The mobile game reveal is already showing the microtransactions

It’s a GACHA style game, I’ve seen this plenty of times. The GACHA market is overflooded. Notice how they showed off multiple units? Orc, alliance solder, Tyrande, etc…guess what…they will either cost tons of grinding hours to obtain or $$ to buy quickly. And your most certainly gonna need to $$ up to progress or take long to get into it. This is the future of blizz, more microtransaction mobile gacha games to pray on kids and their parent’s wallet, less PC games that they were famously known for. The end of blizz of old is truly gone and dead with this. They sold their soul for a GACHA quick-money game.

Also inb4: “Legendary WoW heroes have a low chance to drop in loot box, box flooded with common orcs and alliance soldier with meh stats”


If it makes them money, good for them.

I don’t buy games on my phone except Tetris. So it doesn’t bother me either way.


There’s an expansion currently in development. Diablo 4 is on the way.

We’ve known they were developing mobile games for like three years.

I genuinely wonder how some of you dress and/or feed yourselves.


Mobile game that is literally free to download and play has microtransactions in 2022. Heresy.

I hate lootboxes in games that already have a price tag, but you seriously can’t be upset about microtransactions existing in a mobile game and expect to be taken seriously.


They’re a business, they’re purpose is make money. Blizzard isn’t a charity.

Do people actually thing free games are free to make?


I was going to say they just announced the next WoW expansion. They are doing both, making pc games and mobile games. At least they didn’t reveal it like the last mobile game announcement. :sweat_smile: yikes!

That’s how it begins, one mobile game, 2 mobile games, said games make bigger profits then previous products they sold, and they slowly shift more people from normal games to mobile games and their quality decreases.

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What’s the deal with Blizzard releasing games 5 years too late that look like they were made 5 years ago?


So legendaries in actual WoW that people pay for with wow tokens they bought with real money.

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I don’t see how anyone would be surprised at this. It’s how the vast majority of mobile games, including other mobile products from the company are monetised.


I don’t think anyone is surprised?

Looks like a gatcha game, so will probably cost 100s of dollars every few months(Or $100 every month if its just like Raid) just to stay relative in the game like Raid Shadow Legends

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Why not?

I mean, personally, I don’t buy a game if it’s not a pay once and done. (MMO is the exception as I’m paying for MMO access.)

I think the whole microtransaction thing is an abomination. I’ve played a few ‘free’ games that throw ads at you to spend money every chance they get (Candycrush).

Why shouldn’t we be upset at microtransactions? Make a good game, charge me a fair price and we should be done.

Yes, they’re out to make money. They are a business. But like the current trend where every Tom, Harry and JoeService is making their own streaming service that charges separately, it gets old fast.

Especially when money gets tighter and tighter. But as P.T. Barnum said in his famous quote, this is what they capitalize on while the going is good. shrug

I’ll stick to my outrage at the model. :slight_smile: Keeps me from being a shill for some minor passing distraction.


None of this hurts me because i know mobile games are steaming piles of tauren guano.

Suckers and their money, something something.

Key words: THEIR MONEY. Not mine. They choose how to spend it.


Maybe if they make enough money on their mobile game those resources will spill over into WoW.

Isn’t a thriving cash shop like the hallmark of being a mobile game?

I love the optimism, but tbh, I think we’ve already seen that play out. Classic WoW (2 expansions in now) is run by a pretty skeleton crew from what they say… They didn’t have to design anything for those games, and are about to have another Classic expansion come out. No doubt at all that Classic has earned this company millions upon millions of dollars.

I’d take a guess that pretty much all of that money has simply gone into exec/shareholder pockets. So, I wouldn’t hold your breath on what you typed. Just my opinion though lol.


I get the business side. The model they’re going for is incredibly lucrative.

That said, it’s a crap model that is indeed an abomination. “Pay $15 now to unlock a character revive / building slot / weapon or wait 3 days!” I don’t blame businesses who use this model because they’re just soulless creations out to make money. I do think less of people who buy said transactions though.

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You are probably right. I mean it seems like to me the WoW devs have made a bad game on purpose like they are trying to tank they game or something. Lol

It’s a good thing we don’t have to play it.