Just gonna throw this little tidbit your way, but the guy calling the shots for developing this game is Cutting Edge in every raid tier. He hasn’t even completed a single run for every Mythic+ dungeon this season.
You guys can argue about imaginary metrics all you want. Really won’t change anything. They’ve proven time and time again that they’re going to adjust the game to favor raiding. Be it the removal of titanforging, the way classes are balanced, etc…
You’re better off trying to work toward a system that can coexist well with raiding than you are trying to tell everyone that raiding is an expendable feature.
A noob would say that. In reality, there are gazillion garbage gear in the game including Heroic Raid quality M+ loots. The player complains that he cant put down harder bosses even with higher ilevel gear… that’s becoz he didnt know that his high ilevel gear is garbage.
Gearing thru M+ is not really fast and easy. Getting a real upgrade gear from piles and piles of garbage gear takes time. It’s better to have gazillion gear in M+. Becoz if you lessen the M+ gear, the harder/ the longer we get the real upgrade from the large garbage of loots.
This is exactly what I’ve been doing, and I believe should be done… This is a solvable problem, and can be done without penalizing other game theaters / engagement requirements
They force everyone to raid the same way they force everyone to run M+ and to PVP.
I might be wrong, but I’m under the impression that you believe this is an issue exclusive to people who favor M+. It isn’t. I don’t want to have to PVP, but I’ve been doing it every expansion for something that would improve my raiding contribution.
So I get where you’re coming from. But this has been a core problem with end game since as long as I remember, regardless of what you favor. You either play casually, or you do a little bit of everything.
Aside from making a separate power stat for each individual piece of end-game, like they failed to do with resilience, what else can they do to make you not feel like you have to raid, without making raid gear obsolete?
I love being fully geared in 1-2 weeks because it means I can go actually progress in stuff like rated PvP without being at a disadvantage.
If there’s a ladder and player power affects it, gear is a means to an end, not just a reward.
This was not a problem when it was quick/easy to gear even in expansions like MoP when M+ didn’t exist, yet you could gear up extremely quick.
The fact I can’t play my alts at a half decent level because they need to be geared means I don’t play them.
Pretty much how I feel about it. Blizzard is going to realize (and I suspect they already have) that M+ is the way of the future. There is a reason they are trying to make raiding a focal point even though more players M+.
You’re talking about optimization, not bare minimal gearing. You’re right, you need to dip toes elsewhere to achieve the min/max potential. However, on a spectrum of power, you’re not necessarily held back from progressing from Normal through (if absolutely needed).
The reverse, however, doesn’t exist. I’m going to purposefully exaggerate this a bit, as I think you have in your message here… There is no min/maxing, when your max is no where near the min of low investment raid logging
They won’t though. Gating is their way of keeping content relevant for longer. I still think a currency with a weekly cap and a vendor is the best way to go, personally. It works within their design structure and it has been done before. The times that such a system existed were the times I was the most engaged with the game.
Allowing any avenue of farming power gain without a dead stop has never been good for this game. And if you disagree, all you have to do is reflect upon this past expansion.
Gating / Lockouts have been in the game since launch & are required sure. We’re also intrinsically gated by hours in the week. These are just two ends of a long spectrum… We’ve had so much variance in this over the history of the game, from very low drop rates like HoJ, to just straight up raid lockouts.
I don’t see (or suggest) Raid lockouts changing; but I also think that the design changes to rely even more on a weekly lockout chest is really going to feel bad to the player base. IMO, it feels best just dirty grinding the stuff you want, and finally getting it. Hard work, paying off… There are unexplored avenues that could allow M+ and PvP to thrive, at no expense of Raid / Raid loggers.
I hope (also fear) the design intent is not to just keep us so busy with engagement of all of the farmville type systems, that dungeoneering / raid / arenas are where we’ll be spending less time this tier/season progressing our power. There is so much complexity woven in to the systems that will make/build our combat and gameplay; but I’m afraid it is at the expense of decisions like this, that will really shape how it feels to play (and finish) the game encounters in it’s most difficult theaters (Raid, M+, PvP).
I will continue to advocate for better solutions to M+ and PvP… Ones that are in no way punitive to Raid / Raid advocates