The Most Trustworthy on the Story Forums

I freakin’ adore you guys. This thread is incredible.


So are we trustworthy yet lol?

Also, sorry Blizzard for breaking your forums. =/

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What he said don’t ban me please. It was for science.

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Ohh. Big words. Fancy.

It’s what they get for not inviting us into the forum beta. A more thorough test environment wouldn’t have let this go. It might have kept unsubs off too.

They’re adorable in the same way the cat is adorable when it’s chewing through your modem’s internet cable.

I must test my trust.

EDIT: Yay I have trust level 2 i think.

Yeah, this isn’t even trying all that hard to break the formatting. Makes me wonder what else got through.

I’ve switched to my keyboard’s Page Down button.

The title of this thread is most ironic now.

Naw, cats are awesome, this is more like a dog getting into like five pairs of shoes

It’s a bug. I’m still TL1 and can post links too.

Testing trust level:

My favorite Carbot video.

edit: yay it works.


Okay, you just past the link, you don’t use the link tool

I like how it’s so opaque people are trying random links to see if they can.

Oh hey Saiphas, was wondering when you’d get here. i wanted your input on the despoiler squads and had made a thread on the forum, since I remember you asking whether the Sandwalker dialogue was confirmed. The Vol’dun incursion happened today on the PTR and we have a lot of…interesting…choices with it’s direction.

Namely that we don’t have an unreliable narrator anymore! instead we have massive, massive cognitive dissonance. Just like the rest of BfA.

Curses. Not that it matters much. The new forums are all cluttered and weird. Don’t think I’ll be spending much time here anymore.

So since we can post does this mean blizz has started giving out free subs to WoW?