The Love Rocket Mount NEVER Drops

Extremely lucky enough to get it? I farmed this mount for 12 years on 25+ characters on 4 different servers. It had nothing to do with luck. I didn’t have to do any of this to get it. The only thing I had to do every year to have the chance is simply participate 1 time on 1 character per day. The TRUTH is that no one is entitled to this mount or anything in the game that isn’t freely given to them. If everyone had every cool thing then no one would have any cool things. This mount has an established 12 year rarity value and is considered one of the rarest if not the rarest mounts in the game. And yet people want to make this mount a common thing and for what? So you can ride around on it for a few days thinking you have something special but when you see everyone else on it you won’t think you have something that great anymore. I said I am fine with being able to run the dungeon without a lockout limit on the same character everyday, but the drop rate should stay the same.

Yea there’s a reason some players have the mythic 15 dungeon mounts and most others don’t. There’s also a reason some players have ashes of alar, and most others don’t. But hey lets just give every rare mount to everyone so a few people can think they have something special.

Yea but it was still luck. Doesn’t matter how many times you farm it, if it drops, it’s still luck

The low drop rates of mounts, mogs and many other things is just more evidence that WoW is actively trying to disincentivize all but the most dedicated players.

How many Longbois have dropped, worldwide, since they were removed from the vendor? Somewhere between zero and less than one.

Perhaps they could actually try to play the game?

No its RNG. There is no such thing as luck. I participated to the extent I chose to and eventually got it.

Even if I got the rocket today I wouldnt care… it took way too long to get. It should not take 5+ years to get anything in this game.


Players who put in 4X the effort, 100 attempts a day, still don’t have it.
You lucked into it.
Some years I did 20 a day, some years I did 60+ a day. When I got it last year it was purely luck of the draw. Nothing about it was skill or hard work.
RNG is just shorthand for random number generator, a virtual roll of the dice. Winning that roll is nothing but luck.

0.03% drop rate is beyond absurd and never should have existed.


I see someone with the mount in SW sometimes.

Bur with a pre buff drop rate of 0.03% and post buff of 0.06% that is still 6 out of 10,000 tries and even with 10,000 tries you still may end up with zero to show for it.

Why they put such a low drop rate on a limited time event has me thinking there is someone evil, working at Blizzard.

what… i…


It doesn’t matter, I’m totally getting the mount tomorrow!

hahahahahaahhaha Dr. Evil setting the parameter for the drop rate to 0.03

Just let it go guys, finally Blizzard already respond and it’s checking, there’s a lot of players here that don’t understand probablity, luck, RNG, attempts, healthy and fun gameplay.

I’m happy next year there’s going to be something new about this farm, i did 739 attempts this year and nothing… 10 years still nothing and besides the mount , i want a fun event with some new things besides toys in a vendor for the same mechancis.

We need special pvp brawls for holidays, Worlquest around azeroth not only the current expansion, scenarios, questlines…a lot of things can be introduce to this game and Devs only care about the current expansion.

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Annother year and no cigar, hrm, rocket, again.
Fix this, pleeaase.

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Since the first year the event started, I’ve done it daily on 10-30 toons and still no drop.
Hundreds, thousands of times?
I think I’ve seen someone in a group get it maybe 3x in all these tries.


No, it was RNG as both you and I said. Luck involves some kind of divine or mythical intervention in the effort you’re putting into something. The drop rate is fine but like I said I think it would be Ok if they simply lifted the dungeon lockout and allowed players to run it as many times as they want everyday on any character they want. This mount is not a guarantee drop rate so people need to see it as such and realize just as how they farm other items in the game with a low drop rate there is always the chance that it won’t drop for you. Don’t think you deserve it just because you ran it ever so many times. The person who gets it on the first try deserves it just as much as the person who gets it on the 1000th try.


250+ tries this year and still no mount.

On some toons, I got same pets at least five times or more. Got me questioning RNG. Could be something else factored in.

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Thank you for communicating-- we really like to see devs interact with the community.

I don’t have a ton of interest in the love rocket (but a lot of people do) so I’m glad you are all rethinking it.

I’d personally like to see cosmetic holiday limitations removed. I don’t really know why a witch hat of all things is locked to halloween when mages are a playable class. :slight_smile:

Didn’t get it today because of minor server maintenance, but tomorrow I’ll get it for sure!


I still haven’t had the HH mount drop on my account, I’ve done it every year except 2013-2017.

No, it was RNG as both you and I said. Luck involves some kind of divine or mythical intervention in the effort you’re putting into something.


  1. success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions.

If one is going to argue semantics, one should understand that RNG and luck carry the exact same meanings.

What’s funny is that chance is also synonymous with luck and you wrote:

…there is always the chance that it won’t drop for you. Don’t think you deserve it just because you ran it ever so many times. The person who gets it on the first try deserves it just as much as the person who gets it on the 1000th try.

That part of your statement is the perfect example of how luck not determinism is involved.

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