What does that even mean? 15 days since you’ve been subbed to WoW? 15 days since your first post on the forums? Making at least one post on 15 different days? Keep our web browser open to the forums for a total of 360 hours?
What a bizarre metric to determine “trustworthiness”.
This just doesn’t make sense to me. You’re trustworthy as long as you visit the forums at least once each day? That doesn’t encourage constructive posting. It rewards concerned citizens and forum troglodytes equally.
I know at level 3 you can post gifs and such so I imagine at level 3 you can probably post imgur links and so on but I’m not sure because I think only MVPs are level 3 at the moment.
fick’s sake, Blizzard, we’re posting on a forum, not presenting our thesis.
Those really seem like they’d encourage a lot of vapidness and trading (“Hey guyz come like my posts so I can get level 3” or “We need to spam flag this guy’s posts”). Granted the latter probably won’t work so well if they’re subjected to actual review, but still.
Kelrexia, I’m surprised at you. Why would they need to actually subject them to review when they can just they’re under review, automate it, and then maybe do spot-checking of the ones that get appealed and reverse from that much smaller handful.
Huh. The top post includes a summary of how long they think it takes to read a thread. Due to Blizzard’s shoddy work, a mere 138 posts is estimated to take 43 minutes to get through.
I’m really not a fan of the nested replies and infinitely-loading posts on a single page. I’m not sure why page numbers were dropped, and I prefer using my browser’s scroll bar and it quickly turns atom-sized as soon as more posts start to load.