I think “shortage” is a strong word for what is an understandable disparity in roles played.
Otherwise totally agree.
I think “shortage” is a strong word for what is an understandable disparity in roles played.
Otherwise totally agree.
I tanked a normal Cinderbrew Meadery this morning. It is the first time I’ve tanked this expansion, and I don’t remember when I last tanked in Dragonflight. I pulled the first half of the room since I have crap weapons (560s) but I am in all champ and hero armor and wanted to get a feel to see what I could keep aggro on. A DPS went and pulled the rest of the room. Resulted in DPS and healer dying, not horrible since you rez right there. Two of the DPS left instantly after they died. We ended up doing the boss with 3 people. I have done all of the dungeons on multiple characters so I know them. As Ret main, I would never purposely pull more adds. There is always the odd pull (I mained a hunter in Draenor when Barrage was introduced) but it is the Tank and Healer that set the pace. If they feel that they can take big pulls then rush but if not, you follow their lead.
I don’t care too much about my DPS numbers. I would like to tank as a Pally more but it is other players and their attitudes that stop me.
No cares about tanks in normal/heroic dungeons
Tank was used in the OP 10 times.
I hope this thread Tanks. But in the good way.
Omg another topic…is this some sort of metoo month for healers and tanks to moan on forums or what?
Unpopular opinion because I like to be petty and teach people a lesson:
If I’m ever tanking a dungeon and a dps is pulling ahead of me, I watch em. If its continuous, I whisper the healer directly to tell them “hey, this guy is pulling ahead of me. If he does it again, don’t heal him and let him die”.
The next time the problematic dps pulls, I hang back and run away to watch the impatient dps die. If they get angry, that’s their issue.
Funnily enough, the disrespectful healers and DPS are almost always the ones playing a class that can also tank. I almost never see Shamans, Priests, Mages, etc giving the tank a hard time, only non-tanking Druids, Warriors, DKs, DHs, and especially Paladins.
It will never not be hilarious applying for Mythic groups and seeing countless listings only occupied by a single Retribution Paladin. I wonder why nobody wants to run with them…?
Of course, if you bring up to them that they could just tank to fill the group faster, you either don’t get a reply or they leave/kick you. Everybody wants to play a flex class until it’s time to actually flex.
The omnipresent tank shortage has been exacerbated by changes to:
In that order. Tanking is less fun, thus fewer tanks.
Dungeon pace is a bell that cannot be unrung. Fast dungeons with the AOE it all down mentality started in Wrath and has been part of the game longer than it hasn’t. For people that don’t like the fast timed pace, there is no going forward for them.
Luckily, there are delves where people can go at their own pace. Even in tanking specs. They may make longer wait times for Mythic+ but that is a symptom of the game’s culture, not its design.
Me, the healer, pulling ahead when tanks in trivial content are too slow: “ok.”
This is only a thing in difficulties where that person isn’t gonna die. If tanks need to learn how to tank they can go pull a single pack of quest mobs and test out their abilities.
Shortage of pug tanks and healers is from DPS NOT DOING THEIR JOB. Contribute some interrupts and dispels and I’m happy. Make me do all the work and I bail the key after first boss.
I think ultimately the tank shortage is due to a combination of bad/outdated game design and people not wanting to be better at there class. The game dose a bad job showing you what you need to do mechanics wise and it’s not made clear what you did wrong and learn from it. Even when you know what happened people still don’t learn/give a $&!@ and just blame the tank/healer so they end up just doing delves or quitting the game all together.
I dunno. I think tanking is the easiest thing to do in game. Everyone needs to pull their boot straps up and try their tank spec if possible. Prot and bear are super easy. Especially bear.
Routes are nothing. Just learn to not pull certain mobs together at 7+ keys. People are just too timid and don’t want to mess up because they are afraid someone in the group will get mad. Who cares, screw em. You do you
Part-time tank, Part time because of this actually. I’m well aware of mechanics, can handle big pulls without too much from heals and go very fast already. Dps, (lots of Demon hunters I’ve noticed) try to go even faster than we already are and its a huge turn off. Then either the healer or myself are blamed for dps dying.
Literally the equivalent of me speeding at 100 on a 55 yet people behind me tailgating and passing. Yeah, lots of pugs suck, NOT ALL OF THEM, but a very sizable chunk.
DPS dying is 100% their own fault unless you turned a frontal on the group.
People are not using defensives, health pots & stones to stay alive. I see it a lot in low keys and sometimes even in 9s and 10s. I use 2-3 health pots every M+. It’s not about preventing death, for the most part it’s giving your healer something else to heal making their life easier. Happy healer, happy life.
Same thing applies in raid.
I have had some tanks be extremely rude because I didn’t read their mind and know how they were going to pull the dungeon as well, some tanks are super rush rush rush and others are not. You have no way of knowing until you get part way in. Had a whole timewalking dungeon where I was ripping aggro from the tank even just doing basic rotation, even if I waited.
The main reason I don’t tank is I don’t like having to know the routes for every dungeon, people get so pissed if the tank doesn’t go the right way instantly or pulls extra mobs. The community needs to work on that, and helping people learn instead of yelling or insta vote kicking.
maybe tanking is not for you either, friendo
Maybe keep your elitest opinions to yourself, not everyone comes into wow a skilled player, friendo.
There is no right/wrong way unless you’re doing 10+ keys. Routes are a thing of the past for the most part. Everything is straight forward. Tanks just need to know when to use defensives. A boss mod will help tremendously.
I’ve never seen this anti-tank hate you people preach about on these forums. I’ve done hundreds of M+ dungeons. /shrug
I’ve never done M+, I’m talking about regular/heroic or timewalking where I’m seeing this. Just last night someone tried to kick the leveling tank in Halls of Lightning because after the 1st boss instead of going the correct way they continued one pack to the left.