The Multibox Pendulum

I think I’m partially to blame for their newfound intelligence. I was quite liberal with my cushion placement on marowroot.


Got you, yeah I’ve been seeing some not a whole lot of them in the same location near where that Tauralus spawns. I’ll keep an eye out there and report all I find. I noticed some in Raven too doing patrols around. What I may do is set 4 toons up in 4 zones stealthed like little sentries then see who runs by and goes by and if need be report it if it’s a bot.

oh no that was me. Imagine having 4 druids all with 3 sets of cushions and love seats. I would put them all out and I’ve shut down like 30 bot farms before with 3 druids (one of my steaks was a baby steak still) and it shut it all down.

I lost the footage for that one too! ><

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I do appreciate you taking the time to read my post. Even though it was long. :slight_smile:


I love it.

Also love the idea that you basically have four CCTV cameras.

I actually used to play with four Playstation 2s, four TVs and four copies of Everquest, so I get the appeal.

But loot was handled so much differently in that game and there were no nodes to harvest/mobs to skin. Basically the only advantage I had over another (non-boxxing) player was that I didn’t need to seek out a group. I was the group.

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Lol dang and yeah it works out fairly well especially if I’m shard hopping in old zones to check for anything.

Homework has been eating me up so after that is over with I’m gonna go into that hardcore and figure out how to properly video edit.

Dang that’s old school boxing right there. Yeah that’s the thing in wow if loot and materials was done in a way to where botters couldn’t just pick up an account throw a sub on it and literally get started it would deter a lot of it.

lol that sounds like me if I’m doing something and someone needs a group or is stuck or something I’ll kick one of my mini mes so I can invite em in and be like, “here you go I am the group! Let’s kill it!” :stuck_out_tongue:

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The cons to allowing multi-boxing far outweight the pro’s.

Solid “no” from me.


That is a pretty vague statement. What do you think the pros/cons are?

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I used to help people out all the time. Much the same way you described.

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Oh I love helping in ways when I can and the other day there was like 4 people starting to play on the server my warlocks are on and they were like “hey anyone got any bags? We are all new to this server” and I’m like “hold on boys and girls you’re about to get a whole set of goodies” and all 4 toons got 30 slot bags. lol

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You do realize multi-boxing is still allowed, right? I do it daily on four accounts.

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Yes, and if I had my way, which fortunately for you and others I don’t… you wouldn’t be. The cons far outweigh the pros.


No proof of this since mats are as cheap as ever!


You won’t get your way because I will be multiboxing every day!

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Knock yourself out buddy.

Knock yourself out too buddy!

Lots of forum posts are this way and it’s making it hard to be a forum commenter

Cons wouldn’t exist if the farming methods in the game were properly fixed by removing multitap nodes (making them personal nodes) and fixing 2x4 hyper spawn farms that print off gold, materials and boes (purple and green). =)

Everyone and their brother is like, “I can’t farm I can’t farm I can’t farm” and yet when I go to farm on one of my 5 accounts (I only solo farm when I do farm because I usually only have 2 maybe 3 open at a time and one is doing auctionhouse browsing when I tab back over or crafting stuff) it’s maybe one other person, and 9/10 it’s someone on a shredder or a druid, less than 1k achievement points, and has sold 50 million total on the auction house in less than 6 months so probably a RMT farmer or bot of some kind.

I very rarely see any actual farmers because most people in this game make their gold from advertising for boosting communities and or selling boosts. I don’t sell boosts but I’ve heard some people make bank off advertising or boosting themselves. There are the few that are good at the auctionhouse, but with the new system most items you can’t just set it and forget it like in other games and their auction houses, market boards, etc. You gotta baby sit it.

I just like to pick flowers to make me fall asleep if I have trouble sleeping so I’m not up for 3 days cause I can’t sleep. =/

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Same :heart: Being able to attack on all my characters was never something I really needed, fun? Sure, solo players will never know how beautiful it is to see 5 Stormbringer Chain Lightning’s go off, it is a web of lightning :heart_eyes: But for the people who did M+ multiboxxing their playstyle is dead which is sad.

You’re not wrong. I can’t defend game design. My views on multi-boxing are more of a “perfect world scenario”. But even if the design were better, there are so many instances where multi-boxing negatively affects game play that in my opinion/experience outweigh the pro’s.

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