The m+ problem isn't actually that hard to fix

I guess I don’t see the problem here, because trash having mechanics is good.

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The optimal way to play WoW is to ALWAYS be doing something, because doing something, even something small, is better than doing nothing.

If Blizzard tuned Healing around needing EVERY GCD dedicated to healing, it’d make the role near impossible for anyone but the absolute best healers to have any sort of success in.

Healers doing damage is a design decision to make Healing easier.


Those are two completely different things
Disco is overperforming because of numbers
Aug is overperforming because Aug design is wrong

You’ve just done

Check s2 healing usages, hpal is still there after rerolling to kyrian

I think most people would agree with Aug being poorly designed for group content especially smaller group content.

They should’ve just made a tank spec. At this point they could probably turn it into a support based healer spec similar to disc.

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If you hit 3k IO, you should have all your chats and dungeon queues disabled. You’re only allowed to message your key push team, guildies and friends.

Why? Because these people don’t play with anyone else anyway.

Same with Delvers. They should have their chat and queues disabled.

I’m obviously joking, but these people don’t play with anyone else. You don’t need wide open worlds and text quests for these type of players, I’m not sure they care if anyone else even plays the game.

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Blizzard doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Just like the new 2850 mount. That will not save M+. It didnt save PvP with glad mounts. All it will do is drive a wedge between meta and people that play the class they like. Frustration will grow.


Giving segments of trash less mechanics doesn’t have to make keys easier

The timers right now are very long you can do single pulls and time keys no issues

And it’s encouraged because of the death penalty


This is kind of a strawman.

Example: I wanna do keys on my Resto Druid. It has no IO score, but it’s around 610 ilvl.

I get into a +2. We cannot time the +2. I’ve already done this +2 on three other characters as each role, tank, dps and healer. How is this a skill issue?

It’s not, it’s a pug issue. The problem with M+ isn’t just the difficulty, a lot of it is the accessibility.


Most people around the 3k range pug. Probably higher now gear levels have gone up a bit.

im gonna say it

keep aug

just add more supports

Well it’s crazy with how many people were complaining about PI in SL that Blizz thought it was a good idea to make Aug a buffer spec


Back in DF S2, no single comp made up more than 4% of top runners. Now, a single comp makes up 40% of them. Prot Pally is the tank in all but 7% of them, and Disc is similarly preferred as healer. FDK and Aug are mandatory meta picks.

Perception is an issue. People chase a meta even if they don’t technically need it, which is a community problem, as well. But if you have enough bad experiences in 12+ PUG, then going for meta picks suddenly becomes a rational decision.


You are correct a about defensives and and utility but, Aug actually ends up boosting damage depending on what class has been brought to the group. If you bring 2 OP meta classes then the damage increase is more than what you would get in a 3 standard DPS non meta classes.

This point was also made by gingi from echo

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While that’s true the biggest problem about aug is still how much they improve the group survivability

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I’d be very curious to hear how you would buff healers to address their current gripes that exist with M+. Do you know why many healers struggle in keys today? Because it’s unlikely a healing buff would fix that…

Honestly it’s even worse than this. Not being oneshottable doesn’t even mean you will survive, that’s just one of the minimum qualifications. Surviving the initial hit if you don’t also have the ability to recover before the next hit or the next still won’t allow you to be viable just on survivability metrics. Every healer eventually has a cast time for their big throughput if the tank is constantly dropping down to low health and isn’t able to self-sustain themselves.

And even then there were more weeks in the first half of SL S1 in which H Pal was brought to less than 50% of the top 2,000 keys that week than not. Even at its most powerful, H Pal was never the only healer available.

Even if I believed your claim that most MMO players get bored with this type of content, why should I believe if M+ were removed Blizzard would make better content? We had more than a decade where Blizzard produced even less non-M+ content prior to M+ being introduced. You’re essentially suggesting M+ players should compromise their fun so an unknown quantity of other players might receive more content they find fun, despite the available evidence suggesting Blizzard would simply pocket whatever cash they save by not developing M+.

There is a compromise here to give healers support oriented abilities to fill the time when no healing is required. I’m not actually sure what the nature of the complaints are though. Is it “I don’t want to DPS because it doesn’t match my role’s theme” or is it “I don’t want to DPS because healing is stressful and I should have time to compose myself?” I’m sure some will fall into each group, but for those in the former then having support abilities should be a welcomed change. Those in the latter group frankly shouldn’t get to dictate the experience for all other healers.

Tie healing to mana management, just as it was before
A single cast healed half a tank HP bar or a full DPS bar at the cost of around 5% mana

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Absolutely hate sitting down to drink every pack, no thanks.

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And this would be a buff in what manner, exactly? I’d also be curious how we would keep the healers with unique play styles and how you’d balance the healers with secondary resources.

Also, and I alluded to this in my question, the problem with M+ healing doesn’t have much to do with the power of healing throughput. Ironically too much healing power is what indirectly led to the current healing environment.

The problem is time pressure to heal. Now yes, buffing heals can be a way to relieve time pressure in many situations as it can give you a GCD buffer. But fundamentally what has changed is the amount of time you have to top off your group between threatening damage events. The amount of damage people are taking per damage event isn’t significantly higher than it was back in SL, but the number of damage events has risen significantly. Groups are constantly taking huge chunks of their health pool that the healer has to undo; this in turn puts pressure on them to ration their cooldowns to make sure they always have one for the biggest damage events.

The reality is even if Blizzard doubled healing throughput, healing would still be a highly stressful situation because downtime in healing can’t be used to store up healing for very long (or at all for most specs). Resto druid and to a less degree disc priest can both get some value in advance, but those are balanced by having much weaker reactive healing tools. If we want healing to feel similar to how it did prior to DF (and I really hope we don’t go all the way back to SL), the number of times group health pools are truly threatened needs to go down.

So while buffs certainly would help during the major damage events, they wouldn’t tackle the main issue of healers simply having far less time than before to react to those damage events.


Except I’ve plugged keys on my warrior, monk, dk, and dh this season.

I’ve literally applied to a group, been denied, waited 3 minutes and then reapplied and got accepted. This had more to do with my ilvl at the time though.

People are willing to make a suboptimal choice over waiting.

Play around it then, specs always had different ways of recovering mana