The Naaru (spoilers)

You already have Bastion. And it sucks there. No reason to make Revendreth suck too.


I know this is kinda contradictory with the idea that the “light seeks only one truth”. But Different naaru seem to have different views across the same spectrum.

You could see it as the various Naaru trying different approaches to get to the same end goal. The visions that direct them are not fully correct and are up to interpretation. Xe’ra was very militaristic, and took a direct and aggressive interpretation. A’dal was a calmer personality, and took the route of recruiting others to his cause through benevolent direction.

We also were not actually defying A’dal either, though. Legion was the first time we saw how Naaru react if you reject the vision-orders from their Light Bosses. If I remember right Velen also admits he had been mind controlled by the Naaru more than once to ensure the fulfillment of the destiny the Light wanted for his people.

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no, bastion is not destined to be the afterlife of the worshipers of the light, that is clear with what happened with alexandros. I would like Alexandros to meet Z’rali

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it was renathal who allowed zrali to live in a section of ember watch, the place where the naaru first came to revendreth and where the power of light is strongest.
I’m sure Renathal knows that it was Denathrius who made the Naaru angry and that this is all his fault.

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Until the unseen ones found me.

“Unseen guests”, The Nathrezim. Further leaning into that theme.

Oh, come now. Don’t take it too seriously - calling naaru wind chimes is damn hilarious.

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A’dal may have not attacked Illidan yet Xe’ra also condemned us for doing so despite latter attempting to Lightforge the Fel out of him!

Xi’ri was the Naaru who attacked Illidan for his attack on Shattrath! When we came to A’dal demanding a distraction for Akama’s attack against Illidan he simply pointed out that Xi’ri was already attacking him(just as he pointed out that the Scryers were going to attack Illidan to Maiev)!

Xi’ri was also one of the smaller Naaru which puts her on the lower rungs of Naaru leadership so her going against her superiors’ orders may be unsurprising!

Only slightly darkened Naaru ever claim there cannot be Light without Darkness!

As of right now, Z’rali is not relevant to the 9.0 Covenant Campaign.

But she might be for 9.1+

The thing is, A’dal is not Intolerant, as the poster I’d originally quote had asserted.

A’dal welcomes all into Shattrath, including demons, warlocks, shadow priests, etc… He doesn’t have any issue working with people who wield powers other than the Light, unlike Xe’ra.

In short, A’dal represents a very different aspect of the Light and Naaru than more recent developments have shown. That’s why I’m wondering if he might not be some kind of rebel or something.


There is a quest that once free, the Prince plans to give the Naaru some place at his court. Going to find it later

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Maybe it was back in the ancient days when it was a young joke.

Now its teeth have all fallen out and its incontinence has given it a foul odor and it needs to be left to live its last days in peace.

I’ll be really upset if Blizzard forgets what they said about different naaru having different goals (and they did say that back when Argus came out). It’s much more interesting to have a spectrum than just making every single one “hurrr Light bad because subverting expectations” (even though light is bad is so overused these days it’s honestly more subversive to just make it good).

A’dal should never be our enemy, is what I’m saying.

I don’t remember this at all. The closest I remember is him saying he’s done listening to them.


zrali got her revenge


For me, Naaru is a Giant Mecha/crystal robot (Like Gundam) with tiny alien mens “piloting” then from inside their core.

Its fun imagine Naaru as they were some light megazord.

I hope we never hear from Z’rali again, now that she’s got her revenge. She’s self-admitted that she can’t go home.

I think A’dal is probably an exile like Z’rali. Might even be self exile.

In shattrath I remember there are like fire naaru. The light probably won’t be happy with non light. Couple that with living in twisting nether. They’ll probably see themselves as “corrupted” like Z’rali. Though their core being will still be to do their duty of the light. Also, the same as Z’rali.

The description of the Light’s attack really puts into perspective just how powerful each of the Covenants would be at full strength. Every single naaru we’ve seen has been extremely potent in terms of what they can do with their abilities, if maybe not all raid boss levels.

Uncountable implies, at minimum, tens of thousands, and even if naaru comprised a small portion only, that’s still probably hundreds of them attacking only one of the Covenants, and… they were repelled, and only damaged one chunk of Revendreth. That’s some serious power on the side of Death, because it sounds like this wasn’t just some little raiding party, it was full on war, and they were booted out.

Thought the same thing about the Void attacks on Bastion, and how a single one of the Paragons was able to use her anima to wipe out all the Void entities and their portals in one fell swoop. Sacrificing herself, of course, but that’s still a ton of power, and she was below the Archon in terms of power.


No I love the Death-infused Holy Wind Chime

I hope she turns even more Vampiric Blood Venthyr themed

Vampire Wind Chime 4 Life


We have two hints so far.

From Enemy Infiltration - Preface

Similar to the titans, the naaru and their keepers are singular in purpose.

And Xal’atath (in Netherlight Temple):

I know the naaru consider us horrors to be resisted. We do not share this view. They are merely beloved brethren that lost the true path. They will return to their masters… in time.

Which could mean actually different entities, if “keepers” prevent naaru from returning to the true_path™.

I think those are “delivered” by brokers.

He is overloaded with anima as-is. Adding more could be an overkill.

Nah, people are just fans of Locus Walker for whatever reason. And refer to Xe’ra - Illidan scene as if it was not the plan™.

Xe’ra (Awakenings quest):

When our work is complete, I will be lost to the Great Dark.

So, she knew what is going to happen around 7.0 patch when we just started to interact with Xe’ra. And causing such reaction from Illidan likely was the intention.

Xe’ra explicitly states that she is a creation

Xe’ra (In the House of Light and Shadow):
I am Xe’ra, one of the first naaru to be forged here during the great ordering of the cosmos.

This idea comes from an ethereal, and (maybe) a dreadlord. Highly trust worthy entities. Not shady at all.

Chronicles state that naaru saw “limitless possibilities”. There is the story about Velen’s vision which explicitly describes what the actual vision given to him by the light™ looks like. Good luck finding there anything that looks like “one path”. And so on.

Unless we know the details, that might be the actual time when Maldraxxus fought against the light™ invasion.

There is a bit more to the story.

Keeper Mnemis :
Throughout her life, Agthia wielded great command over the powers of anima.
With her final breaths, she sacrificed all that she had, channeling the power within and around her to turn herself into a blast of pure anima.
With a single blast she sent out a ripple that destroyed not only their commander, but all Void forces across Bastion.

She used not just her own anima, and it’s possible that she used quite a bit of what was available across the entire Bastion.

gl hf