The Median Score on Raiderio

For fun - I know there have been a lot of complaints about and I thought why not look up how well players are actually doing world wide - in terms of where the middle of the pack is.

At the time of this post - the current bottom player in the world according to their score is located on this link - but you can just hit the last page button if you want to find the worst player (according to them).

Take number near the end of that address - divide by 2 you get the median or middle of the pack score. Link is below for where that was at the time of this post.

Raiderio is currently reporting for just under 4 million individual characters - just half of which are reporting an io score of 380.1 ish (or higher).

Roughly translated - that means just under 2 million toons are capable of timing an at least plus 5 in most dungeons.

The question I’ll leave for the board - does knowing this affect your opinion of what the average character can or can’t do or change your view point at all?

No, because I always join pugs with the lowest possible expectation for that difficulty.


The fact that you are so willing to go along with the idea that someone who chose only to do one +2 before moving on to other content, or to a different character is “the worst” is EXACTLY what regular players expect of people who care about raider-io scores.


I did put that qualifier there for a reason… though I did mistype and forgot the “to” which I have added.

Perhaps I should have said character - but I stand by the basics. According to the scoring system setup - the character who is on the last page - would be the worst character on that metric.

However the main portion of the what I was trying to find with this exercise is where the average is… whether you agree with the median as the best way to do that or not is of course up to you… you choose to focus on the “worst” part of the post rather than the main portion.

That’s sort of an interesting way to interpret those figures. Most people aren’t doctors. Should I then assume that they’re just too stupid?


well…honestly…yes. 99% of people who arent doctors are too stupid to be doctors. myself included.

Plenty of professions require more education or at least an equal amount. Some people just don’t want to be doctors. That’s just not the correct way to interpret raw numbers like that.


I’ve never run an M+ Does that make me worse than worst?

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That’s how you find the mean, not the median


The game probably just uninstalled itself just because you typed that.

On topic: I don’t think it really means what you are saying because there is no data that confirms (or even implies) that skilled players are more likely to do content vs unskilled. I think at best it shows “For those attempting M+ content…”


That’s how you find the median when all the numbers are laid out in a list… if I wanted to find the mean - I’d add up all the io scores and then divide by the number of characters.

damn. considering 3 of those are mine, if everyone else has an alt or 3, thats not a lot of subs :wink:

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This is absolutely empirical evidence of the current state of WoW.

Couple this with the extremely low amount of rated bg players and mythic raiders…

It’s almost like the systems in wow are designed to harbor a boosting economy and the numbers of successful high end dungeons/raids correlates strongly as well with the amount of people selling/buying boosts.

This isn’t to say that “everyone” falls into either category, myself included, but it does shed some light on the fact that pugs have such a high fail ratio and why the community has evolved to be so angry and frustrated from a constant feeling of failure.


Hope they don’t delete your post for trolling because it exposes the false narrative…


game dying. we’re all moving to Age of Conan. or Warhammer online. Aion? Guild wars 2? Rift? ESO? SWTOR? FFXIV? Wildstar? Star Citizen? Patheon? TERA?

According to the experts in GD 99% of wow players are super casuals who never do raids above LFR, m+, or rated BGs. So the game must be doing pretty great if there’s 4M characters doing M+.


dying is pushing it but it certainly isnt the 8+millions individual subs giant that it once was.

i understand why a bunch of new mmos are coming out soon, it’s a good time to try!

And how many of those characters at the bottom are now inactive? Your use of the average data here is very skewed. Looking at the mode would be more appropriate in this case.

Everyone knows the most skilled and knowledgeable players who know the deep most inner workings of class and mechanics are only doing pet battles without raiderio installed and it’s only noobie noobie dum dum chads fresh off a protein shake steroid injection crossfit workout that play wow by slamming their faces against the keyboard repeatedly whom are actually doing mythic plus, rated pvp and mythic raiding.

Don’t let the naysayers sway you otherwise!

If the skilled players wanted to do it they easily would it’s just much harder to remember which pets have which abilities against which pet types and all that.

That’s the silent majority, the true meta, and the only part of wow that will and should ever be balanced.

At one point I wanted to be the very best, but my dream will never be realized. Pet battles too hard, moved on to easier content.

To be clear - I have no way of checking how active any particular character is or isn’t. And you’re also assuming that there aren’t also high io score characters have not gone inactive as well.

Getting the median score for all recorded characters was relatively easy - this isn’t an in depth study or analysis - just a 5 minute curiosity for me. If you want to conduct something more detailed - I welcome you to do so.