How about some solutions, then? This is very much a solvable problem that has been ignored in development decisions, and is antithetical to the words provided by blizzard directly on design intent (more below)
Potential solutions starting point
This direct quote, below, doesn’t hold up…
Reason being, it doesn’t mathematically equate
“EOD” gear per raid boss drops at 25% rate per boss. This is not available to any other system and is a unique gearing path for Raid. All other “EOD” gear per event drops meaningless loot that is powerless… With meaningful boss loot being available only to raid, then individuals that select to raid over other high challenge content will have a quantifiable advantage immediately, and continue to gear at a pace that is unparalleled.
Progression is not only raid progression. Raiding will be exclusively the best (read: only competitive) way to gear for all other content. Even though it is stated above in blue, that it is intended to be “parallel progression” throughout the tier. There is only one path for viable progression, as mathematically laid out.