The Love Rocket Mount NEVER Drops

And why does it matter if its fair or not? It sounds like your making the rocket a NFT - aka a fake rarity given to an item due to how low availability it is - and in actuality its worthless pixels that everyone should have a chance at getting in their life times.


maybe they could add a different color love rocket to get with tokens or something in my humble opinion. i like that there are ultra rare mounts, although i myself do not pursue them.

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That would be a good solution and imo a good compromise.

Blizz shouldn’t ruin the sanctity of this mount now that it has run on for so long because it’s devastating to players who do have it and like its value.

“It’s worthless, so let me have it!”


worthless pixels? then why want it? IF everyone has it you wont even want it anymore… You know that’s true,

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I’ll never understood the “I suffered so everyone else should” mentality. No wonder the world is so messed up when so many people think like this. I have the MoP world boss mounts which I farmed to get. I’d have no issue if they at least doubled the drop rate so others who can’t no life the game have a shot.


Same, but not “100’s” probably. It has been those same mounts, over the years, that have sorely vexed me!

I think things like that, especially when far in the past, should maybe take 15 times to get. It is like how I heard they made the Legion paragon mounts way more common now; though this still has not been the case for me the few times I’ve tried on Dreamweaver’s, Nightfallen’s, and Farondis’ (the last paragon “rare drops” I have to get), since coming back.

OH yeah! That one too! I lived in Mechagon, when that content was new. Even so, I’ve had no luck with Rustfeather’s mount.

Though I’ve gained all the rest (from both Arathi and Darkshore), at a supposed 7 percent drop rate, I still don’t have the stupid Donkey from Krix in Arathi either:

Blizzard said in the past they would not do that, not wanting to add “push”/whatever to a drop rate if you don’t have it yet. I have no idea if this has/would change(d); I think it is a good idea! :wink:

WOOT! Finally got Cloudwing Hyp. (Farondis Paragon Cache.)

Did Dreamweavers and Farondis Paragons just now, got Couldwing mount. Dreamweavers and Nightfallen left to get, now.

327/350 mounts! No Stable Big Enough.


Blizzard is drastically changing. Shedding it’s old guard because some of them couldn’t keep hands to themselves. Some due to retirement or going somewhere else.

So the same people who have said things in the past could likely not even be there when they do something about the love rocket next year.

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Some people get it within their first few tries and some people get it after a few years. No one ever expected it to drop when it did drop for them. I understand the frustration, believe me. It took me 12 years to get it running it on 25+ characters and every year for the longest I would level up new characters just to have another chance for it. I think the problem with this is too many people are looking at this mount as something they deserve to have based on the amount of time they’ve put into getting it. I get that, but the person who got it on their first try and the person who got it on their 5000th try both deserve it. That is part of the unique value of this mount. Now I will say had they changed the drop rate the FIRST YEAR instead of thinking about doing something 12 years later this wouldn’t be an issue. Now that it has been this long they risk devaluing the mount to all the players who obtained it before any change that may come later. If I logged in next year and saw 20 people in one place with this mount who all got it that year then this mount wouldn’t mean that much to me anymore. Its not that I don’t want everyone to have it that wants it. I just want it to retain its rare value. Like I said, if you get it on your first try I’m happy for you. That is whats great about this mount. It literally can drop for anyone at any time. I had someone tell me yesterday in game that it dropped for their friend twice already this year. I believe it because a friend of mine had 2 headless horseman mounts drop for her in the same year and I was there when the both dropped. Certain items in this game retain a unique value because of the history of the item. That value needs to be protected and preserved.

Did you know that as per your view? this mount actually has 3 tiers of value…

  1. Player who got it during the first iteration on which you could spam the dungeon with a single character.
  2. Player who got it when the LFG was introduced and the daily attempt per character, only 14+ lvl.
  3. Player who got it after patch 7.3.5 on which Devs created a minimum level that will move each expansion forcing players to relevel alts.

A lot of players that complain about changes ignore this fact, we need a scenario on which a player with 1 character has the same possibilites that armies of alts,that was the first iteration of the event, still the drop rate since the start was too low and there’ll be complains but less if they never changed it.

Based on your value if i got it now, Does it has more value that players that got it during first iteration? They could spam it with a single character doing more that 50 attempts per day with a single account… it’s unfair too haha so should i link the achievement when i mount on /yell to prove that my mount has more value that other player?


I got the HH mount the very first year on my very first run.

All of that actually adds to its value. The drop rate hasn’t changed (as far as I know). People have been farming for it since the beginning and regardless of when you got it, it still was a rare thing to happen regardless of how many times you tried. As I said, some people get it fast and some don’t. Its all RNG since the beginning.

So your concept of value it’s only from the drop rate and not the amount of attempts, because anything regarding value like winning the lottery depends on the amount of attempts, you’re ignoring 50% of the value by just taking the drop rate as metric, if i bought 99% of all the tickets for the lottery, i would probably win the prize.

On this case players had several years with more barriers, instead of the first scenario which provided the same field for everyone, if Blizzard removes the daily lock out and you could spam it, there’ll people like you talking about diminish value.


That limit is 10 characters per wow account per server, so best to not put more than 10 per server, so you can keep trucking even with 50 on a single account. Or if you have multiple wow accounts, you can just switch if you have more than 10 on a single server.

This limit was removed some time ago. The only limit in place is 50 per account now, but there is no longer a limit per server.

1 make it 1% drop
2 add extra week with the new drop rate to event
3 might still miss out but see end of grind in sight

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If someone runs the event with 25+ characters for 10+ years, they do deserve the mount, they deserved it years ago lol

Don’t get me wrong, as i said in my first comment, i love collecting and i love the grind but sub 1% drops need to go die in a fire somewhere, just because you got lucky and won the lottery, it doesn’t mean that the system works.


Do this for all mount drops in game.



Imo this only showcases how bland the game has become when most of you are only playing for a mount you are only going to use one week out of the year.

Ah yes, the Timereaver, the mount that was handed out to everybody the first day or so of Timewalking and that got its droprate hotfixed down to nothing. :frowning_face:

Wait really?