The Naaru (spoilers)

I really hate that Blizzard took the story this way, and now everything is a cosmic force of one-sided extremism.

I can see the Void being evil. It wants to consume. It wants to envelop. It wants darkness.

The Light was originally good, and pure. It wasn’t an equal force, but hope and righteous action personified. It could burn, but it generally was a force used for healing, inspiring, and saving life.

Then Blizzard went all “Yeah well lol the Light kinda fascist bruh”

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That character was put in as a memorial for a blizzard employee who died of cancer, so I think that whole chain might be of dubious canonicity.

At the very least it’d be a bit crass for blizzard to put said character in SL.

Blizzard writing characters with more than one dimension?



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I mean they kinda have to for depth, otherwise it’s predictable Order Life Light versus Chaos Death Shadow.

I disagree. Cosmic powers don’t necessarily need to be equal powers. I think that makes for kinda bad story.

The Light could’ve been left as an underdog. The Emperor of Mankind in Warhammer vs the Chaos gods. The Light isn’t necessarily entirely “good”, but it’s a force of hope against a power of despair.

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Honestly I think it kinda makes sense. The light is not explicitly pro-mortal life, though it does share a lot of beliefs with that of “good” mortals.

When there’s fel and void around, they’re great, because they’re going to crusade like hell against it.

When those forces aren’t around, it’s time to worry, because the light will always need something to crusade against, and we’re all looking mighty flawed.


They do. Especially when the Normative “Forces of Good” (Order Life Light) are disproportionately tied to one of the two factions.

This is a very, very weird example to cite if you’re trying to present an alternative to the light seeming kinda fascist.


Inb4 he defends Warhammer Empire of Mandkind Crusaders as Definitely Not Fascist At All



You think the purity obsessed religious nuts who hate other races and stamp out deviation of thought or genetics with extreme violence are fascist?

I dunno…

I’m not using it as an alternative to the light being fascist, but rather an underdog power of “Order” vs a larger “Disorder” faction.

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That was… childish. But hey, if that’s the level you’re on, have at it down there.

There was an intended irony to my statement, but the point regarding a smaller “Order” entity vs a larger “Disorder” entity remains. I don’t feel the writing trope regarding equal cosmic factions really makes for good story.


The Imperium of Man controls the majority of known space and its armies can wipe out virtually any foe if they throw enough of themselves at it. Their foes survive primarily by guile, evasion and by holding small realms beneath the Imperium’s notice.

The Imperium is not an underdog. At all.

Physical space. Corpse-boi could easily be argued to be an underdog to the Chaos Powers though. Hell, even their hold on their physical worlds is often lacking at best.

In regards to holding on against the Chaos powers, the Imperium is barely maintaining itself.


By foes are you referring to the Orks, Necrons and Tyranids?

While the Orks are just a nuisance that the Imperium can’t get rid of how can one say that the Tyranids’ largest Hive Fleet Leviathan survives by guile, evasion and holding small realms beneath the Imperium’s notice? The Imperium only survived Leviathan due to leaving the Hive Fleet distracted with Orks!


What, I only have a cursory knowledge of Warhammer and even know that is wrong. Literally anything horrible that can happen usually will happen to the Imperium. Hell, if ever one of the Chaos Gods manages to cross over/find a permanent foothold they could literally swat the entire Imperium if they wanted out of existence.


Well the birth of a new chaos god IE Slaanesh caused the near total annihilation of the Eldar race, who where once the Galaxy spanning empire before the imperium. But no chaos gods would be bad in the materium, and the setting is grim dark so hope is really not a big concept since everything sucks and only seems to get worse.


Was the naaru kyrian picture posted?

People keep talking about how each cosmic force “only has one personality” as if Anduin and void princess Windrunner aren’t on the same team.

The Light is often portrayed as a source of hope, and faith often saves the day, even as recently as when Anduin used it to miraculously push back the jailer long enough for the player to escape. And this isn’t Anduin-specific: Argus is nothing but a Light parade, and Velen is still the series’ Santa Clause.

The Light just tends to create fanatics because it’s literally a feedback loop where faith creates power and doubt creates weakness. Which makes sense and is kind of interesting.