The Love Rocket Mount NEVER Drops

At least the Timereaver has a chance to drop from every boss in every TW dungeon, and we have TW events every 3 weeks.

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You’re ignoring the biggest problem here with people wanting this mount to be easier to obtain. It has been out for 12 years now. Like I said before, if they would’ve made changes in the first year or even introduced it with higher odds this wouldn’t be a problem now. The mount has an established value now. If suddenly every other person had this mount it would be just another common thing and wouldn’t be as unique as it is. Someone mentioned earlier about the ancient tree mount everyone got and how everyone was using them. I pointed out the fact that yes everyone did use them… for a few days. Now I can’t tell you the last time I saw someone riding that mount in game. Why? Because everyone has it and its not as cool as riding around on a big love rocket mount or raid drop mount. If a lot of people suddenly got the big love rocket mount it would be the same thing. You’d see a lot of people using them but eventually that would dwindle too because it wouldn’t be as cool as riding around on the ashes of alar or a mythic raid drop mount. The big love rocket has a long time established value. If people want to argue that it should be easier to get then they may as well just make every hard to obtain mount easier to get. Why not right? Everyone wants those super rare mounts but suddenly when everyone has one you don’t care about it as much anymore.

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When everyone is super… no one will be.


I’m not ignoring that because this mount has 3 big changes impacting the amount of attempts for players during those 12 years… and it’s “value”, it has a established value before each of those changes.

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For the most part it has been the same way, and that is what matters now. Regardless the drop rate hasn’t changed as far as I know.

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And the attempts changed from a lot to few and now devs force players to level up alts for each new expansion… No matter the drop rate if you’ve 100 or 100000 attempts its more probable to get with a bigger amount of attempts. Maybe the fix could remain the 0.03% but allow players to buy boxes with love tokens…the drop rate remains but you can no life the game to get more attempts

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Grinding for the Infinite Timereaver isn’t fun either. I’ve done timewalking dungeons dozens of times on my characters before in previous years and probably would be doing it again next time it comes around if I didn’t have other real-life stuff going on.

I think it would be a good idea to put it on the Cata vendor since it doesn’t have a mount. Btw, just like the Big Love Rocket, the ITR can take thousands of attempts too.

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True, you’re right it could take thousands that’s the problem with RNG, even a drop with 99 % drop could take thousands for a really bad luck person but that’s more improbable, all depends on the ratio rate/attempts that’s how you can calculate the minimum amount to at least see one drop.

Regarding TW, i’ll pick an expansion that you like, maybe some friends and specific TW gear to do it faster, however as you mentioned it could be unfun for some players. Agree a mount for Cata vendor, idk if ITR but one.

But they have made changes over the years. In fact, the changes made it significantly harder to obtain than originally. There is nothing wrong with reversing some of those effects when the mount could originally be spammed relentlessly.


I got the horsemans horse on my very first attempt. I support making all mounts easier to get.


I would be fine with letting players run the dungeon more often without being limited to the amount of characters that are at the right level for it. The drop rate can stay the same and if someone is willing to run it all day for it then more power to them. I think that would be fair and the mount would still retain its rarity.

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So you don’t want people to get it easier because it’ll kill the ‘rarity’…
But you’d be fine if they ran it ad nauseam until they got it, but that won’t bother you about the rarity.

I mean thanks for confirming what everyone already knew.
That you would only accept someone getting something if they suffered like you did.

Some offense, but you’re one of the problems, haha.


Well if you read even some of my previous replies (you didn’t) you would see I would be happy for someone who got it on their first try as much as someone who got it after many tries. That is the beauty of this mount. Everyone has the same chance of getting it. You didn’t confirm anything (other than your ignorance) and not sure who the “everyone” you were trying to speak for there was but I doubt they would want you to speak on behalf of them anyway. I have been farming mounts like this for probably longer than you’ve been playing the game. I have seen people get everything in this game long before I ever did including this mount and all the other limited time event mounts. I have seen the ashes of alar drop back in the day when you needed a small group to complete the raid and didn’t get it until I ran it countless times solo. I saw the mount from mythic Argus drop several times in a community of raiders I hosted a few years ago and never got the mount myself. I was happy for each and every one of these people. The grind for rare items in this game is a unique experience for everyone and one of the great things about the game. Its something that many players value and love to do because every time that mount someone has been farming for however long drops for them it is always an amazing experience.


I was talking about the 10 dungeons per hour limit, it’s limited to 10 characters per server, not per account. So if you have 50 characters spread across 5 servers with each server having 10, you can do those all without ever hitting the 10 dungeons per hour limit. But if you have all 50 on one server, at #11 you’ll be locked out.

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Yeah, another year of running daily on 10+ chars and no drops. I am so comforted that you guys are “looking” into this and it has so helped me not waste my time another year for nothing…/s


I feel like you’d be singing a different tune if you hadn’t been extremely lucky enough to get it. You said as much in your post.

The truth


No one is super… already.

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As bad as this mount is… heavenly onyx cloud serpent is worse, though its a weekly lockout so you can do it 52x a year on each character vs the rockets 14x a year per character pet year

I probably got about 500 or so attempts on the love rocket before i even got rarity addon to track but im at 12192 attempts on the heavenly onyx at this point. The fact that some of us dont play wow we mount farm all week on these low drop chance mounts. Increasing the drop chance wouldnt cheapen the acquiring of it. People who already got the mounts tend to think “well i worked for mine so others should to” these arent achievement mounts like ahead of the curve which makes sense, a time limited mount that you can only obtain by doing end game content on a certain difficulty level or higher when its current content and requires effort (or a carry) to get.

When it comes to a mount that just requires RNG and having no life theres no effort there just who has no job, lives in parents basement and showers once a month.

There is nothing unique about queuing for the same dungeon on multiple alts for the very slim chance of getting a mount. Tedium =/= actual fun experience and gameplay


This doesnt only apply to just Holiday mounts… Plenty of old stuff requiring the same thing. I am so sick of running ICC and Siege of Org. I have got Shadowmourne on 4 toons throughout the years of running ICC.
Uldum rares are I think what finally broke me… nothing like staring into the abyss waiting for a rare to spawn, wasting time for a 1% drop. Blizz needs to rethink their philosophy on rares.

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