from a particular spec, so groups are going to be super choosy. If they believe they’d really benefit from a particular paladin buff they don’t have yet, they’ll be looking paladin tank instead of any good-enough tank, for example.

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Apparently it’s getting rejected from a group and never having access to content ever again.
