The Moonglaive And Night Elves

Ok so before you even think of it, this time this is not a “Mortis VS Demon Hunters” thread.

But let’s start with this: The Moonglaive is not a Demon Hunter weapon. The Moonglaive is a traditional weapon of the Night Elf people, used by their Sentinels and Huntresses.

It’s even featured prominently on the Night Elf Crest.

Now here’s where the Lolore starts:

You see the crest above? In the middle of it? That particular Moonglaive there that represents the Night Elf heritage?

It was given as a Demon Hunter exclusive weapon for the Darkshore Warfront!

And what’s the problem?

Lolore is the problem. The traditional weapon of the Night Elf sentinels should not be available exclusively to the exiled criminals of the Night Elf people!

I’m not saying Demon Hunters shouldn’t have access to the Moonglaive, but non-Demon Hunters should!

Ok, so what’s the solution?

Well, thankfully I is smart. So I came up with a few solutions:

1 - Add a new Moonglaive as a Cosmetic Weapon for Night Elves only.

2 - Add a Racial to Night Elves that allows them to wield Warglaives, regardless of Class. That way they can transmog the Moonglaive into their 1H Weapons because they can wield it.

3 - Add a 2H Moonglaive for Hunters.


These really are too pretty for me to have all by my lonesome. These definitely should be a Night Elf Racial weapon.

I’m willing to Sacrifice an exclusive transmog for my people. What have you given?

Did you really think a Demon Hunter wouldn’t say it?


I’ve given much delight to this world.


And I’ve been extremely pissed about that ever since.

I like your solutions.


I’m a simple orc. I see night elf stuff and I hit the like button.


I’ve been bitter ever since they added those moonglaives and made them dh exclusive. I like your ideas Mortis.


Well for once I agree with Mortis.
But blizz cant be bothered to make such cool things happen.
Although I’d rather just have a Sentinel class.
Why blizz didn’t take more classes and designs from WC 3 and put them into WoW is beyond me.

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You may not be saying it, but I am.

I think lorewise they are vile enough to use moonglaives despite Night Elf disapproval.

They should be given exclusive felscarred glaives and the Moonglaive should be barred to them forever.

Hey, no. It took me weeks of grinding out elites in Darkshore to get this. You are not taking this away from me. Not without a fight and a lot more of your crystals getting memed with eye lasers.

I’m more than happy to share but you’re not taking 'em away from me.


There will be no sharing. Demon hunters have no right to wield moonglaives.

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This the best option IMO. “Ancient proficiency: allows the use of warglaives”. It wouldn’t matter for balance because only rogues and WW monks would benefit so is not a big deal.


He says these things just to get under your skin, don’t let it get to you.

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Mutters under her breath
Bloody wind-chime worshipng space-goat, how dare she say I cannot wield the weapon of my people. I’ve been loyal to Elune and sacrificed everything to vanquish her enemies. The love of my people, gone. My eyes, gone. My sanity, gone. I have a demon stuck in my head for all eternity just to get back at the Legion, and the space goat says I can’t use my people’s traditional weapon just because we memed on Sargeras like the two-bit loot piñata he was the second we got out of jail and it took them 10,000 years just to end up crashing into the planet and beg for our help. The nerve. She’s just lucky it’s not my turn to drive the Felhammer because I will exterminatus the Exodar over my Moon Glaives.


Well… she’s got a point, though. Nelfs barely tolerate DHs. They were useful, but still weren’t exactly welcomed back into society happily. To Nelfs, a DH wielding a Sentinel’s weapon is like a big middle finger.

I understand the DH perspective. Everything they did was to keep their people safe. And they were shunned for it.

But… from a Nelf perspective… those Moonglaives do not belong in your hands.


You know. While I personally couldn’t care less about night elves this does make sense.

You have my support.


That night elf has excellent um… posture that’s the word I’m using.


Yeah, it’s pretty much a shame that people have been asking for some sort of glaive only to have them Demon hunter exclusive.

Either A. Give people a couple of 2 handed mogs that look like a glaive. ( which most likely won’t happen since the azzinoth transmog situation)

Or B. Just make warglaives usable by warriors and rogues. (More likely but still a long shot)


You have to… you know… push your chest out for good posture.