The Man Cave

You know what? I am with you about wearing merch. I have never liked doing it for some weird reason. I have for years now been satisfied with just having an old collection of games and a tv, but the space is starting to look more like a hobby now. In the 90s I would probably have an entire wall dedicated to VHSs. :joy:

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I just have my old cataclysm authenticator. anything else I want is too expensive. looking at you lich king bust.

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Tell me about it. I want Frostmourne but itā€™s $1,500 for it plus another $600 for the pedestal. I might be willing to fork over money for it because I think itā€™d look awesome in my space, but that is still so expensive. I am not sure I am that dedicated to it.

Yeah. Iā€™m good with the posters Iā€™ve got, though some are due for an upgrade though none are even gaming themed.

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I do have an assortment of items from Collectors Edition expansion purchases, but they are still boxed up. The only thing that I actually have out right now is a statue of the Lich King striking the pose from Syndragosaā€™s Fall.

Faces Mack . . . missed it due to the Barcalounger recliner, I also have Shadowmourne that I bought way way back from Epic Weapons.

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That sounds amazing. Is it one of the store merch statues? I donā€™t remember seeing it but I am also tired and should be asleep.

I do not recall where I got it from (was a very long time ago) but I do not think it was from anything officially through Blizzard.

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I donā€™tā€¦

But a man can dreamā€¦

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LOL that has nothing to do with it.

Since he only has 484 posts, Iā€™m going to guess his trust level isnā€™t high enough to posts links.

This is 2024 women are just as capable as men to have caves.

Please check your language next time and use more appropriate wording such as ā€œperson caveā€

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Thatā€¦ is gorgeous!

Might have to pick one up myself!

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I get gifts for my in laws on Etsy for Christmas itā€™s much more personal. They think Iā€™m some gift genius but I suck at gifts thatā€™s why I use Etsy lmao never even thought to search world of Warcraft, Iā€™m literally going to get that map for my brother in law this Christmas! Hell yeah!

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Never seen WoW merch in a Man cave before. Plenty of Man cribs but no Man caves.

Uhhhhhh does taking HRT count as making a room technically a man cave?

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I donā€™t see why not. Your space is whatever you want it to be and if you have ideas you want to share, or just want to be in on the conversation then you are welcome to.

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thatā€™s cool


I have always been fond of blueprint art.

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I wear the pants in my house so I have multiple man caves in my domain. Each filled with a carefully curated collection of succulents, house plants and rotating seasonal decor. Monstreras and snake plants are the most populous but I donā€™t shy away from orchids. The collection of succulents is filled with variegated varieties imported from other countries.

One man cave specifically has a cri-cut and relevant supplies as well as a plethora of wrapping papers, bows and other gift wrapping accessories and a whole wall of scrap booking supplies.

Stay strong brothers and you can dominate your home like I do!


Cool. Just wanted to make a lil trans joke at myself. Donā€™t mind me lol.

As for man cave goodness. I got some stuff still packed. But behind me I got Rammstein posters, Godzilla figures, oodles of Nightmare Before Christmas stuff. And my old collection of ps2 games among other games of that generation. One day I wanna just take them to a expert disc cleaning thing if such a thing exists. Just to see if they still work cuz a chunk of them are dinged up. Teenage me didnā€™t care about disc quality lol.

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I see another ā€œif I wait long enough this mail canā€™t hurt meā€ connoisseur

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