whats this dudes problem, you havent been rude to him or anything? you typed vanilla and the dude went beserk lol
Dark Edge of Insanity on a warrior in AV was always a really hilariously busted thing tho ngl, just charge into groups and whirlwind lol.
Therein lays the real reason why you want to have raiding gear surpass actual skilled content; you need to look down upon others. The fact that you use an online medium to do so indicates that you need to focus on career rather than raiding. Perhaps get a real job or find somewhere better to live-? But your kind are like glass to me; I can see right through your conceited attitude and this is why many veterans just don’t raid.
Mythic N’Zoth was beaten by people in 460 gear, rank 6 cloaks, and hardly any corruption. When did the first M+30 get beaten?
N’Zoth dropped 485, the 30 dropped 465. You think this is broken?
Blizzard won’t give rewards for going that high. In fact there were rumors they were capping keys at 20. Reason being not all classes/specs can perform at those high mythics. They would be forced to balance classes to them.
This is a catastrophic change if it isn’t a transitional change to avoid overgearing in the first week before mythic release.
People won’t quit m+ and go back to raiding. They’ll just quit M+ and… that’s it. They’ll quit.
I’m not going back to raiding. Raiding is an awful experience. Not difficult, awful. I don’t presume to take away raiding for those people that still like it, but I’ll be damned if you take away what I like from me and expect me to take it in the rear while paying you money.
At the highest levels (where the limits of gear meet the limits of ability), raiding and M+ are almost definitionally identical. There is a point where you cannot overcome the level of damage incoming by skill and tactics alone, and that is where the top level players of each type of group sit. There is no way on Earth people can reasonably say that one deserves better gear than the other.
Yea I could actually get on board with this. This seems reasonable and would motivate people to strive to do higher keys for something other than prestige. The highest M+ keys rewarding mythic gear would be fair.
i think the last boss or two of the raid should drop the highest ilvl stuff but beside that raid should be on par with highest PvP and highest m+
Then make 20+ or 25+ a weekly cap.
Yeah I don’t understand why folks think a 15+ should drop Mythic level rewards like candy.
That’s depressing. It really is. All raids become trivial, it’s just mechanical and easy after the 10th time. Hell, I could call mechanics on some fights like Illidan without DBM, it’s just written into my DNA
It takes hundreds of wipes to complete Mythic Raids. Few want to do that…
I’m not too happy with this change.
This is to avoid us all being in full gear by end of week on release week; gear is gear now - there is no WF/TF, sockets are purchasable, no corruptions etc.
Once you have your gear in SL, it’s the best piece until the next tier…if M+ were still spammable, the same ilvl and dropped 3-4 items, we’d be done in a week.
Change makes sense, and M+ will be scaled appropriately to the gear that drops there.
Yet you’re the one whos all upset and making personal attacks and being rude.
classy lol…
You didn’t answer his question
Why haven’t you killed M N’Zoth if it’s that easy?
They will[quote=“Autai-wyrmrest-accord, post:31, topic:645895, full:true”]
Then make 20+ or 25+ a weekly
They will never do it. It would require balancing they arent willing to do since it will echo into raid balance.
Dissecting my comments does’t obfuscate your conceited attitude and outright lies.
Raiders get x*the number of bosses in the raid chances at gear OF THAT ILVL per week and the weekly chest. M+ get 1 piece of gear per week.
Raiders will gear up something like 5 times faster than M+ in best case.
This is wrong.
Still, it’s better to offer a solution for higher level Mythic content then throw a fit because +15s won’t drop Mythic level gear all the time. As is, you will still be guaranteed a Mythic iLvL piece of gear weekly which is still more than any Mythic raider can get. If you progress your Vault, then you even get to choose your piece and increase your odds of getting an upgrade.
Because the entire purpose of endgame WoW for the entire time, including Classic that people went so crazy over, has had the raid as the end level content.
You can do M+ at a high level and be geared, and eventually get the 226 gear as you choose a piece per week; if it dropped like now, and was the same gear level, the mythic raid would be irrelevant by the time it was released because we’d all be in full 226 gear prior to the 1st shriekwing pull.
You will have 6 months of this tier, once you get a 226 it’s over for that slot; done until the 6 months is up. Gear used to matter, now it drops like candy and it’s stupid.
Fine, no worries.
Drop Mythic Raid gear to equal ilvl and make them rely on weekly chest too.
That’s fine right? Since they have 6 months in this tier?
Weekly chest is great as an EXTRA layer of RNG protection from getting crappy loot. Doing chores for the week so that I can maybe get excited on Tuesday 1am is absolute garbage. Scheduled loot. I want loot to DROP, I don’t want it to be on a roster.