The most frustrating thing about classic is zero communication until the changes are already live

It’s frustrating to me how little the Classic team communicates their plans in advance. I desperately would like to know if the servers are going to be merged, or if I’m just going to be playing on a landslide Alliance PvP realm forever where PvP gear is meaningless because horde have gone extinct, so I can just stop wasting my time on the game.

The only time they seem to communicate a change is literally as it’s happening. I buy a couple of pieces of gear with arena points season 1 because it’s the end of the season, just to have them cut the arena point requirement in half at the end of the season (without communicating in advance) so I get jacked better / more gear.

I learned from this in season two, and just stock piled points on chars until the end of the season, along with honor, and decide, you know what, I’ll hold out for the vindicator gear since I grinded so much honor. Vindicator gear comes out, I buy it, a week later they cut the mark cost of that gear in half after I’ve already purchased it.

Like, I don’t have a problem with these changes, but good lord, give us some advanced notice. Will you please address the server population issue in advanced, and give us the information ahead of time instead of just leaving us out to dry for once. Please?


1000% this. The tier tokens being turned in for PvP gear was another contentious change with little to no warning. It would have totally changed the PvE landscape if they had given even a week’s lead time instead of the couple days they did. Same with how people spent their time on the BG grind in the week(s) leading up to the change.

A more specific example that definitely doesn’t apply to me is: That completion tier token for the off set piece that’s a downgrade would have been saved for a week instead of being turned in for a piece of gear that will now only rot in my, er, their, bank. (I submitted a ticket but it had been just over a week and they basically said tough tiddies)

The latest botched fumble of a major change being the battle chicken sqwak changes. This kind of half assed spur of the moment rollout really pisses people off and now more than ever I’m hearing people say things to the effect of “F this why am I playing if they’re going to keep throwing this at us out of nowhere”.

TL;DR: To reiterate what OP said, it’s not so much the changes themselves, it’s having little to no warning before a major change is implemented that is so deeply frustrating.


At this point you have no option but to believe Blizz doesn’t employ ANYONE will the ability to design a game. No a good spot to be for a game developer. Good news is that microsoft might fire everyone there (fingers crossed)

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They don’t care about having a discussion. They supposedly read the forums and decide they should X without any additional input from the playerbase. I think this is the wrong approach.

I know I’m not the first person to say this but it should be something along the lines of “We’re looking into THIS and we plan to have a plan by this date. We welcome all constructive feedback and will engage in discussion with the playerbase when it’s contrary to what we have planned”.

I know some people will respond with “They’ll only get harassed and negative feedback”. So what. Thats their job. Everyone has aspects of their job that sucks. You have a responsibility to treat the people paying for your game with respect. AND guess what, if you consistently follow this approach the trolls and negativity will go away because they’ll just look like spiteful jerks.

We can only hope Microsoft forces them to make a change in how they operate….but I’m not betting on it.


If this is the most important thing to you it’s probably better to just take a break instead of expecting this to get fixed. Ever. :frowning: I get it.

As for the communication topic, yes it’s horrible. Blizzard seems to mostly just take us for granted that we will keep giving them money. The latest thing is the Community Council AKA unpaid labor for what should be a real job, where those CC players give feedback that they consider is important to us and then Blizzard blue post responds on the CC only forum.

So now we are getting even less information here and this forum is probably getting even more ignored than it already was. Note that people are told by customer support to “Post on the forums to talk to the devs”. Like flat out anything I post I expect none of them to read any of it but I have been here a while, the new posters don’t know everything will be ignored because customer support says in the template to come here and provide feedback to the devs.

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I do not understand the original post. This is who Blizzard is now. They are behaving exactly as their reputation procedes of them.

While it would be nice to have the things you are asking, it still doesn’t change the fact that Blizzard simply doesn’t do them.

Servers will never be merged. They have never done it in the past outside of CRZ. Stop expecting it because it ain’t happening.

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You are literally just wrong. My original server Destromath was merged with Azshara, Thunderlord, and Azgalor (now more), and they are literally one server now, minus having a little tag next to your name that says the old server for names sake.

It’s exactly what needs to be done for classic, and they need to just enable more layers if needed since layering will always be a thing anyways, and people are making it clear they want mega servers.


They gave us 1 whole day notice before the BG changes, meaning many of us wasted a ton of honor/tokens. The tier tokens being turned in for arena gear is another slap in the face because we could have farmed those tokens in advance but didn’t know to do so. I bet tons of tokens were left to rot because you can’t sell/disenchant the items, but now they can suddenly be exchanged for arena gear.

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Can you provide me a link with evidence? Ive googled the subject numerous times and never found any solid proof showing they have merged servers in the past. It sounds like you are describing CRZ and not an actual server merger.

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They don’t call it a merge they call them “connected realms” “so that people can keep their names”. Connected and merged realms are essentially the same though, and it’s not CRZ. I’m surprised you don’t know about this.
Connected Realms - Blizzard Support (
Connected Realms - Update 8/20 (
Realm Connections – August 27 - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (


They don’t know what they’re doing. They literally cannot communicate anything because they don’t know anything. They’re in wait and see mode.

This. I believe someone here said the same thing happened on Classic Era. I haven’t logged on there so I can’t confirm it.

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In all fairness, they shouldn’t communicate anything until it’s certain. Announcing things that are simply being discussed would be a double-edged sword.

  • Folks who’re excited for the change will get excited and may get let down
  • Those who’re opposed may be needlessly riled up

I absolutely can sympathize with the frustration here. I learned years ago to not expect anything in WoW to be static, or to always go my way.

My primary goal is to have fun. If I’m not enjoying part of the game, for whatever reason, I stop doing it and find something else to do. WoW is pretty huge, and there’s usually something.


Rule numero uno when it comes to respect is you have to give it to get it. We havent earned that level of dedication if we’re being real.

Also keep in mind this is new territory for them and its not being gifted the resources as a main focus most likely because it isnt one. Nor should it be. Im not trying to suggest that they are haphazardly implementing changes on a whim but perhaps by the time they get these things sorted and implemented a small classic team doesnt have the luxury of covering every single change or thought process on a daily/weekly basis. They got bigger fish to fry.

Sounds to me like you took a gamble and it didnt pay off and now youre just mad about it. Cant say I blame you but its gonna be what its gonna be.

It wasn’t a gamble. My server yeeted itself to benediction so there was no choice in the matter except switching. I was well aware that that scenario was going to destroy the game’s enjoyment factor, because it’s literally what happened in retail when cata hit… but being the only alliance on a horde filled server doesn’t really work too well either. Blizzard is the only one capable of fixing the situation, and it’d be nice if they would communicate what or if they plan to do something about it.

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