The Moonglaive And Night Elves

I have a better idea for [ne] hunters.
Give them a cloak transmog of a moonglaive on their back.

And do the same thing for Sin’Dorei glaives.

They took warlock spells away to give to DH.

AND gave DH warglaives despite night elves having a legit claim to them.



I still don’t understand why glaives are exclusive to Demon Hunters. I gave it a pass during Legion because that expansion was all about our Class and weapons, and Demon Hunters only had the one style. Okay, I totally understand that.

After Legion though? No excuse. Especially, as Mortis rightfully pointed out, that the glaive has been a traditional weapon of the Night Elves since Warcraft 3, has been featured predominately in their official artwork, and is even part of their racial crest.

Demon Hunters are outcasts, they do not belong to the greater Night Elf society and are rejected by them as arrogant, selfish, and corrupted. Having the glaive be restricted to the literal criminal element of a society is just bizarre and nonsensical.




I was surprised to see them DH exclusive and feel they should be classified as a sword and available for any sword wielding class to use. They’re an iconic Nelf weapon not an iconic DH weapon. Just limit them to Alliance only but let any sword class use them.

Change it blizz. TY.


Should only be exclusive to night elf warrior only I think.

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illidan is night elf

Illidan is a Night Elf criminal and exile.

The symbol of Night Elf society shouldn’t be available exclusively to his ilk.

The law abiding Night Elves should be able to carry it too.


I am firmly of the opinion that if Demon Hunter warglaives can be transmogrified into one-handed swords, one-handed axes, then any class capable of wielding those weapons should be able to loot warglaives as well and transmogrify them accordingly from said 1h sword or 1h axe into a warglaive (or moonglaive).

Where stats are concerned for PvP and PvE, I can understand why there would be restrictions. However, these sort of transmogrification limits ought to be lifted to free up more customization. Let night elves dress like night elves and use traditional night elf weapons. :clap: :crescent_moon:


If you’re going to limit it to only one race and class then you may as well leave it a DH exclusive because it is no different.

Any class that can equip a 1H sword should be able to use them and 'mog them. DK, DH, Hunter, Paladin, Warrior, Rogue, Mages, Monks, and Warlocks.

I think it should be a racial transmog for Night Elves. They should have Heritage Weapons for each race like the armor. It’s only for transmog if you want to have your weapon look like that.

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easiest solution is to just open up warglaive skill for more classes

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Classic Mortis

Can I become OP like the Sentinel Hunters/Huntresses in the Darkshore warfront?

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I think warriors should also be able to weild all warglaives. They are the “weapon masters”.

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The reason why I say warriors only is because all the night elf guards are equipped with them.

I tend to agree, one of the iconic night elf weapons wielded by warriors ect. and only us demon hunters who probably barely even associate with our own people get a unique weapon from night elf heritage.

Again, if you’re going to limit it to one race and class then you may as well just leave it on DHs because it is no different.

Necroing this thread to ask why this hasn’t happened yet?

Participating in the necro to say this is a good way to call the lore lately. I still find ridiculous that DH got it, but hey, game mechanics over lolore.


I’d like to expand this logic to most other warglaives that aren’t actually DH specific like the Legion legendaries, why is it no other classes that canonically can equip blades and specifically warglaives cannot use them? Anyone who can be in the Sentinels or other racial factions that wield glaives should be able to: Hunters, Warriors, Rogues, etc…

A lot of restrictions they keep for “lol lore reasons!” are actually lore unfriendly, and it makes not a lot of sense. Even the transmog restrictions are arbitrary as we see nearly every class NPC using an entirely different mog type to the player characters IE leather on NPCs while we wear mail, cloth warriors, battle Mages in plate/mail, etc…