The MAW is the WORST content you have ever added

i kind of feel like the op is talking about the intro… because they don’t seem to have a 60.
(unless they’re posting from an alt account)


if they think the intro is bad, they’re not going to like what’s in store for them when they hit level cap. :joy:


Worse than the selfie-cam. At least we had BRF as current content to raid at that point. ToC… :face_vomiting:

Maw isn’t even that bad

Wait, wait. You’re saying an area of the game with extensive dailies and rewards plus a raid that had no time-consuming trash was worse than the selfie cam patch?

I’m on to you.

ToC undermined the relevance of one of the best raids of all-time. It’s hard for me to go back in time and get exactly into the mindset, but I can say that based on how much I enjoyed BRF, I’d rather continue to enjoy a raid I really like than get something new to replace it that is garbage.

I played through BRF. I quit the game for literally years after ToC. In my mind the contest is clear.

Wait, why are you bringing up BRF? You said selfie camera. That patch added NOTHING. The ToC patch added a ton of content.

BRF was current content when the Selfie Cam was added IIRC.

The point is, by adding no content, the current content stayed current. Ulduar being replaced by ToC was replacing one of the best raids of all time with the worst. Selfie cam did nothing, and one of the best raids of all time remained current content. New =/= good.

Except the Trial of the Crusader was good and 6.1 was nothing. It’s fine that you don’t like it but that doesn’t change the fact it was a raid, a large daily quest hub, a new dungeon and new battle ground. WoD was 8 months of the same raid with a selfie camera and Twitter integration. By the time 3.2 came out, we had Naxx, OS, Wintergrasp, Ulduar, Eye and now Trial of the Crusader.

I’m not getting this logic you’re trying to spin.

Was it?


(It wasn’t.)

In retrospect, I’ll stick with Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry thank-you-very-much.

WoD bombed because there wasn’t casual content for the rest of the player-base. But if you were raider… those were some amazing times TBH. Preach even considers WoD one of his favorite expansions IIRC. Not a stinker among the entire set of raids.

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The Maw just wouldn’t have the same impression if not for the collective immeasurable real-life suffering… Yeah, I buy it as superhell.

I say it was. Why is your opinion more right than mine?

Again, fine for you but apparently it wasn’t fine for the 4.6 million people that left the game before Blizzard stopped posting sub numbers.

Who? I mean, I know he’s someone on youtube but why does he matter?

Yeah but there are players grinding 7250 stygia for their sockets so in Blizzards eyes its a success :rofl:

He’s done a lot of raiding and his opinions about things are somewhat reflective of the hardcore raiding scene.

Honestly, if Warlords of Draenor had M+, it would have been insanely popular and nobody would be talking negatively about selfie cams, garrisons, or any other whine. The package was good, it just didn’t have something for more casual / less-raid-focused players to engage with, the sub numbers dipped, and that opened the expansion up to whining. It wasn’t bad. ToC was actually bad though. ToC was like the BFA situation. You’d rather have less bad than more bad for the most part.

Anyways, I guess we can agree to disagree. If I had to play any given patch frozen in a snapshot for a period of time, I would have no problem going back and playing any patch where BRF was current content, whereas I feel like the same is unlikely to be true for ToC.

I can agree that you have an opinion and that’s it. :smiley:

That would be true if Visions hadn’t been a thing, but the Maw is a very close second.

You know what agree to disagree means right?

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Yes. :thinking:

Not even close.

Mission tables.


I’d rather be damned to an eternity in The Maw than do a single Argent Tournament daily.


Yeah I dislike it quite a bit.

Aesthetically it looks neat but they just made a lazy mishmash of bfa wq/daily ideas with the usual wow end-game zone throw-together.

They delayed it to shove that in.