A wonderful artist at Bliz created four skins for Kul Tiran flight forms, all of which were amazing and looked great on the BfA beta servers. However, only one of these flight forms (the brown one) ever saw the light of day. Perhaps this was an oversight or a bug… I don’t know… but it’s such a waste to just leave the yellow, black, and green birds out of the game, especially as work has recently been put into adding more druid forms.
Why not add the ones that have already been done? It’s been three years. I’m starting to feel like the old lady from Titanic. Okay, maybe not that old, but please don’t make us thic druids wait any longer.
Here is a link to a picture of all four birds: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/b1fwqx/the_kul_tiran_flight_form_doesnt_change_colors/
Here is a link to the bug report post (thought I’d post here as well, because, like I said, no idea if it’s a bug or not): https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/kul-tiran-flight-form/126274