The MAW is the WORST content you have ever added

I really don’t like the fact the zone actively discourages you from doing too much there currently. Why actively discourage your players like that.


I’ve done some boring grinds and content I thought was bleh but gotdamn the Maw takes the cake. I hate that place with a burning passion. No mounts and the fact the “mandatory” storyline sent you there made it 10x worse.


The Maw isn’t that bad. Once you get the upgrades and know your way around it can be quite fun. And then when you get a mount it cuts down the time it takes to fill up your bar.

Is it worth the time? The 226 conduits are not that strong. The sockets are nice, but since there are only a few, it doesn’t make a huge difference.

In the end, as a friend of mine put it: It is optional content. If you don’t like it and/or lack the time for it, skip it.

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I haven’t done TC and can mount in the Maw. The 9.05 mount is pretty painless to get.

The thing with these posts is that if people hate the Maw, literal hell, then they are doing their job really.

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Now that I got the tc mount it’s the small things about the zone that annoy me the most. If you go afk for 20 seconds you will be killed by bombardment.

If you need to do a weekly group event there might be no one doing it. Lfg requires you to zone out and back in.

The elite quest area is a royal pain with mobs packed like sardines. By far the worst daily to get.

True story: The Maw is my favorite end game zone in the game ever.

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On the surface it’s a pretty excellent zone. I’'m absolutely ok with no mounts allowed, as it makes one look to other means to get around quickly… and there are numerous ways to do exactly that.

What ruins it is not only the eye debuff, but the area restrictions tied to Venari rep. Blizzard dictating to you how much time you can spend in a zone, and where you can go in that zone, does not make for compelling gameplay.

Nah. The zone is supposed to be dangerous, not unfun. Some people don’t like hard content… and that’s fine, the Maw should never have been for them, they could have been content picking berries calmly and safely in Ardenweald. The problem is that it ISN’T dangerous. Like Blizzard preemptively nerfed the zone before it even went live, making it a joke that’s just annoying. It’s like the nerfs they did to Torghast, only we never had the “hard” version on live, and seemingly never will because Blizzard is ripping out Eye of the Jailer in 9.1.

I think it had the potential to be one of the best end game zones ever but I don’t really think it delivered on the fantasy. That’s just my opinion though.

The area restrictions are great. The game honestly needs more attunements like this, not less. The idea of a place being outright hostile and needing to earn your way in is honestly exciting. Perdition Hold was sufficiently dangerous enough at lower gear levels to warrant that attunement, although the gear scaling threw that out of whack very quickly.

9.1 gets rid of the area attunements and basically butchers everything about the zone so it sounds like you’re getting your wish of a soulless, empty, non-threatening zone. No Eye of the Jailer, not attunements, no reason to go there at all.

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I do wish Blizzard had stuck with their original plan where you could survive a Max 5/5 eye of the jailer ranking with a group.

Completely agree with you that turning the Maw into just another easy endgame zone is a mistake.

The danger itself should be enough of a hurdle. The whole “you can’t go here because reasons” (which still exists for the eastern section of the Warrens) isn’t exciting in the slightest. It’s dumb design in an otherwise decent area.

So the implied restrictions are the only thing that make this area entertaining to you? “I’m gonna get one shot by a random entity if I stay here, SO COMPELLING” doesn’t fly, sorry.

The maw is okay, nothing too hugely exciting or game changing of course but for the first month there was enjoyment, while it felt like fresh content.

But now after 6 months of doing my weeklies in the maw i’m very much over it. The concept has not aged well over time.

9.1 will spice things up a bit, but I don’t think it’ll be enough to keep many engaged for too long. So fingers crossed that 9.2 follows shortly after whenever 9.1 drops.

The promise of the Maw is “YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE”. You are in hostile territory, everything is against you, and you need to try your hardest just to survive. Yes, I consider it an essential component preventing you from accessing certain areas until you’ve made advancements to gain entry. This helps the atmosphere of being unwelcome and having to gain even the barest foothold.

The most positive thing I have to say for the Maw is that it is playable. I do it from time to time for Stygia on alts, unlike say world quests that I don’t do at all ever for any reason whatsoever. That’s it.

Compared to the promise, the Maw is a complete disaster and an utter disappointment. You listen to how they describe the content at Blizzcon, compared to what we have, and it’s a joke.

The same people who don’t like The Maw are the same people who use to complain on the forums about aggroing a boar while on the road. I was on the road and a boar killed me! This game is stupid REEE!!

The Maw is fun. Especially with mount, which I still don’t have.

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Neck socket , what neck socket . I play just about everyday fur a few hours and still can’t bring myself to get the rep for it . I wonder how many spent the time to get it . The worst part in the maw is no mounting , also the time allowed to be spent there . You think I’m going to go there 3-4 days a week ? He’ll no .

In 9.1 they are both going away. Can mount with anything (no flying) and the eye goes away.

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Citation needed.


Tier 9 ToC is the worst content ever added by far.

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Why? It was a raid with no trash. I thought that was amazing.

p.s. However, I might be biased since I killed my raid twice in one night with Path of Frost.

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If it wasnt time gated it wouldnt seem so bad… it would be a boredom-inducing stygia farm but we have had zones like that.