I’m not a huge warhammer lore nerd myself, but it’s my understanding that the chaos gods love the imperium, as it’s regressive theocratic brutality basically acts as lighter fluid for the emotions that empower said gods.
So yes, but actually no.
I’m not a huge warhammer lore nerd myself, but it’s my understanding that the chaos gods love the imperium, as it’s regressive theocratic brutality basically acts as lighter fluid for the emotions that empower said gods.
So yes, but actually no.
Yes but also no.
The Imperium is by far the largest empire present in the galaxy at the time the “main” story takes place. Even with the present status quo of a giant Warp rift effectively splitting said galaxy, and the Imperium, in two either piece is still significantly larger then any of their rivals. But size always comes at a cost and while the Imperium could rally more then enough forces to utterly wipe out any of its enemies (except for maybe the Tyranids) doing so would weaken them enough on other fronts to allow their other rivals to roll them back. It’s a catch 22 and why most fiction treats the Imperium as slowly slipping towards an inevitable death by a thousand cuts.
Bit of both honestly. The Chaos gods love the eternal warfare the Imperium brings with it but they could probably do without the trillions of humans worshiping the Emperor and giving him strength.
Not everyone have their same goals or method but one thing in common is the top guys are really self-serving. Even the good deities of SL can be petty and mostly look for themselves.
Light is likely some ecclesiarc tyranny where they cull the weak aka the faithless and heretic
They probably think that killing Guilliman will stop the Anathema from manifesting since it takes his form! Infact Guilliman is probably destined to become the Anathema!
Don’t forget despite being born in a specific Era the Chaos God Slaanesh always existed due to how beyond Time the Warp works! It shouldn’t be crazy to believe Guilliman is destined to become the Anathema!
Of course that leaves to question the eventual fate of the Emperor. He can most certainly communicate yet the Throne is breaking down not that it was ever a Life Support System as it killed the Mortal who last used it!
If the Throne breaks down travel across the Imperium will be impossible until the Emperor gets it fixed(which will require physically moving the Emperor off it until it’s repaired)!
Yeah, the Light’s leadership is definitely iffy. More on that, but first just to clarify my main point: While the Light is imperfect, the values the Light represents-- like hope and faith and perseverance – still bring value to the table and manifest in important characters. So acting as though “THE LIGHT IS EVIL” just because its leaders are imperfect is over the top.
Back to the Light’s leadership: I feel like the leadership of powerful, good factions almost have to be iffy. Why? Well, if there were a morally pure and rationally well-informed faction, it would be obvious we should just serve that faction. Other good factions would just…cooperate without difficulty, and if they didn’t, then they’d be at fault or there’d be some frustrating miscommunication (which I loathe as a storytelling device).
But the story is supposed to be about mortals from conflicting factions finding compromise and cooperating. The imperfections in the leadership and ideologies are what make that conflict possible and that compromise necessary without contrivance.
So dark bad, light bad, walking the murder hobo path good? Are we supposed to all go forth as grey jedi?
I do agree the main values of the Light are good and fits very good to your average society in Azeroth, after all faith as a weapon is a really useful emergency button, just look at the Prelate of Rezan, still keeping their faith in the Loa and being capable of defend their people thanks to it.
However I think the values offered by the other 5 forces are good, it just that until Legion we’ve encountered more frequently enemies that use the void/fel/death and to a lesser degree Arcane, which makes the Light look better as we don’t see villains use it often compared to others.
Also likely Blizzard never though that much ahead to make the others less evil and just though to villain bat the light more(just like they do with the Horde)
Ye, basically I think the same, the Light as a “faction” which is prooved to exist in SL, needs to be very iffy as the Light and Shadow are in FFXIV and I share with you the back and forth miscommunication drama that Blizzard use for their storytelling. It’s jarring and just create more plot holes.
Unfortunately I’ve to disagree here and from what we see in the SL, the main Arc that we’re heading would be about the trope of “Mortal vs Gods” where we obviously win and either become into new Gods or for some odd reason the universe “gets fixed” as it turns out the Gods were just powerful parasytes which I don’t like either because the story becomes into some bad anime show.
I’m just gonna throw this out there but the light has always been ambiguous, I mean the scarlet crusade is a great example of that abs they’ve been around since classic.
The thing about the naaru is that most seem benevolent and willing to assist mortal races without being overbearing. Xe’ra seem to likely be the exception not the rule.
we’ve also had one old god who seemed to assist us (somewhat) with dealing with the Legion.
Well N’zoth also practically warned us about this expac.
Probably the Light attacked when Denathrius did the Lothraxxion (or whatever that light nathrezin was called).
The Light and followers of the Light are two totally different groups. The Light opposes death. People can use the Light for their own means, even said means that are considered “evil”.
The light is mainly battling the forces of the void, but like all cosmic forces the light desires to be the dominant power. “Six mouths that hunger, one will consume all others.” And the fact the light as a power that is supposed to be viewed as “good” empowers those who use the power for evil, but have a strong conviction in what they do means that the light itself is dogmatic and holds to its singular conviction of what is right.
Not true, many people throughout wow lore wield the “elements” but that doesn’t mean said element wants to engulf the universe. There isn’t a god sitting there like hey these dudes might be evil but i want to rule the universe so they can keep using my power. Its like drawing from a well. You can take the water and do whatever you want with it but it doesnt make the source of the water a particular way.
In fact most elemental lords are generally lawful neutral unless the balance of spirit is upset, such as a world soul eating it all up.
Compare Draenor’s elemental lords (the furies) to Azeroths. Draenors act in harmony unless an outside force upsets that balance. In the MU that was Gul’daddy using the Cipher of Damnation. In the AU it was Cho’gall using the void to corrupt Gordawg, which disrupted the balance. Meanwhile on Azeroth, the elemental lords were constantly fighting each other in perfect chaos. The only times they united was against the Old Gods (which they lost) and against the Legion in Legion. But that is after 2 of the OG’s ones had died and their replacements made a bargain with the Earthern Ring.
In fact on Draenor, it was the “life” cosmic power that wanted to consume everything. Which is why Aggramar had to step in and created Grond to stop that from happening. Although I wonder what cosmic power the elements (fire, earth, wind, water and spirit) fall under. Most likely “life”.