Ah look another doomsayer with the same tired “WoW is dead” mantra we’ve heard since 2004.
This toon is in s2 gear, salty
Ok, so the game is alive and well is it?
from 12 active million players to what, 15,000 views on twitch? max on a good day?
PvP in WoW is actually a thing? Heh, funny, Most Glads left after Cata
I enjoy what I do, and I’m able to make $$ out of it. Which well, I don’t come off as a bitter salty/in denial creden like yourself. But hey That is what Shadowlands is for.
PS- glad I went horde and not ally, I’d just boot you out of the raid /ignore ya tbf, We don’t have weaklings like yourself on our side.
How do you compare the two? Why would you? All MMOs have dropped in subs, it’s a pretty standard thing these days, WoW was not the only one to see them vanish as more people changed genres of games. Twitch is a poor metric, because even with those numbers it’s a drop in the bucket. Most of the community doesn’t watch it streamed, be real here, watching people play an MMO is like watching paint dry.
Really? Know tons still around, maybe you need to make more friends.
Not bitter or salty. I enjoy my game, I don’t feel the need to sub and go into the FF forums and give them a list of all you people to ignore in the future.
One darn thing is certain, if you react like this over a video game, life is going to be rough for you. I pity them when you get bored again and pull the same thing you have done here.
Have fun in your new game, best of luck!
Wrong answer Tonto. Wow is very much alive. It is on life support…but alive. No king reigns forever. I hope your grieving will be short when the plug is finally pulled and you can move on. I wish you the best.
Or you could just admit, that you don’t like the game and have moved on, without pushing your misery about the game on everyone else.
wows been dead since 2004. It died after no one was playing it after patch 1.0. We’ve just been too addicted to see it. We’re playing a real live ghost game.
So you lied and you’re still giving money to Blizzard. Thank you for clearing that up and supporting the game.
Now go away and stop spreading toxicity here.
My posts were restored!
Thank you moderators, for being unbiased and open minded.
No, guy. It’s not obvious when you say you enjoyed every hour,lol, “I enjoyed every hour. Now I’m quitting because… BECAUSE.”
lol, that’s you, friend.
1 month does not count
it was free, I did not pay.
I would not play for more than 28 days over 5 years. Thank you for pointing that out. your calculations are beyond accurate they astound me. I hope you’ll make it through the day. Not everything is perfect.
Huh? some of us still enjoy the game, you dont have to promote Final Fantasy just cause you started playing it. good luck
Never played it.
hahaha and you “urge” others to install it. im glad youre leaving this community
It does count. And it wasn’t free. Someone paid for that. And if it was a token, congratulations, you supported $20 for your month of activity.
Stop gaslighting.
You’ve never played a game you’re promoting. What is wrong with you? Seriously. What is wrong with you???
nah it’s good
Not apart of it. salty nerd 101.
let me correct myself then: 30000 hours of game time and you can’t either a) open your map or b) follow your on HUD quest tracker or c) open wowhead to tell you where to go.
Its too late to save Wildstar…so have to go the next best thing: FF14
People I don’t know seem very invested in getting me to play final fantasy and it’s weird
I play FF14, I can smell a WoW-hating weeb miles away, go love your pillow… You are as pathetic as the BlizzDroness over here pretending everything is great… Da hell is wrong with ppl.