The Love Rocket Mount NEVER Drops

Exactly, i got mechadone before that change, i got mad at Devs for my time but not to other players, actually i’m happy that they have a better field compared to the insane drops % that meta achievement had before 9.1.5


The problem is not getting the cloth helmet, it’s getting it on a cloth wearer.

LOL I never heard about the nerf, I got the achieve on 11\21\20 so I should be angry but I’m not cause I knew 12 zillion people would have the mount eventually. I think I used it once when I got the achieve.

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no. more like make it a random chance u get the quest and the quest changes every time. these devs are so GD fond of RNG, so now they can use RNG for the quest that drop or are found by opening a random object - make the quests like the randomly changing dungeons of diablo 1 - the original where none were the same.

Yup, got it pre-nerf as well, saw the announcement, shrugged and went on my day knowing others wouldn’t have to endure such hellish low drop rates.


No I want it because I want to go up to my bf and ask him if he wants to ride my pink rocket. I don’t care how rare it is.

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suggestion for low drop rate mounts. have specific mount currency. a bad luck protection currency. so that if you kill the thing like 100 times on one character and it doesn’t drop. you just get it. OR instead of a currency. have the bad luck protection be an achievement that tracks how many attempts the account has made. after 100-1000 attempts. you just get the mount. it could drop before that but the bad luck protection guarantee’s you will get it after enough tries. and do that for ALL low drop rate mounts. every attempt is progress towards the reward and not just another shot in the dark of hitting the lottery. not a gambling pull of a slot machine.

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Bad luck protection isn’t a bad idea. Lots of games have that.


The fact that it isn’t cosmetic or transmoggable yet makes that moot. Any armor type can equip it, ie all your bank alts.



I have a guy in my guild who runs 8 accounts, and if you could run more he probably would, has like 450 characters and STILL doesn’t have this mount.

I didn’t know this. I just thought it would be the same as the HH helmet because why wouldn’t it be.

I read through the thread and didn’t see anyone tell you exactly why the color of the box matters, and I hope your 170+ toons were all of the minimum level to be able to try for it.

The box that dropped for your level 10 had a 0% chance of containing the mount. Only those toons level 50-60 can have the mount drop for them. Anyone who makes a legion of alts to try for the mount, but doesn’t know to level them up first, will never get the mount no matter how hard they try or for how long.


my main problem with this rocket is that they’re very outdated. Same with the other holiday mounts (and holidays in general).

Another alternative solution would be to add more mounts over the years to these holidays…or treat them the same way as the island expeditions, where you can use the holiday’s currency to purchase a certain amount of “boxes” that could contain some rewards like the mount(s). Those types of systems work just fine if you ask me.

What I would really like to see happen is that the mount drop chance remains low, but you could add it to a box (described above) for a couple extra shots a week…and that you guys update the holidays, and give us some new mounts to earn…maybe even a new violet proto drake for a new holiday meta achievement :revolving_hearts:


40 odd alts run every day for 2 years. Fewer alts for years before that. I have actually seen it drop twice. * cries*

I remember a bunch of people waited everyday for Rustfeather to spawn in Mechagon.

Such a fun system to wait for spawns and RNG all day. Imo if the drop rate is going to be abysmally low, people shouldn’t have to wait for spawn times. That would help without changing the drop rates much. Also telling us what chests are available for the day would be nice. Most people don’t want to fly around a bunch of zones to see what chests spawned or what rares are up.

Make it change by each day of the week so there’s always something new but also predictable. And as far as the love rocket goes, 0.03% is a disgrace. I think it seriously was a typo


I probably killed Rustfeather 100+ times before I finally gave up. Just not worth it for me, an adult with a full time job, school, and other responsibilities.


Hell with the rocket. I always thought it was dumb being a 1 seat-er anyways.

How about returning rewards from these to a usable level again, like the rewards from the anniversary.

“You have entered too many instances recently.”


lol all this crazy about the love rocket. Would you guys even use it if it became a common drop and was no longer so rare? I doubt it. Personally, I’d only use it if I had a character in all pink. (None of those) Or I was trying to tease one of my friends who prepared like 20 alts. for this event. Hah!

I agree. I gave up on Huolon years ago.