The Menu Music is Awful

I vote for this to be the new login screen music

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I’m sorry but the only correct response to this post is YESSSSS wow I have to mute the game if I’m in character select for longer than 5 seconds or leave the game up because WOW IT IS SO BAD AND GRATING. I get the “but it’s thematic tho” people, but I’m sorry, it sounds like Murloc feces because it is, and there’s simply no excuse.

When i think nervous strings i think Diablo 1 Tristram music, but not in a negative connotation

I just want to say I know exactly what you are referring to and I agree. It gives me anxiety to the max. And this is coming from someone who loves 99% of the music in this game since vanilla.

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My ears agree with OP… if I wander off from my computer at login screen, it’s not long till I’m running back to get that awful noise off.

I wouldn’t know because my game music is turned off.

The hurry up violins last about 10 secs and then the line resets, I console myself in knowing the next bar of music is seconds away.
I think it is a little inconsiderate to handicap folk that need to setup special mice and stuff, but I think the music quality is good over all

who honestly sits on the main menu long enough to get to the creepy spider part?

Idk man spiders are pretty cool. I used to have mad arachnophobia and still kind of do seeing hunting spiders attack stuff, but I’ve gained an appreciation for their delicate appearance and spiritual symbolism. In fact spiders have become a “good omen” animal for me.