The most optimal way to play the game, is to not play it

so… are the ongoing little updates made to previous expansion content just happening because some magical fairy is dropping them in there?. :upside_down_face:

no, you said:

you’re assuming that they only enjoy playing current content.
…when there are a lot more changes made than just “current content”.
if they enjoyed playing current content, they’d stick around and play it… wouldn’t they?

there are people who would have subbed solely to play with new barbershop options.
…or to get their twinks back into optimal gear after changes being made.
or do you view those things as “current content”?
…when in reality, they’re just changes to existing content.

And what you said was

Suggesting that you thought old content was of no value to anyone because it does not contribute to current progression and should be entirely ignored.

Excuse me for not realizing you meant the opposite of what you wrote.

In this modern era of WoW, it’s really not just ‘QOL’, it’s things that blatantly break the intended progression and power balance of the game, but they toss it in at the end because the expansion is “over”.

And if you wait for that, you’re missing out on actually participating in that progression when it’s current. Patches skip you to the end immediately so you’re just missing that content for all purposes but vanity grind.

I don’t really play this game to run around solo collecting garbage, so waiting until the end is the same as just… not getting that content to me.

in the end none of this matters. Transmog is eternal.

A transmog entry in a tab…take to vendor and some amount of gold. the fate of all gear. Even the top piece of gear fro current mythic CN or mythic 200000 run. It will one day be just a mog. And 75 gold.

Where SL messed this up was legion lol. If not for TBC I’d still be unsubbed. I wanted to get my top elf names in tbc to pay for early return when prepatch hits.

Otherwise it be 9.3 and the promised legion farming aspect when I would have returned.

Yes, if you’re goal isn’t to not enjoy the gameplay or progression at all and only reach the final gearing and quests as soon as possible then this is a great way to play.

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That sounds FUN!

Why can’t being optimal also be fun? I don’t get any additional enjoyment by making things more difficult for myself.


You’ve said it yourself.

No? Some people just want to do the campaign, hit max level and peace out. Some people, like myself, want to complete all of the current content and peace out until the next patch. I’m not going to start doing Pet Battles for the sake of content I haven’t done.

And specifically, because of all the things in the game I’m interested it, it doesn’t interest me anymore.

By all means offer another explanation to the fact subscriptions always spike and drop with an expansion release.

‘Optimal gameplay’ is oxymoron.

You should be looking into the most fun way to play. And that is highly subjective.


Well said!

i did.
you choose to keep glossing over it.

Some people actually prefer when there is challenging content and dont just play the game to get the mount/gear on “easy” mode.

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I don’t like the wording of this. I’d rather Blizz not make anything “to get me to” do anything. Put it in the game, if players would like to do it then good for them if not good for them too.


Only thing you will “miss out on” is seasonal rewards like KSM+Glad xmog/mounts and of course doing every raid except the last while current

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I spent tonight running flashpoints in Old Republic with friends. You’re not wrong. :wink:

with the amount of boosting/sales companies which advertise in the group finder, i have trouble believing this.
it seems a lot more like… people aren’t interested in a challenge, and just want to buy their way to current rewards.

I said some, you think the players doing the boosting bought their way up? Same for people that just like to run high m+ or clear mythic raids and dont bother to sell boosts.


there are people who enjoy spending countless nights wiping, and trying to get everyone to do the right thing at the right time.

…but there have been at least 4 new companies who have started boosting since feb.
and the cost of boosting would have got them into business faster with the initial outlay.

Yeah, I’m intentionally not leveling an army of alts from 50 to 60 until I get flying unlocked. So, I’m doing the bare minimum, getting my level 60 to get to 40 renown so that I will be able to unlock flying as soon as it’s available.

There is no chance I level any more characters to level 60 until I have flight unlocked.

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same… i took 3 to 60, and feel like leveling options will flow better with flight… so i don’t mind waiting