Generally the allied races have been a mix of essentially sub-races (Dark Iron, Mag’har) and races that were the focus on a zone story line (Mechagnomes, Nightborne). Now with 9.1, the Dreadlords are not only becoming a story focus but are getting female models, something that I found rather surprising considering that the number of hostile Nathrezim we encountered only had male models, like other hostiles like the Ogres, gnolls, etc…
Meanwhile as we’ve seen countless times in WoW stories, the races are not a mind hive and we’ve had conflicts between them like the Nightfallen rebellion in Suramar. Furthermore we’ve seen Nathrezim split in BC, with members defecting from the Legion to serve Illidan, and even one (Culuthas) going independent of both.
Thus I can easily see the possibility of use working with a group rebel Nathrezim and then them joining a side for whatever reason. Like say they desire to redeem their race and join the Horde, following that redemption theme, or Lothraxion steps in to help, becomes their leader, and then guides them to the Alliance via his buddy Turalyon.
So what do you all think? Could a Nathrezim allied race be on the horizon? Or is the merely the end result of my tired mind at work?
Anyone who willingly lets Nathrezim join their factions deserves to be destroyed because that’s exactly what will happen.
It IS a hell of a longshot, but I had a thought today that Denathrius isn’t likely to be chomping at the bit to buddy up with Zovaal again after getting discarded. And with the Legion gone, the motives of the Nathrezim are pretty much a blank page right now.
So while it MIGHT not be Allied Race worthy, we might not be seeing them as purely enemies. Although Pebrock does have a point - the last time someone let a Nathrezim into their faction so intrinsically, the Undercity got sabotaged and Bolvar Fordragon sorta died. Granted, Lothraxion hasn’t showed any inklings of betrayal yet, but if Denathrius is the “only master” the dreadlords ever served, he’s at LEAST not a purely loyal soldier.
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Suddenly the past almost 20 years makes sense
I have been a fan of the Nathrezim. When future playable races would be discussed on the Story Forum, I would often say the Nathrezim were among my highest hopes. It seemed quite impossible early on, but with all this lore focus, and a female model, there may be a groundswell of player support as well as the groundwork as far as assets.
Alot of the pushback I would get for mentioning them is that no one would trust them, or they may be to powerful for a Player Race, or that they have no cause with the Factions - and it’s true enough. But as things evolve, it seems more and more possible, if not likely.
The sad thing is Blizzard would be smart to give them to the Alliance just to boost their Player Base. Or at least make them available to both Factions, like Pandas. Maybe every Playable Nathrezim starts at their home base, and chooses a Faction to infiltrate.
They could almost be a new Race, or even a Class. Or both. I mean, they sort of are both a Race and Class in WC 3. The possibilities are pretty vast - Lothraxion could be reason enough to have Playable Dreadlord Paladins, even.
Ogres or riot. Unless you want Nathrezim to be on the Alliance, then whatever, at least it isn’t a new flavor of elf.
Hell, I’d probably play a horde nathrezim. It wouldn’t be my first choice, but better than nothing. You better keep the wings though, to balance out the face being too humany. I hate that about draenei.
I’d still prefer Stoneborn over them, though. But I know that’s just as nonsensical as a racial option.
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Yes, already took goliath and demona variant names.
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I would love to play as a dreadlord, I so do miss Varimathras.
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They updated pigs! Pig allied race guys
I mean, I wouldn’t be entirely opposed to playing as a quillboar, depending on how they’d get redesigned. I don’t imagine it’d be done all that well, though. They’re pretty much the Japanese depiction of orcs anyway, if I understand correctly.
I have thought of this. I know it won’t happen, but the thought of it just makes me feel very excited.
Nathrezim while unlikely would be very cool. And since we now have non demonic nathrezim, it could make a bit more sense.
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Nathrezim allied race no, but reveal Renathal is a Nathrezim who super duper 100% hates his brothers because he actually believes and chooses in the mission of Revendreth would be cool
So Venthyr is the Nathrezim Covenant
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Nazthrezim check some boxes that I think are important to the Horde.
- Recruiting a cosmic race
- Helping a post val’kyr forsaken with their necromancy
- Bringing in new “potent” characters.
Unfortunately for me there is no chance that nathrezim are added as a playable race.
Most likely wouldn’t happen sadly. Would love for them to be a neutral allied race that could join either faction. Think blizzard even tried to have it that way with them a long time ago.
The problem will be the same problem with every other race that would be cool to join but can’t. Trying to fit armor around them and their wings. The only way I can see them playable is cutting off their wings.
As for “what about lore reasons, and too powerful?!” First off, has Lore ever stopped anything really? If it makes profit, it makes profit. Secondly the way I see it, if Draenei are a playable race, a race that was chosen to lead the Burning Legion becuase they were great, then I don’t see any race really “too powerful” to play.
Again if there is profit with as much minimal work as possible, Blizzard would do it.
While i would like to play as a dreadlord, i would absolutely not like a nathrezim “allied race”. Also, I don’t like the new models.
More like Catherine the Great. Not really Russian but self considered and is considered a great Russian leader.