The reason there is a shortage of Tanks is because ALL the Non-Tanks don’t give Tanks a chance to…TANK!
The constant lack of Respect for Tanks is why you have none!
All YOU DPS and Healers expect Tanks to go at YOUR pace! BUZZER… Wrong!
If you are in a rush, maybe make a Tank yourself and…rush.
Maybe ask beforehand what to expect from the Tank and maybe work with him or her to make runs smooth.
Maybe get out of the Mindset that every Tank you meet should Automatically know ALL Content in the Game and rush thru it!
The shortage of Tanks is not because people don’t want to play them, it’s because impatient People that want to dictate the run for their own personal gain, not that of the groups!
Stop complaining about Tanks when YOU, the DPS and Healers are the reason they are sparse!
Citation needed. I started the expansion late, got into a Dawnbreaker via queue and had no clue where to go off the bat. DPS came and killed the random unnecessary mobs I’d pulled, then showed me which way to go. Very disrespectful.
and the reason why healers are get fed up is bc tanks keep rushin
as hard as they can n its hard to keep up, and the reason why tanks rush is bc dps will grab or abuse them for taking too long or abuse the heals for not healing in time when they die.
Some experiences are good and some are bad. The bad ones get talked about more than the good ones…just like the news we’re used to seeing. Good news doesn’t get the blood pumping like bad news does. We’ve been conditioned to think this way.
I don’t tank anymore except the occasional thing for friends because of the bad experiences, sure. My main reason for hanging it up, almost completely, this time around is because of this idea that tanks should be squishy and the healers should be healing them full time or w/e. I’m not going to swap classes to whichever tank is not getting crushed on any given tier, and this tier my BrM feels like it’s made of paper on a lot of pulls. Tanks should be “tanky” imo. How often do you see an M1 Abrams being babied along and the paint touched up during battle… never. Repaired after, sure, but not falling apart mid fight. #maketanksstrongagain
No. Blizzard created the rush meta and you don’t get to fuss at players for not wanting to waste twice the time they need to. Mythics are timed and everything else is easy enough to do quick if you learn your class. If you’re struggling go practice. There’s no lack of tanks in comparison to any other time.
Yes, I do get to fuss at the players. I have lots and lots of keys where DPS single handedly deplete the key, die for no reason repeatedly, whatever. It happens all the time, I have pugged up to 2700+ rating this season and have seen it all.
People make mistakes, people are still learning, even doing 11s/12s this is true, think about how much more true it is in a +4 or +7 or +9.
If your time is so precious that you’ll be pissed off if you can’t roll through your 8 weekly keys and time every single one without a single hitch then you better be a good enough player to do so, and trust me VERY few people are. It is less than 2-3% of people currently (citations: raiderio) who have all timed 10s IN GENERAL let alone people who can time them every single try. If your time is that precious you could also consider not wasting it on WoW.
I don’t flame them, personally attack them, etc, I say “GG” and go next. S*** happens, people make mistakes. Its a little thing most wow players aren’t familiar with called “not being a manchild”.
DPS are the reason why there is a shortage of tanks.
DPS only care about their DPS meter size. I’m convinced that most have their DPS meters covering at least 20% of their screen while the remainder is taken up by some addon that tells them what button to push next in their rotation. Why else do DPS refuse to do mechanics and constantly stand in bad?
DPS pull extra because they think they can handle it. They have no clue about tank and healer CDs, nor are they watching healer mana or have any sort of a feel as to whether the tank and healer are keeping up with the incoming damage. Because of that, the tanks and healers have additional stress trying to keep everyone alive. No one wants to play a game just to stress out, so… that’s why we have a shortage of people playing those roles.
The few people who do play tanks quickly build up a friends list of good DPS who care about more than just how much damage they can do. They group with them and stay out of any queueable content as well as M+ / LFG groups.
Since DPS will never admit that it is their behavior that is the cause of the shortage, we will never see any change. So… DPS… enjoy your 20 min queue times and getting rejected from M+ groups.
I’m confused guys. Is there a tank shortage? Is there a healer shortage? Or is nobody doing M+ at all because delves?
It’s been all three of these things at different times over the last few days. I think we should pick a story and stick to it. Might help to get together and brainstorm on which one sounds best.
There has always been a tank and healer shortage. Delves just made is so that the new tanks and healers who haven’t built up their friends lists yet have an alternative to the toxic cesspool of LFG/M+ queuing.