The most optimal way to play the game, is to not play it

Cause blizzard and the devs and beaten it out of us with their design.

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Because they refuse to reiterate on existing systems and therefore its not worth to participate in their payed beta tests to make the systems good until x.3 patch. And then it gets all thrown overboard.
They would also need far less timegating and anti catchup since they could easily bring 3x or more amount of content.

WoW SL is the result of a hugely flawed and failed design philosophy, supported by a ignorant dev team that sees no reason to listen or even implement any kind of feedback.

WoW is not a dying franchise. The potential is ~10 mill subscribers as you can see with the launch of WoD. A really good warcraft theme is enough to bring millions of players in. If it werent for the content draught and other design failures that are purely down to their philosophies, you couldve seen its great success.
Opportunity cost. Simple.

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itā€™s like you know exactly the inconveniences iā€™m talking about and just keep somehow minimalizing them or deflecting that theyā€™re there because blizzard wants you to play current content

Nope, the developer cuts stuff all the time.

There is a completely absent legendary questline in WoD. Pretty sure itā€™s the same story from MoP.

Hell, maybe even Cata, too!

Thereā€™s a Legacy tab in your achievement pane for a reason.

things being removed, has been constant for the entire life of the game.

some things are only around for a limited time.

we never know when other things may be removed.

you choose how you play.
you can access as much, or as little content as you wantā€¦ until that content stops existing.

if people choose to not engage in specific content while itā€™s available, thatā€™s totally on the player.
ā€œavailableā€ doesnā€™t always mean ā€œcurrentā€.

iā€™d prefer to engage with as much content as possible, so that on the off-chance that it does get removed, i donā€™t regret my choices.

see my post above.

i know this.

that doesnā€™t stop people from doing the stuff which IS available NOW.

no, removal of the things i listed are weird except debatably magetower

Pretty much. I did this in Legion and BfA. Quit early on after buying the xpac, due to all the artificial timegating nonsense and clearly broken systems. Came back for the last few months of both xpacs, after all the content was available and theyā€™d mostly fixed the annoying systems and added QoL fixes. Had a good time. Shadowlands is looking to be more of the same.

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by that logic, the most optimal way to buy a vehicle is to wait 10 years and buy one then. obviously itā€™ll be more comfortable, have more features, get better mileage etc.

i think your analysis is missing a factor: sometimes people want something now, not later

Inb4 the people that wait until the last patch to play and then complain about all the stuff they have to grind that they would have earned naturally.

Omg!!! Why do I have to grind these repsssssss! Thatā€™s you. Thatā€™s what you will sound like.


idk man mop cloak being removed made no sense ; esp when we were heading for something like chromie time

do you think chromie time was even a sparkle in the devs eyes 10 years ago?

not sure why itā€™s ā€œweirdā€.
stuff gets removed.
itā€™s been happening since vanilla.

so without knowing what could be removed in the future, itā€™s pointless spending time in game being ā€œboredā€, when thereā€™s so much to do.

based on that other dudes logic, nobody wants to do any of the things you listed anyway, because they donā€™t provide gear upgrades.

I can say this time hating and taking forever is helping my warrior. Iā€™m not an ilvl chaser and nothing wrong with the ones that are but I like mog and mount farming. Not getting lucky on mounts but my sets for mogs are turning more and more yellow.

My goal is to complete as many sets as I can.

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Iā€™ve been doing Island Expeditions. Itā€™s more rewarding than playing SL. I have unlocked a lot of cool xmog. I got Squawks and Littlehoof pet. I also leveled my azerite neck up by 1 level. The neck is amazing for legacy content.

Islands are much more fun when you stomp them quickly.

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I think this would depend your play style. If you only care about story/appearance, yes, you could come back later and see the story all in once. But if you also want to experience character power progression, it would definitely feel different when you are late into the game and everyone else already been there and done it.

I took a break in BFA and skipped 2 tiers. When I came back at the end of it, I felt I was just doing a recap of the expansion, which was very different than playing it current and complaining about time-gating with everyone else, so to speak.

Experiencing content while itā€™s current is worth dealing with lesser QoL. After this patch the full experience of Castle Narthria will be lost, as an example, and Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t miss out on that.

Same with previous xpacs. Like Legion, Legion had so many cool things that just arenā€™t in the game anymore, and no one who missed it while it was current will ever know all the cool things they missed.

I rolled a couple of Dark Iron Dwarfs on Moon Guard.

One was a Mage and the other a Hunter.

I spent 3 weeks earning Exalted with The Anglers so I could get the Water Walking slot item. Most fun 3 weeks of play even if it did only last about 45 minutes each day.

Now that I have that I am just doing Fishing and Cooking dailys. Itā€™s still fun.

BTA on new characters I always level them in old BC and Vanilla content. I like the zones.

Who cares about level 60? Why does it matter so much to you that you are going full control freak on strangers who are enjoying themselves wrongā„¢? If I want to do BC professions, why does it bother you that Iā€™m making gold selling items that are in demand?

Youā€™re aware I was responding to a post that was critical of other peoplesā€™ enjoyment of the game, right?

IDGAF what people like/dislike.

no, it implies people want to look at the things which are shiny and new.

Lol what? Thatā€™s literally what I said. People enjoy playing current content because itā€™sā€¦ you guessed itā€¦ shiny and new.

so you enjoy paying for access to the entire game, and only playing a teeny part of it?
ā€¦because you donā€™t sound happy.

Iā€™m not exactly trying to milk every cent out of $15/moā€¦ If thatā€™s your entire entertainment budget for a month, sorry to hear.

Devs only focus on current content. Itā€™s not a weird train of thought at all.