The Love Rocket Mount NEVER Drops

Sorry, we just don’t share the same view on this at all.

I own a mount that is significantly rarer than the love rocket and I would love to see that mount come back into the game so everyone can have a chance to obtain it. I don’t think the mount is “more valuable” or cool simply because <1% of the player base has it, I think the mount is awesome because I like the look of it.

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This is exactly what happens in FF14. Not only new items but new questlines lol. And guess what? There is no rng, everyone gets the fun new stuff after they complete the event. Every holiday every player has something new to do and can easily get every item. That’s what WoW should be providing as well. WoW is a subscription game just like FF, but the only thing they give more of is rng and restrictions :rofl:


This thread: people that think 0.03% drop is too low

Also this thread: people that have the mount and don’t want others to have it


Yea I saw those wandering ancient parades for like 3 days… not a strong argument there. You know what I don’t see often? Big love rocket mounts. Why? Because they weren’t handed out to everyone and the rarity of the mount has endured since the beginning. You want something given to you by virtue of the fact you like the way it looks. Sorry it doesn’t work that way. I have farmed more things than this that took me days, months and even years to obtain. I started a community of raiders to farm mythic Antorus for months just for the chance at the mount that drops off Mythic Argus. Did I get the mount? Nope. But I saw about 5 other players in my community get it before I decided to stop running it. I was happy for them. I put in a lot of time and work playing with hundreds of other players in multiple runs of this one single raid every week for months and never got the item. Do I think it should be easier to get? Absolutely not. Rare items should be rare and hard to get. This wouldn’t be a problem if they would’ve made a change to this very early on but the fact it has gone on now for 12 years is now problematic if they decide to suddenly make it much easier to obtain.

Nowhere has anyone said they don’t want others to have it. It took me 12 years to get it. If someone gets it on their first try I’m happy for them. That is the uniqueness of this mount and other items in the game.

As stated 100 posts ago.

Just make it a 1% drop rate. Nothing in this game should be < 1%.

0.03% is way too low. That is just colossal waste of time levels of low.


While the rarest mount I own is probably from Sha of Anger, as I sit here and open my 4804 Heart-Shaped Box, even if I got in from the next queue that pops, I wouldn’t want to wish this on my worst enemy.

Honestly, even if I had it and they made it 100% drop I would be glad everyone could enjoy it.
I really don’t understand how some people who have something that is completely RNG dependent are so adamant about “I did this the hard way and basically won the lottery, so screw your luck!”
You really shouldn’t need to feel validated because you have something rare, but if you do, make it something that came down to more then just your luck at right clicking.

If you really want to show how awesome you have things, have things like the Black Scarab, ToC mount, PVP Mounts (maybe? I don’t PVP) and some other unobtainable items.
Or if you can get something that’s current that most people won’t get like Mythic mounts, flash those off for a year or two before moving onto the next big thing.


One mount to rule them all.

It’s such garbage that it has taken a new president and soon a new parent company before they will even just look at some of the random garbage RNG this game offers.

For the love of god make it a 1% drop
Rate it’s a two week event!!! One toon per day that’s not unreasonable


Not just the holiday events, but basically everything. It’s been said 100000000000 times.

You have player base A who thinks RNG is fine either because they are sadistic or they own said item that is being discussed and they want to keep their ‘rare’ item for it to be as rare as possible so they can show off.

And than you have player base B who make a good point, things are not really rare, we only make them rare and after enough years if someone is calling something rare, than maybe they really do just want to keep their shiny to themselves.

And than you have player base C who don’t really care either way.

For example I am still chasing the Ji-Kun mount, been on and off farming that raid since MoP was live and ONCE I have seen that mount drop, once ever. Some weeks I send 3-4 characters in there and have had 5 Horridon mounts drop, 2 of the snail toys and more than 3 of each of the pets that drop from those 2 bosses, but once ever way back in MoP days have I seen Ji-Kun.

“But it’s rare!”. No, no it’s not. They have a reskin available in the BFA version of Vale, that alone automatically makes Ji-Kun no longer rare. Add in that it is just short of 9 years since that raid dropped, there is no reason that mount should be a crappy drop rate with no fail safe.

Look at Invincible, I see that mount everywhere and no one cares, no one is making posts about it not being a super rare mount, no one really cares. Because if people cared about these fake rare items than you would see people complaining the drop rate is too high or too many people have these mounts.

Current content should stay low drop rate, or for CE mounts 100% since they are hard to obtain. But once they hit legacy content who here actually cares if some dude has Ashes or the Firelands Ragnaros mount? I have the firebird mount, and I love it and it’s by far my favourite mount, anything else for me is just a +1 and since I love farming mounts it’s mostly now that I have minimal mounts left to get all just a waste of time.

And by that I don’t mean I am wasting time farming the mounts, but I am wasting time not playing current content. I want to get my alts more gear, more things done with covenants, more stuff in Korthia, but than that means less time farming old content that means nothing to most people.


So why are you upset at people actually being to obtain by increasing the drop rate to something reasonable?

I think holiday items should be a 100% drop rate. It isn’t acceptable for them to be something you have to grind for on multiple alts


Here’s the deal: Yes, it is ridiculously rare. But you will never see it drop for someone else because everybody has already left the instance before they open their box. With rares like the Sha of Anger and Huolon, if there’s a crowd there, they are overjoyed and link to the mount when they get it.

100% is a tad too high, but 0.03% is abysmal. Either RNG or some bad luck protection still need to play a part or no one is going to run the queue anymore. And once everyone runs one, that’s it, GG to anyone who is late to the part and doesn’t have friends.

All mount, pet and transmog stuff needs to change, there is really no reason why people are STILL to this day trying to get things like the Chromatic sword, which I have, but in all honesty have never once seen someone use as a transmog, or at least I never noticed, and that things is about as ancient an item that you can get.

Wrong. If you stick around for at least 30 seconds you will regularly see in chat ‘X has received [Love Token] x 6’ or whatever it says. People regularly open that box in the dungeon.

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As long as the content is queable people will run it.

I have never been in one where there was anyone left in the instance besides me at 10 seconds. Everybody immediately leaves to log in to the next character.

As long as there is something worth collecting, people will run it.

I’ve been running this now 13 times a day and maybe half of the times I stick around I see at least one person open the box in the instance. You won’t always see all 4 of them do it, it varies, but it happens.

People are going to run it for tokens or the mount regardless of the mount’s drop rate and even if the queue is an hour long this is still preferable to running multiple characters through the boss in the same time frame

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And once they have all the store transmog, pets and other associated items, and in this instance the mount, the cloth helmet and the toy (which I had no idea even existed until surprisingly I got 2 of them), no one is really going to run the instance. If everyone had the mount from their next queue you might find some sadists who just enjoy the content, but it will be a far cry from the 1-3 minute queue time we see.

I totally forgot about this event until the blue font caught my eye. :sleepy: so many lost tries.

Has anyone ever seen the rocket drop for someone else while still in the instance? Does it actually show in the chat log?