"The Mess of the Mage":

Nope. He’s not done yet.


It’s like practising handball against a wall (that’s you) and I LOVE handball.



Ten chars.

So what do you get from bumping? Other than potentially more people seeing you dodge answering any questions in your own thread.

Actually curious because I’ve never really cared enough about views or posts or likes to try and intentionally generate more.

Because of your bumps, I’m going to no doubt have more people (and maybe even some developers) look at my OP and at least give it some thought.

I’ve dealt with hundreds of trolls like you. This is my thread. You want to make yourself look stupid? Be my guest.


But when they look at your post they will no doubt initially think “why don’t they just swap to this other well performing spec?” Similar to the approach of what people would think going into say the thread of a certain hunter many people know.

Change Mage to Hunter, and Fire to BM and the thread stays identical.

I’m not sure the thought people will be giving is necessarily the one you hope for, especially if they go further into it and find you have done nothing to answer why Mages should be a priority despite having other specs perform the exact same role but better.

Since when does a troll like you speak for others?


Troll? I’m the one who has been asking the questions, or providing statistics.
You are the one who has consistently refused to answer from the start.

You are the one who made a thread saying mage is unplayable and needs buffs whilst simultaneously linking proof that shows Mage does indeed have a well performing spec discrediting your own thread.

So who really is the troll? I’d argue the one refusing to communicate, but what do I know :man_shrugging:

Also not speaking for others at all, it’s just pretty evident that anyone out of grade school can see the class does indeed have a well performing spec. Since that covers quite a range of people I’d assume they would similarly not be tricked into believing the class is dead.

You basically know nothing because you immediately jumped plank and asked this stupid question:

THEN you decided to NOT provide citation by just mentioning warcraftlogs without any web links.

Like dude. That’s not providing citation. That’s just loosely throwing a website out there.

This is getting so sad. Do you like need a hotline to speak to a representative? Are you trying to gaslight me to get me to say something stupid so you can get me banned? Why haven’t you just muted the thread?

Like dude. Get out. Touch grass. WHAT THE **** EVER.

I would rather have your ego remain intact so you don’t jump extremes. I don’t know what the heck your end goal is, but its really petty.

Its not funny anymore. I’m literally going to use all my power to contact the admin. You need to go.


Fire and frost trees def need a rework, but they are both 100% fine in keys and raid.

Also arcane is really fun!

Mages and Warlocks are not squishy. They both have great defensives

I supplied the website name and the parameters, I would assume anyone with basic computer literacy, especially someone who already posted information from a far more obscure site would be able follow it up from there should they wish.

Linking 9 different pages on the same website is overkill when that information is readily available to everyone.

I mean, I can totally do that for you if it makes you happy?
It doesn’t change anything.

And yes, Mage does have great utility.
Time Warp
Arcane Intellect (unique btw)
Spellsteal (again unique and simply a better purge)
Conjured food (unique)
Remove Curse
Probably the best CC available in game
Tons of mobility
Ability to force cooldown reduction.

Having unique utility alone in the form of AI is already enough to make all Mages desirable.

And none of that is even relevant due to the fact that you 100% have an alternate spec available that is currently performing very well, so having utility to shore up performance is not even necessary, you could just play a different spec.

We’re in this too deep already, and I can’t take you serious.

Go. And don’t come back.

Why? So you can continue to make unsubstantiated claims and never have to defend them?
I mean I get it, with no rebuttal you can easily get the sheep to rise up and go “Yeah!”.

Either way I thought you appreciated the bumps. Gives you that increased visibility and all that.

I don’t care anymore.

You must be looking at different stats then I am, as I’m seeing ret being better than both arms and fury in BFA S2, and all warlock specs in BFA S4

Oh my god! Feral is in B tier? The old gods are good sometimes.

Crit Chickens are better. I believe their S teir right now.

There’s a difference between having a spot in the limelight and being straight up not viable, which resto shaman pretty much is in higher keys. Great players get auto declined just because they’re resto. And it’s the classes only heal spec. They don’t need to dominate but they should be viable and they are not.

Mages and warlocks both have specs that are doing very well. My point was it’s nice to see some other classes dps specs doing well instead of seeing the same recurring theme.

It’s literally the spec below Fury in S2.

Also well below Destruction in S4


Counted, it’s 9 spots below Destro. Not sure how that is beating all in either.