The mobile game reveal is already showing the microtransactions

And that’s fine. But if you literally don’t have to pay for the game to play it, they’ve gotta get their money from somewhere.

If this game had a price tag like any AAA title and pay-to-win elements like any mobile game, we’d be having a very different conversation.

:man_shrugging: I don’t care it’s not wow

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This. Mobile games are how gaming companies got non-gamers to play games - some of whom even spend money on them!

Gamers can, and should, just continue to ignore them. I don’t play Cookie Clicker, why would I play this? Which is fine.


Blizzard is still a business in an industry, and the game is a mobile game. Not sure why we’re remotely surprised here at all. Considering WoW has a store with pets, and mounts on top of sub fees. I’d be surprised if the game didn’t have microtransactions at this point. Oh well, they’ll make their millions off this game whether we like it or not.

cookie clicker is a 1 time $5 purchase on steam. free with no microtransactions for android. (has the same $5 to unlock the full game as steam, iirc though) and not available yet for iphone. QQQQQQQQQQQQQ

i may or may not have around 1k hours on the steam version.

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I don’t think the industry will ever recover from Farmville, Zanga, and FIFA.

Ten years ago I thought the business model would burn it’s self out as players got savy to how abusive and predatory the model had become.

Just no way it could survive with a design philosophy of “Make the game bad to sell a work around”

Think I was wrong.

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You have a point.

And if they gave folks the option to ‘play free with optional microtransactions and ads’ or pay me a set fee and have the game, I wouldn’t have an issue with it.

I’ve given money to games who gave me that option.

But I will never respect this model, free or no. I just despair at how successful the model is, just like the endless so-called ‘reality’ shows.

It is what it is. I’ll stay firmly in the keep my money in my pocket on this one.

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Puzzle & Dragons is the only gacha game I will ever play. If there is no way to freely farm the items in the new game I won’t even bother installing it.

Do You Guys Not Have Credit Cards?


Two minutes at a Vegas casino will show otherwise - row upon row upon row of old people dumping their social security checks into slot machines.

This just in, free to play mobile game has micro transactions.

This isn’t gambling, this is trying to get people to pay hundreds of dollars for $5 game.

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My point was that exploitative hobbies and business models work. Because humans are very flawed creations.

Just working the “MINE!!!” instinct alone is very powerful.

Just stop. Understand that Blizzard is more than Warcraft/Diablo/Starcraft and Overwatch. They’re going to offer Arclight for free. Play it or don’t play it, they don’t care. Just understand that they still have to recoup costs and generate revenue for it so there will be monetization of it in some capacity. How much you choose to spend or not spend is also up to you but as long as those same monetization practices stay in that game and out of the others then we can stop with the “sky is falling” routines.

its a mobile game what did you expect.

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It’s w/e. It’s as mobile game as mobile games come but it just looks terrible which is weird because Blizzard is usually good when it comes to making trash look good.

if anything, that’s good new for WoW. They can probably start being a lot more lax on the micro transactions in this game, since they’ll have a cash cow for all that stuff :100:

like when Hearthstone came out ppl QQED like crazy, and it turned out to be alright, this will be the same, a little game to play while at work / bus stop / watching a movie you dont really want to see with you Boo thing. they key is even if there are microtransactions they are OPTIONAL.

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Hey chicken little the sky isn’t falling, it will be ok.

The idea of complaining a mobile game that is free to play will have cash transactions isn’t new, nor is it any indication that it would impact wow.

Seriously you doomers are just getting sad now. Every little tiny thing you just don’t like is the end of wow…

This topic is a “no duh”

FYI square has like three dozen mobile games out and FF14 seems to be doing just fine.

It’s 2022, cut this anti phone game crap out.