The Menu Music is Awful

Log-in/character select/creation screen music is terrible. Only because of one track that I can only describe as “Anxious strings”.

Menu music is supposed to be calm and relaxing or heroic. Even WotLK’s music was more heroic than dark. I’d love a way to turn off that specific track from the menu music; I’m almost positive it actually raises my blood pressure every time it comes on…


last night i found the login screen music for The Last Titan

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It’s supposed to be a mood setter. The anxious parts are cuz of the spiders


I enjoy that strings music. It’s from Azj-Kahet, and I think it’s brilliant.


Yes those of us who play just to listen to the login screen music will all be quitting if Blizzard doesn’t fix this right now!

Sometimes you just need to stop being so whiny.

I turned in game music off ages ago. Now I log in and listen to spotify the whole time. Still have other sounds on, but music is at 0 because it has been a zero for 7 expansions.

it’s the first time i see someone with a negative point about any blizzard-related music.

i don’t really know music nor care but i’m giving you a like for the novelty :slight_smile:

lets bffr people are OVER the spiders. All of my friends that have played TWW are saying the spiders are excessive and annoying.

I like all of the log in music except the very very start. Which I hear every time I open it. Sounds like Harry Potter opening that egg clue underwater and the stupid mermaids start singing.

Cool. I don’t care. I think they’re rad

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Most of it is good, that string section sounds like it’s from a low budget horror movie. Absolutely grating and too repetitive. Fine in the zone and raid, gives some atmosphere, but the login screen is pretty grating. Makes me more likely to close the game rather than keep it open and login.

I quite like the music, including the strings, because it’s there to provide a mood change in what is going on. My favorite thus far this expansion is the music in Hallowfall though, could just sit on a mountain and listen to that over and over.

I prefer more ambient log in music, I actually play that music quite a bit when I start the game and get my chores started.

It’s not very good background music for me if I’m honest.

Certainly doesn’t make me want to log in and play, makes me click my other screen so it mutes the game. :laughing:


This exactly. I can see it totally atmospheric and in a raid or dungeon; would make complete sense. But it is not appropriate menu music.

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This is an insanely terrible take. BFA, Legion, even WoD have some of the best soundtracks in WoW


is it the orchestra doing Zelda music again?

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Says who?

I hate spiders IRL, got big time arachnophobia

But for some reason I like the spiders in TWW, I think they’re neat

I never thought I would be defending spiders on the internet, I hate those leggy jerks

My in-game music is always on. Last night I started a new Worgen character, and when it got to the strings bit, I had to quit the character creation screen and TURN IT OFF. God. it’s so repetitive and annoying. The rest of the track is really good, but the spider strings are just the absolute worst.

It’s called a personal opinion. It resembles your response. An opinion. Not everyone likes what you like. Get used to it.