The meta problem, with screenshots you pretend don't exist

He asked a question and I responded why it’s bad to play with off-meta specs.

Not really baited, I got him to admit he doesn’t care to make friends with people who play off meta, I expected to hear something like that at least I know now.

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How is it irrelevant in a discussion about meta to remind others that meta doesn’t inherently mean absolute conformity to a single comp?

Why would you go out there to intentionally make friends with off-meta players? Are meta players less worthy of friendship?

why would such a distinction matter? Do all you care about who is willing to farm internet points at a sub top level?

If you’re not grouping with them, it’s hard to become friends.

And why would you group with off-meta specs on the off chance they might become friends? It makes no sense.

Why would you only group with meta specs if you aren’t pushing beyond 25 keys? Probably closer to 26 or 27 keys if you are looking at current tuning.

Because players who don’t acknowledge the meta tend to suck.

And I do plan to do higher than 25 for once.

And players who follow the meta but get carried by their comp don’t equally suck? Just because its harder to notice your failures because you’re playing meta doesn’t mean you aren’t bad, you’re just not pushing content which actually stresses your comp.

Because they’re typically a lot more understanding of their own toolkit and class mechanics / gameplay, especially if they got to somewhere of prominence or significance this season of all seasons. It’d pay to have them around next season when things almost certainly change.

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I know man. I just like using language sometimes.

Yea, but to group with a unknown is a needless risk. People are where they are for a reason.
They might be hardstuck, they might not have bothered to run more keys yet. It’s different for everyone.

Exodia+ keyholder usually the comp becomes. When making a group, usually you aren’t thinking of inviting all the off meta specs on basis of they’re actually really skilled and nowhere near their peak potential.

Because meta with this big of a gap, and the trickle down social affect is absolutely what is occuring right now, this season. Relevant to everyone pushing keys.

Please read the OP. If you don’t understand, please read further instead of speaking.

You end up with off-meta friends outside of m+ that you may play with inside m+. You don’t group with off-meta players inside m+ on the off chance that might become friends.

You are wrong.

You also ignored my comment above:

Thank you for the bumps though. I’ll see you tomorrow for more bumps.

How am I wrong?

And the entire reason this conversation started to begin with is being asked why playing with off-meta specs sucks.

I read it, felt you were saying the same thing everyone else complaining about the current meta is and decided talking to the individuals in the thread was more worth my time than nodding along with what you and countless others already think and know. This meta is too rigid and it affects the game even outside of title range keys. We know.

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In this exact meta you’re not, but having said that I’d absolutely be skeptical of the ability of an aug or other meta spec who appears to be hardstuck below 25s being competent or someone I’d want around long term.

Oh, definitely.

Haven’t made title range keys in the past. This season would be a first if I do so, and solely cause of how overpowered the spec is.

Yea carried by spec, and haven’t finished collecting the “free” keys yet, that are getting less and less free as people reach their skill ceiling.

Finding a set group would be easier at some point I wager (or even now if I’m bothered.)

Maybe it’s a perception issue but only felt title might be puggable within this season and the previous.

Perhaps different on EU on a continuous basis?

Title has been puggable on EU since at least mid Shadowlands, though last season it felt not only puggable but somewhat low given there were pugs running daily 100-150 points above title. Myself I was nearly 3500 from pugs and title was 3338 on EU. It wasn’t even 3300 on NA.

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