The main issue with dragon riding

I’ve found it really hard to be precise with the controls, and sometimes have to circle 2 or 3 times before I actually get the glyph I’m trying to get.

On the point of the talent tree for it, I dislike how you have to take all 3 in the second row before you can move on, and how some of the talents come off as useless if you don’t plan on taking part in certain parts of dragonriding. It should be more freeform and let you pick what you want to suit what you want out of it.

It’s 1000% worth it to pause questing for an hour and fly around to grab them all IMO. It’s actually night and day difference in how dragonriding feels with the full tree filled out.

Also it’s all account wide, so you only have to do it once, ever.


yes warmode they barrel roll through you i think, kicks you off your mount.

Dragon riding is amazing and I hope they keep doing new things like this cus it’s got me invigorated to play retail for the first time in a decade


They are removing flight in all other zones/expacs and replacing with DF. It will be the only flight going forward as stated.

I overall like it but I think it is way too easy and forgiving. I have only done the first three zones so far but you can get gold on the races with little effort and almost always on the first try. Getting around the zones is also far too simple once you understand the basic physics of flight. People are way over hyping the puzzle aspect of dragon riding and exploration as it is simple and is mastered within the first hour of trying it. The glyphs are also way too obvious and not challenging to get imo.

I still have more to do so maybe my opinion will change, but right now I would say it is a good first step but needs way more depth/challenge.

With 6 vigor you can reach the sky if you really wanted to. Skyward ascent gives vigor if you use it enough times and recharges every 5 seconds, assuming you have the talent At Home Aloft. With proper usage, it should have enough charges to use about 10+ times before running out of energy.

They said the opposite. Traditional flying will be in a later patch.

Nothing has been said about the rest of the world. And it surprises me that people out there believe it will be added to the old world, when most of it isn’t big enough for DR to be a thing. And if they got rid of older flying, that hurts their pockets for mount sales. Some believing they’ll add it to older mounts is wild too because there are close to 1000 mounts in game. And they haven’t even completed heritage armors, brought back the WoD mogs, nor implemented white/gray transmog. They don’t finish the smaller stuff. Why would the old world be reworked for DR?

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They have never once said this.


I mean they could just implement the use of the current DF mounts and worry about the rest later. Dracthyr can already DF light everywhere so the groundwork is already there i would guess.

But then there’s the problem of the old world not being big enough in most cases for it. The Dragon Isles were designed for it. Other areas were not. So they’d have to do an old world redesign. Which would be an even bigger over-taking than Cata, since that was the two initial continents only.

I think it would depend on how they do it. Purely anecdotal but the people that have tried using soar to cover whole continents say the biggest issue is how the skybox is super un even. But other than that i would be fine as is.

I’ve soared around Northrend, Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, there is nothing that has to be ‘redesigned’ for it, it is simply quicker flight.

I imagine we would hit some fatigue and invisible walls frequently. There are islands that are pretty small like broken shore, zandalar and boralus. It wouldn’t suit everywhere.

I’m talking about small areas. Those areas are bigger.

I’ll test those now, but it is just quicker flight, moving quicker isn’t going to make an old zone need to be redesigned.

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I think as long as it exists along side regular flight its fine. But thats just my opinion. Is smaller areas im sure it could be a issue but i feel that it would just be a trade off. Do you want to go fast but controls are closer to real flight or do you want to go slower but with the ability to hover.

I absolutely would love for it to continue along side regular flight. I just don’t know if Blizz will do it. They abandon features and don’t complete other things at times.

Wow that sounds…interesting…aerial combat lol

Easy fix. Just start selling mounts that can dragonride instead. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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What you are describing is a skill and practice issue. Practice more and your skill will improve, and you won’t have those problems.

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