The negative effects of making raids harder

Join a guild, acquire reasonable gears from dungeons before trying to force yourself into a raid when you’re wearing set of lv 16 to 17 greens and a white. And then try learning your class.

Pick a better server if you see a server discussing GDKPs. I’m on two servers, and neither has had any incident of advertising GDKPs-raid.

I smell a colossal skill issue here. Sniff… Sniff… Yes. I smell it. A smell of very incompetent tankbro. Come to the gym with me, brother. We’ll straighten out your gains. Pick up that lift. Start becoming better. Study the way of the tanks.

I can’t even get healers to be better. The best I can do is find a priest that will cast prayer of mending and penance and they just sit there… Braindead, watching televisions on the side.

Leveling is actually very easy. It take about a day, and half to reach level 25 if you’re actually serious in leveling. Or even less. Also level-boost smells and nobody liked them. And I think there’s anti-powerleveling system in place for Season of Discovery.

People want dual-spec because imagine having to change your roles at a moment’s notice is nice QoL to have. Especially if you’re having to do PVP spec and PvE sec. There’s no sins here.

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Always been

Always been

3-4 some pvp retail nonsense

Always been

I dont get it, yo want raiding where any spec can tank and heal no matter talents?

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I dont get it, yo want raiding where any spec can tank and heal no matter talents?


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I sort of agree and disagree to this. If it wasn’t at least somewhat harder or challenging then the runs would get very boring quick unless they had other things to keep players occupied. I’m sure classic era players don’t have this issue since they would run molten core for the next 50 years, but a big chunk of the SoD playerbase would just move on if there wasn’t at least a bit of a challenge to content.

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Well blizzard definitely doesn’t balance with this in mind there will always be a meta. I feel like they could and SHOULD at least make the less impactful classes/specs be able to raid for sure. Which I’m very positive that will be the case later on when everyone has all their rune slots filled and with the added talents. There will be a lot of decent options for players to choose from so ultimately I see it as a non issue

I dont even know what game to suggest…

The problem with this statement is that its only ever used to defend content in a current state when it should also be applied for those players who do not have similar content.

So if this is the case, why not make an easy raid with appropriate rewards for people?

While I personally find bfd a cakewalk up to Kelris there appear to be enough people who do not. So are we going to provide content for them thay isn’t for us, or is this an actual gatekeeping thing in an appropriate use of the word?

Big facts lol

BFD is easy… like brain dead easy…

So is reading my entire post and not one sentence, but this is why we have tiered English classes too.

I felt like bfd was a really easy level 25 entry mini raid-dungeon.

I 100% expect the content to be even harder later on. And it’s not unheard of for “classic wow”. AQ40 and Naxx40 in my opinion are miles ahead in difficulty compared to this mini raid.

I like the way they are approaching it. Making the level 25 mini intro raid-dungeon a bit more difficult than the average faceroll dungeon. What I think was more of a problem is since we are only level 25, there is a discrepancy in raid toolkit classes have access to. Like rigjt now I think only priest has a magic dispell in the entire game. But later on they aren’t the only one.

I don’t understand the point of your thread. What raid was made harder?

  1. Gatekeeping exists in rfc. Wanting classes and specs that do well is always going to be a thing. If you don’t want to be gatekept, start your own raid and be the gatekeeper.
  2. GDKPs are not a product of raid design. They’re a product of personal failure and are propped up by a refusal to ban them.
  3. Uh. Yes. Players need to be good. Bad players don’t get to clear content without learning from their badness. Do you just want your raid gear mailed to you each week?
  4. See #3. Challenging players to be better is a good thing.
  5. This is a thread about leveling raids, right? Ones you do at not max level?
  6. Players should have dual spec. It makes complete sense that your solo spec and your raid spec should be vastly different. It is silly to use respeccing as a gold sink. This has nothing to do with the difficulty of raids. Are you suggesting I should be able to heal raids as shadow? …why?
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If you cant clear BfD at this point raiding is simply not for you. Go enjoy the other parts of the game.

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I watched multiple times as I was excluded from groups being a caster because of a drop. My skill had zero to do with it, this included raids.

I’ve watched fresh level cap players with near BIS excluded from content because they didn’t have a high enough GS that was only possible with some gear from the raid they were trying to get into.

The premade situation in WSG is 100% gatekeepy with every other premade wanting only a god comp. Blocking out over half of the classes from being able to get the rep for bracers, that inevitably sweaty groups will require for the level 40 raid.

Gatekeeping is a real thing, it’s naive to think otherwise. I’ve seen it, I’ve been subjected to it, and it’s abhorrent in a video game.

Exactly. The only thing I can think of in BFD is that Kelris is a soft DPS check, and don’t attack Jorgus when he has lightning shield. If you have people doing 40 dps it just means that they don’t know the basics of their class. No special skillset or reaction times required.

If you’re someone who can’t clear BFD, it’s not the end of the world. The solution is simple. Read a class guide or two, get some dungeon gear, and practice what is guaranteed to be a simple rotation. That’s not elitism or gatekeeping.

As far as raid difficulty - I don’t want Mythic+ difficulty, but I don’t want MC difficulty. My personal sweet spot is AQ40 or Naxx with WB difficulty (which is admittedly not very difficult)

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Yeah well the thing is BFD isn’t difficult, at all, only bad players think it is but that’s nothing new to see bad players struggling, they struggle to become better players.

As for GDKP, their exitence has nothing to do with difficulty, it’s created out of demand for gear in an economy where gold is useless or is past it’s usefulness.

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And because bad players are pushed to buy gold and join GDKPs because the content is too hard for them. But let’s keep ignoring that inconvenient truth shall we.

2019 classic was exactly this for many guilds though. This is legitimately how a chunk of the MMO players Wants to play

They should take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming others. But let’s keep ignoring that inconvenient truth shall we.

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